16 Replies to “The Untold Story”

  1. “Africa needs to pay reparations to Britain”

    No need, Africa and the Middle East will own the UK in the near future. Slavery will come full circle as Brits have already submitted

    1. Sadly … the Brits are behaving like slaves. And just wait till Labor get ahold of them …

  2. My wife’s gg uncle died in 1867 in the Royal Navy, of fever off the coast of Nigeria, fighting the slave trade. That was 60 years after the slave trade ended in the Empire. The ships they were stopping weren’t necessarily British. My father and a couple uncles fought the Nazis. Our family paid our reparations. How about punishing the Africans who sold the slaves.

    1. They say Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test showed she was 1/256th Native American … which pretty much every living American can claim. Let’s try that with African DNA … I’ll probably be able to find 1/256th in my bloodstream. Now where’s my check, dammitt!!

      1. Chinese women on welfare, driving a late model Mercedes … that’s the CA road hazard

  3. Look no further than Barak Obama a direct descendant of Slave Trading Black Muslims.
    Sold as the answer to “America’s history of Slavery”..
    Guess it depends what the question was.
    Has anything good ever come out of Africa?

  4. Hmmm.. The Royal Navy, at great cost and over a great many years.. Ended slavey on the high seas.. For that high crime of caring, they are GUILTY of the sins of slavery..

    That’s what they get for taking a stand.. Sitting duck.. The only ones who didn’t run away with 5 bucks in their pockets.. = Idiots..

  5. Just like our frickin indians here, reparations and reconciliation only goes one way.

  6. Is Chris Moise from or a descendent of Ghana? because that might explain a lot about Sankofa

  7. So the evil imperialists destroyed an indigenous industry? Cry for Wakanda

  8. White people didn’t start slavery, they perpetuated it for a while, but it was ultimately the whites that put a stop to it, the remaining slavery that still exists in the world, isn’t practiced by white people..

  9. It was really Britain followed by the US that put an end to the slave trade. It continued in various forms in a number of countries into the late 20th century. But the inveterate and vile institution was erased by British, European and US efforts throughout the world, a feat never before accomplished, and with fierce opposition from the slave nations and peoples, especially the Arabs and Africans.
