Canadian Propagandists Hard at Work

I’m back in Canada for a few weeks, so am getting different feeds on my YouTube channel. Three different video headlines appeared this evening:

They’re all talking about the same news story, right? Each headline was clearly crafted to spin a particular narrative. Given that many news consumers only read headlines, it’s really no wonder that Canadian “news” outlets find it so easy to spew effective propaganda into the unquestioning minds of many.

16 Replies to “Canadian Propagandists Hard at Work”

    1. That noise you heard was a point going over your head.

    2. unDORK
      Did you must have read it on reddit,amIrite?
      Were’s yer side dik….side kick Jessica?

  1. Lying.
    By omission.
    Its what they do.
    They all have Trump Derangement Syndrome.
    So we have to go see the actual speech,ruling or whatever ,to have the slightest chance of getting the complete story.
    Think of them,our government funded media,as advertising..
    Advertising that further research is required.
    Even when they try,assuming their product is such,they seem unable to grasp reality..producing such things as the 30 30 shotgun..geniuses .

  2. Propagandists are not well known for their reading comprehension. Perhaps they need to just watch Viva Frei’s video channel and they’d learn something about the actual SCOTUS opinion.

    h/t DaninVan:

    So Joe Biden gets some uppers mainlined … goes on National TV and reads a 5 min. Teleprompter speech bemoaning that the SCOTUS has just established a Monarchy in America by granting “Trump” unlimited Presidential immunity. Yet, as Clarence Thomas clearly pointed out … it is Biden who has acted like a Monarch by creating an Illegal office for Jack Smith without Congressional approval.

    So … as Biden is lecturing America that the SCOTUS just destroyed our Constitution… it is Biden who has used the Constitution to clean up one of his bowel accidents. This Biden Admin. Is totally OUT of control … and if we have a functional Republican Party … Congress will file a lawsuit against the AG for breach of the Constitution … first thing tomorrow morning

    1. That would also mean that the Monarchy is illegal…not elected by the people.
      Giving actual choices and not crazy crap imposed in the guidance of propaganda politicians who strictly follow the uneducated and unelected…
      Taking the choice from individuals has been happening for a very long time.
      Advisory councilors isn’t legal as well!

  3. You would think that 342 million Americans could find better candidates. Biden has alzheimer’s and lousy aides, and Trump was either screwed or whatever for 2nd term, but is now aged out (78+4). Personally, I found him interesting, with reasonable ideas FTMP, but nope, not the best for 2024, as he is tarnished and not the best world/domestic diplomat.

    There must be many competent “old stock” 50-60 year-olds with experience running a large business or large government department and the required energy, integrity, interpersonal and leadership skills who would be way better for the next 8 years.

    Bad plans from all Washington elites, especially Republicans, who would normally win! France did it, Argentina and Canada will too. History will not be kind to Biden. The world is tiring of leftists and their unaffordable tax and spend policies, ridiculous immigration of people from failed countries and DEI. Also dreadful schooling that does not support high achievement.

    1. ” 50 to 60 year Old stock” competent people have noticed what has happened to Trump. Not to many of them are willing to fork over a billion in legal costs and fines and have their character destroyed. Do you really believe someone who isn’t part of the cabal will be treated differently?

    2. The political machine in DC now actively selects against competence. Outsiders are ferociously unwelcome, and those that manage to penetrate the system will get compromised within days if not hours.

      Trump is, at least to some extent, uniquely immune to such compromise due to having such independent wealth. Put another way, DC can’t buy him off. Hence why the IC has been so actively engaged against him.

      I still think there’ll be an assassination attempt against him. I hope his SS team is loyal, and that he’s augmented it with private security very carefully vetted.

  4. These don’t strike me as tendentious headlines, and certainly not inaccurate. The worst you can call them is inadequate. These outlets run genuinely disgraceful headlines all the time, maybe focus on those?

  5. All of those headlines have some truth to them. The impact of the ruling is not intended so much for Trump,but for previous presidents, in particular, Obama, Bush and Clinton. The T word will come up more and more in 2025 me thinks.
