Guilbeault’s letter to Saskatchewan on Clean Electricity Regulations

Steven Guilbeault

Read the Government of Canada’s submission, written by Guilbeault

The proposed Clean Electricity Regulations are among the most significant policy moves in recent Canadian history. The fundamental thrust is to all but eliminate fossil fuel combustion from the Canadian electrical grid. On any given day, up to 88 per cent of Saskatchewan’s power comes from natural gas and coal.

If implemented in their current form, they will utterly remake Canada, its economy and society. The Government of Saskatchewan, on June 25, rejected these regulations, based on a report by the Economic Impact Assessment Tribunal, convened under the Saskatchewan First Act. That act, in turn, was brought into law to counter numerous onerous federal climate change initiatives.

Within the tribunals report are all the submissions made by numerous companies and agencies, several of which Pipeline Online is publishing verbatim in the coming days and weeks. But perhaps the most significant was the Feb. 15 submission by Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault, who, with Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson, is one of the leading figures from the federal government on this front. As such, his submission is the stance of the federal government. Notably, he does not explain how Saskatchewan is to replace all of its fossil fuel-based power in the 10 years, five months and 30 days remaining from today. Here it is, verbatim


24 Replies to “Guilbeault’s letter to Saskatchewan on Clean Electricity Regulations”

    1. “net zero” is a sham and a scam. Bring that up in every discussion and you may make progress. The premise of the whole “green” movement is wrong. Never accept BS premises.


  1. Most notable is that all the alleged deleterious (and supposed potential FUTURE) effects of climate change that Guilbeault claims are scientifically unsupported. Lies and fantasies about the future to which not even the latest IPCC report lays claim.

  2. Gilbert needs to be given a lesson in in freedom. Sorry Gilbert but you are not now nor ever will be allowed to be a dictator in Canada.

  3. A key sentence in Gumboots’ screed is this, “For example, the International Energy Agency estimates that household energy bills in advanced economies could fall by nearly 20 percent by 2030”. The use of the words “estimates” and “could” make this sentence meaningless.

    There can be no question that this intervenes heavily in the provincial sphere of responsibility. Enjoy your day in court, Bumboots.

  4. “Buy our Unicorn Fencing ,or else”.
    Typical Feral Federals..We have no idea of the cost,but you must obey..

    “There is an urgent need to address climate change” ..
    Now that is true,there is now an urgent need to address this Public Hysteria and remove from any position of power the persons who are so gullible,greedy and stupid to belong to Gang Green.
    Green on the surface,State Thugs to the core.

    If bureaucrats seek to impose law,they must define the crime.
    None dare definite “Climate Change”..
    Instead they talk pablum,”Water Wet”..”
    “Climate Change” as they infer “Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming” and attempt to panic the public over weather.

    And the most foul of all our “helpers” are those who know they lie,yet maintain this deceit is necessary, to serve their agenda.

    The Cretien Liberal’s were refreshingly honest about their “Climate Change” lies.

    Policy based Evidence Manufacturing.
    For :”The Cause”.

    Of course ,eventually ,this willingness to lie and deceive to further your cause, backfires.
    Thus we enter the era of systematic lying.
    The word of our government means nothing.
    Empty noises.
    Only their actions are real.
    Judge them so.

    The “Minster of The Environment is a classic “helper”,everything that issues from its mouth is pollution.
    Lies upon lies,because the truth is not in him.
    Honesty,is not our Liberals Best Policy.
    Theft by every means possible, now that is The Way of The Parasite.

    Climate Changes,this is factually true.
    That Man changes the climate is microscopically true,but trivial.
    Look at Canada,15 to 20 thousand years ago most of our land was covered by ice.
    20 000 years is but an eye-blink in geological time.

    Hence,if “Climate Change ” is bad, we must restore Can Ahh Duh to its traditional longterm condition..
    Groaning and being ground under the weight of up to 3 miles of ice.

