And The Budget Will Balance Itself

Because we want rid of him, Blackface Boy-man will burn everything you’ve worked for to the ground.

Home prices are unsustainable and have normalized a “massive increase in value” for retirees, says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He made the remarks at a private seminar with Canada’s leading advocates of a home equity tax: ‘It’s not like your grandparents saying, ‘Ah, bread used to cost me a nickel.’

Related: The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board put more than $600 million in China’s electric vehicle sector accused by cabinet of unfair trade practices. Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland blamed Chinese industry for job-killing schemes, telling Canadian workers: “We are going to protect you.”

32 Replies to “And The Budget Will Balance Itself”

  1. Everything the Trudeau says has a “best before” date as I expect if P.P. simply campaigns against everything the Trudeau has wrought, then P.P. will be a success, and if the stacked Canadian Senate will allow it.

    It’s noticeable that the meeting mentioned at Blacklock’s is with the “leading advocates of a home equity tax”
    Not real people, but “big gov’t” people.

    Has the gov’t of Canada heard whispers of people moving their funds out of Canada yet? Just asking…

    1. I’ve watched for over 50 years as Liberals have brought in disgraceful law after law as they slowwalk us to their ultimate dystopia, our very own Social Credit Score.

      Somehow, the opposition Conservative outrage about said laws, seems to dissipate once in Government.

      And none/nada/not a one are ever reversed.

      Car 54, Real Conservatives, wherefore art thou?

      1. If P.P. and the current crop of Conservatives turn out to be as conservative as most aspects of the Harper Conservatives were, it’s over. It’s not close to being conservative enough.
        If they actually turn back everything the #Libranos have done, there’s a hope…

        We’ll see soon enough. At some point the #Libranos will return to office, maybe 1 term, maybe 2-3?
        Then they’ll want to “get even” .. exact revenge on the west of Canada, and western Canada is better off separating from the east.
        If the west separated this year, I’d be happier with that but I’m not actually blaming the current crop of Conservative members “yet”.

  2. Kate, you’re a firecracker!
    Please don’t change!
    You are the only other person I know to use the term “baloney pony”..

    1. Baloney Pony was my stage name when I was a porn star.
      We all have a past.

  3. Any capital gains tax on principal residences will be the most unpopular tax in decades, perhaps even in Canadian history. Rich, white boomers in places like Toronto and Montreal are Trudeau’s last base of support. That the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government is even considering angering these voters makes me think that Canadian finances must be in way worse shape than the government is saying it is.

    1. The gain in value of REAL property is caused by ONE primary reason … our dollars have become worthLESS and LESS. Which is also why the SPENDY government bureaucrats need MORE dollars … because THEIR dollars are worthLESS and LESS too.

      Homeowners haven’t gotten RICH … but they’ve maintained parity.

      1. Yes, any calculation of capital gains should take into account the reduced purchasing power of the Canadian dollar due to inflation. $100,000 in 1980 bought you much more than $100,000 in 2024.

      2. Exactly…..people don’t seem to understand that with inflation, things don’t get more expensive but the value of the money FALLS because there is too much of it. That’s one of the reasons I have been buying gold and silver for decades.

  4. burn it to the ground.
    whalll dere yas have it. channling herr adolph agin. how so?
    de fuhrer was feeling mighty betrayed when his meddling put it all off the rails.
    he ‘terpreted developments, change of fortune, and morale as a personal betrayal,
    thus deutchland as Canaduh MUST burn.

  5. Th 7/10 rule says, at 7% for 40 years, before inflation, property taxes, insurance and maintenance, equates to 1600% appreciation – you now ultra wealthy, unfairly, so a tax target for irresponsible government.
    Which is the same as profit, therefore income according to the fiscal fascists. C’mon grannie, pay your fair share.
    The greedy rich are those ultra wealthy grandparents who raised families and build civil society, so they are us.
    Not you, somebody else will pay, we’ve made investments for you because we decide for you, so it’s all good.
    We the virtuous shall tax you all, for fairness, you needing our regal rule and unlimited power of taxation.
    There is no other option but an end to our power, I mean “our democracy.” It’s not yours; but you don’t need it.

