27 Replies to “Ahh, Summer In Germany”

  1. Oh don’t be such a colonialist! The highly respected and loved, President Biden puts this “tragedy” in complete perspective …

    Look, there’s so many young women who have been, including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in, they talk about that. But here’s the deal. There’s a lot of young women being raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by, it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they try to arrest them on the cross state line

  2. Like most adults, even us conservative types, I actually don’t really care much about other people’s sexual orientation as long as you don’t try and involve kids in it somehow. This may shock and disappoint the ABC community to no end to know that us evil, nasty, White Supremacist Neo Nazi types(which they think of anyone who doesn’t display ABC flags and facial tats) are just as pissed off and mad because two young women were violently assaulted on a night out celebrating a birthday. And WS is one of few Canadian news outlets to even mention the incident never mind the Syrian thugs who were behind it. I first read about this in an ENGLISH newspaper complete with photos. Still wondering how the CBC is going to present this. Must have been a couple of fascist Syrians among the good ones we’ve taken in I guess? /s

    1. Yes, back into the closet. Which the LGBTQueers have demonized and made into their victimhood. But let me rephrase .. “back into your cubicle”. I don’t want to hear it or see it … just like me. You’ll never hear about my heterosexual proclivities. Nobody’s business … and it’s wayyyyyyy down on my personal “pride” list

    2. This is what the Liberal/NDP coalition want. So do their voters. Emma should be working hard to get the Lib/NDP coalition defeated and seek a return to the pre-2015 Canada.

  3. Are the folks screaming and setting off minor fireworks in Paris to celebrate / protest the LePen victory from Syria? I can’t tell from here…

    When will the gay types in first world countries realise where they stand on the hierarchy of gov’t given rights?

  4. To paraphrase Geert Wilders when asked why he joined a right-wing party: “These guys don’t want to allow me to marry another man; those guys want to import a hoard of goons who want to stone me to death. Life’s about choices.” Maybe sooner or later, as have recently some of the Jews in Canada, the alphabet soup crowd will figure out who their real political friends and enemies really are. Unfortunately it’s usually later.

  5. If they start attacking members of a protected group like the alphabet community, maybe the cops will do something about it. Or maybe not? Not sure where they fit in the victimhood hierarchy and intersectionality relative to each other.

    1. Currently it’s a toss-up between follows of Mohammod and Trans-people who top the identity politics pecking order. Saying anything honest and therefore suggesting that Islam taken seriously is anything less than conducive to compatible coexistence within liberal democracies will get you deactivated in the msm. It’s why the progressives invented Islamophobia as a synonym for racism intended to silence any and all speech leaning towards enlightened awareness of the “religion / supremacy doctrine / theocracy project”.

    2. Lesbians are lower than Muslims…

      And if you read down the twitter thread, you’ll see people saying “don’t assume they are Syrian” or similar.

  6. Also, if you are in downtown Halifax at 0130h and start mouthing off at a gang of young men, you might get your ass kicked regardless of your sexual orientation.

    1. “Also, if you are in downtown Halifax at 0130h and start mouthing off at a gang of young men, you might get your ass kicked regardless of your sexual orientation.”

      Loved the “homophobic” accusation. So…they were *afraid* of you, is what you’re saying? Because that’s what a ‘phobia’ is…an irrational fear.

      And yes, not too smart to confront them that way at that time and in that place. Those girls are lucky to be alive.

  7. Islam is the filthiest, most destructive, most inbred, most murderous doctrine ever foisted on the ignorant masses. I would rather be in NSDAP Germany than in any islamic state.

    1. Yes you have a point, but they aren’t all where is my ribbon for being gay types.
      And that’s the sad part.

      1. The idiosyncratic counter- example does not obviate the general rule.

        So reflexively responding with an idiosyncratic counter-example (which is assumed and anticipated when one cites the general rule) is not a useful nor intelligent response

        I REALLY wish people would stop doing that

  8. Welcome to the club girls, first they abandoned real women and replaced us with men that feel like women so it’s only natural they’d abandon gay women to men from third world cultures that place no value on women. The still on the perps are clear, they could find them if the police wanted to?

  9. Also covered in Saltwire newspaper (Halifax). Let’s see (a) group of young males; (b) the gals do rugby and one is ‘trained’ in martial arts, and puts one of the fellows in a chokehold; and (c) what do the remainder of young lads do – minge about? Nope…

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