53 Replies to “July 2, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. There is going to be a discussion at the White House soon that will begin like this…..
    Phone rings
    Aide answers and tells POTUS “it’s Barack sir”
    Joe takes call
    BO:”So Joe, have you considered who your running mate is going to be”

    1. Tell us how you will feed, clothe and house the million a year. A city the size of Ottawa in population. The stupid is way too strong in this country.

      1. King Willem Alexander swears in the Netherland’s new government today. The new government gets right to work to Make Netherlands Dutch Again.

    1. my old stomping grounds lol !!!
      my kid joked about our address ‘West Street North’ like it was some 10 km main corridor. well Thorold, GOOD FOR YOU and l see a Longo on council, my GP was Dr Longo any relation? is the strip joint still in business serving all the Seaway traffic lol !!!

  2. “The Great Cholesterol Con
    Statins are the so-called wonder drugs widely prescribed to lower blood cholesterol levels and claim to offer unparalleled protection against heart disease.

    Believed to be completely safe and capable of preventing a whole series of other conditions, they are the most profitable drug in the history of medicine.

    In this groundbreaking book, GP Malcolm Kendrick exposes the truth behind the hype, revealing: high cholesterol levels don’t cause heart disease; a high-fat diet – saturated or otherwise – does not affect blood cholesterol levels; and, the protection provided by statins is so small as to be not worth bothering about for most men and all women.”


  3. Honey, I finished the Conservative Party.


    “Polls suggest the British electorate is most concerned with the cost of living, how to deal with migrants and asylum seekers, and the dire state of the National Health Service, which provides free treatment for all. There are also deep divisions over Israel’s war with Hamas.”

  4. When Ukraine does it, it’s not illegal.

    “Ukraine is releasing thousands of prisoners so they can join the fight against Russia”.

    From the Canadian Press. They must be running out of 60 year olds.

  5. I’ve noticed something about the news. Perhaps others have noticed.

    Much of the content is brought to you by a “digital collator” – don’t even try to Google that one. Sites such as MSN or Canadian Press, Associated Press etc. That is not necessarily new.

    But you can’t link to the original news articles in many cases. For example, DPA International offers the article “Thousands protest in Germany against sale of Mercedes dealerships”. But linking to the website DPA International does not produce any content. There are credits for the photography but the article lists no authors. The article gives no reason WHY the dealerships are closing. Is Mercedes losing money? Too many dealerships? Germans buying less cars? Slowing sales? Is the article written by a computer using stock photos?

    I feel like we are being trained not to check for original content, to just accept the articles as written.

  6. The Electric Viking is “utterly baffled” that Mercedes is spending $15 billion on its internal combustion technology.


    Mercedes had claimed it would be 100% EV by 2030. Now it estimates it will be only at 20-30%. Is the Electric Viking wrong, or is Mercedes on its way to oblivion?

    1. Merc saw that to continue down EV path is a death sentence.
      There is not enough grid power so car market will drastically shrink, all in the globalist climatard plans.

    1. Barack sees his three terms as insufficient to destroy the United States of America.

      Who will be his Democratic surrogate to finish the job?

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