  6. JT and his minions are floating a trial balloon for ending the personal residence exemption for capital gains. If they ever get their way on that front, the next push will be for taxes on unrealized capital gains.

    1. In my area and I assume elsewhere, every new home build has a secondary suite, which is a capital gains taxation time bomb waiting to go off on sale, with the secondary suite, whether rented or not, subject to a hiving off of the principal residence exemption, with the new 2/3 inclusion applying no doubt to the entire property, as fascist fiscal failure mounts.

      No need to pass legislation, this is already contained in the Tax Act, which for now(?), considers secondary suites as “ancillary” use, but have already removed tax folios that state this can’t be more than 1/3 total area.

      In any event, purpose-built secondary suites, which have their own entrance for instance, are capital gains, not ancillary properties, so here comes CRA.

      Put nothing past this bunch of hypocrites and hooligans who refuse to contain their (virtuous) spending.

      1. You raise a point that a lot of Canadians are probably unaware of. In high priced suburbs, you should do a lot of homework prior to building that laneway house in your back yard. At the new capital gains rates, you could be in for a hefty tax bill when you inevitably sell.

  7. I already pay a home equity tax, it is called property tax and it has been going up up up.

  8. And of course, the younger generations are an the cusp of having the value of the homes willed to them. JT is about to commit his own suicide.

    1. Maybe the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government is expecting a big die-off over the next few years – aging population, pandemics, extreme poverty, iatrogenic and mandatory MAID-type democide (/s).

  9. “Among the recommendations was the call for a tax that would range from 0.2% for homes valued between $1 million to $1.5 million, and up to 1% on homes valued over $2 million.

    The annual tax would be deferrable, meaning the accumulated total would not have to be paid until the home is sold or inherited. According to the report, a home valued at between $1-1.5 million would incur an average annual surtax of $408, while a home valued at over $2 million would average an annual tax payment of $14,710.”

    That’s from something called “generation squeeze” from the shallow static thinker “Paul Kershaw” who was one of the people who got $250,000 from Canadian Mortgage anti-Housing Corporation.

    His thinking is so shallow that when you do sell it, the seller is going to put the amount of the tax owing into the sale price, which “unexpectedly” won’t help with “affordability”. He then proposes to use the money collected to build or buy more government subsidized housing, where the rent will be 30% of your gross annual income.

    He’s probably the guy with his back to the camera in the photo.

    1. Yes … “unexpectedly” … as ALWAYS with leftist FOOLS. “Unforeseen”

  10. It’s inevitable. As the regime gets more and more skint, they will seek out new ways to wring more blood out of the turnip. Expect a return of medieval scams like pulverage, the pre-industrial incarnation of the carbon tax.

  11. People seem surprised that after tax and regulation drove everyone and everything else out of business, the only thing left that retained its value was real estate.

    Recently they’ve made it so you can’t even build new houses, causing the existing ones to go up in price even more.

    That’s where we are -now-. The only investment with any hope of a return is a house. The house you live in.

    So now, obviously, they’ll come for that money too. Because of course they will, its MONEY. Window tax, anyone? Rain tax? Occupancy tax is so last year.

  12. Home equity tax? And hpow will that make houses more affordable? Give the government more money, maybe. FOAD

    1. I will be pricing in the home equity tax if I were a Canadian, selling my home. So no, it won’t make homes more affordable.

  13. I guess Liberals can’t bring themselves to committing suicide so they want taxpayers to lynch them.

  14. With nothing now to lose, they can legislate as if they will be governing for PP’s first term, locking up the crippling taxes well into the future. It’s as if they know that PP will cave under pressure from the Spawn’s media and let it all ride. All media funding should be killed with an OIC on day one.

  15. Howard Eldred Kershner (1891-1990), American economist, businessman and author:

    When a self-governing people confer upon their government the power to take from some and give to others, the process will not stop until the last bone of the last taxpayer is picked bare.

  16. and yet !!! the hard core liberals that whatever 30% comparable to te hard core 15% ndp.


    how can a sentient thing not see what liberalism is? tax and squander. on things that get votes.

    it worked in some form or another 100,000 yeaqrs ago and works on Tralfamadore 800,000,000 light years away.

    the essence of liberalism, repleat with the hard core.