    Or we could punish the fools and bandits,who seek to have us groaning and being ground to dust under the weight of their State of Thuggery.

    1. I often raise this point, as you say,
      “Climate Changes,this is factually true.
      That Man changes the climate is microscopically true,but trivial.
      Look at Canada,15 to 20 thousand years ago most of our land was covered by ice.
      20 000 years is but an eye-blink in geological time.”

      Was it my gas guzzling F150 or the two coal fired power plants six miles from my house that caused that ice to melt?

  5. The whole climate crisis nonsense is bureaucrats and politicians are attempting to manufacture consent to allow them to impose their agenda onto us. Then there is no crime except for their lies. If they get 50 +1% to say yes we are all doomed to slavery, digital currencies, etc.
    Do not comply with any orders regarding climate, vaxxes, lockdowns or anything related. Tell as many people as you know it’s all bullshit.

    We have to get this nonsense out of municipalities too.

  6. The letter from Guillbealt contained no actual responses to specific concerns from Saskatchewan. There was just the usual climate change talking points devoid of any real in-depth discussion about the realities of supplying reliable, affordable heat and electricity in temperatures that go below -30 and-40C in a 5 month long winter.

    In January 2024, the wind/solar/battery installations completely failed to provide electricity in Alberta…that is the cold, hard reality. The Trudeau Liberal-NDP government’s projections and timelines are pure childish fiction. Alberta and Saskatchewan need to tell them that their climate transition fantasy will put lives on the prairies at risk and that any transition will only occur after baseload nuclear plants are online. If the federal government wants that transition to occur by 2035 then they’ll need to accelerate the permitting process and give the two provinces billions of dollars in funding for nuclear power construction. Baseload power can only be replaced by baseload power, not with unreliable, intermittent wind and solar power.

    1. 1000% Bang on LC.

      I have often noted that the amount of power required to efficiently replace Oil/Gas Generation is simply UN-ATTAINABLE without the input from NUCLEAR. NEVER Freakiing EVER…going to happen using so called “renewables”

      Hydro..? There’s not a Major river on this planet that doesn’t have at least 3-4 Hydro installations as a bare minimum. and if anyone even suggests Damning the NAHANI river..??, He-She-It had better be wearing a full suite of personal Armor.

      Solar is beyond laughable…Zero capability
      Wind – Well we know exactly how “useful” that is….NOT

      Oil/Gas: Excellent – but Being Throttled & TRASHED DAILY by this LIBERAL environmental NAZI Filth.

      F the LIBS in perpetuity.
      Danielle SMITH- you had better be preparing Our Province for that eventual requirement.

      1. I doubt politicians and government paid researchers who come up with this green transition nonsense have any idea what baseload power is and why it is essential or how electrical grid system stability operates.

        …and natural gas is really the only viable option for home heating on the Canadian prairies. Electricity heated homes (baseboard or heat pumps) will never be affordable or reliable enough for our harsh climate. Besides, there simply isn’t enough electrical generation for everyone on the prairies to switch to electricity and, unlike natural gas pipelines, power lines go down after pretty much every type of storm. In every season we have nasty weather.

  7. Guilbeault is the Wizard of Id. He wrote a letter, therefore it must be true and it must happen.

    1. He didn’t even write the letter!!
      Agreed, he is a believer but my best solution for him is to just quit breathing. Do your part Gilwhatever. Make the world a better and more livable place.

  8. The letter is an existential threat to the citizenry.
    It is no different that telling Saskatchewan citizens that they can’t eat their own food in “10 years, five months and 30 days remaining from today” unless its GMO Vegan and farmed by unicorn riders.
    Address the threat for what it is and assume Gruber or an acolyte is not going away.
    Or die.

  9. All of you are missing the real problem… if climate change is unstoppable, why bother letting off the gas pedal? I say let’s go hard over that cliff that keeps getting further away faster than we can get to it.

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