Nice Pension Plan You’ve Got There

Be a shame if something were to happen to it.

Blacklocks- CPP Invests In Chinese Ev’s

Other Pension Plan holdings include automakers BYD Co. ($116 million), Li Auto Inc. ($69 million) Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. ($26 million) and Nio Inc. ($19 million). Millions more were invested in battery manufacturers and suppliers including Tianqi Lithium Corp. ($13 million), Eve Energy Co. ($7 million) and Ganfeng Lithium Group ($6 million).

Minister Freeland on June 24 named the Chinese sector as predatory and announced a 30-day Customs Tariff review of trade practices in the electric auto market. “Workers and the auto sector currently face unfair competition from China,” said Freeland.

11 Replies to “Nice Pension Plan You’ve Got There”

    1. CCP is world wide it stands for Communist Cesspool Party.
      It hides under different names.
      In Canada Green NDP Liberal P-Con etc.

    2. What’s the difference between the CCP and the CPP? they both have tentacles in the economy taking money away from everyone, they operate in secrecy, and they lie.

  1. Canada opened Pandora’s box. The president established by Freeland and Trudeau of taking peoples bank accounts without a trial or proof of a crime. It was used against truckers and their donors during the convoy anti lockdown protests. Then the Biden presidency did the same to the Russian state. Now Russia has done the same to large American investors. Canada is trying to control China’s exports and threaten China militarily when we sail our weak single ship through its territorial waters. On the other hand the Canada pension plans park billions in Chinese companies that are state ownered. It just a matter of time until the Chinese state takes this money as punishment for the actions taken by the Trudeau government.

  2. Meh.
    Like any of the funds being “managed” by the Canadian Government Pension Agency are real.

    Eventually it will be announced that ;”All is well,but we lost all these “investments” because of “Harper”” and we must pay yet another tax upon everything,just temporarily, until the fund is “made right”.
    Temporarily being defined in Canadian Government Speak as,comparable to the “Income Tax Act”,which was “temporary” in 1917.
    When a nations indebtedness is as extreme as Canada’s our currency has no value.
    So all “Pension Funds” are a lie.
    “We are from the GOVERNMENT,we are here to help you”.
    Into perpetual slavery and poverty.
    Ain’t Kleptocracy Grand?

  3. Yeah, the government of this country, as is their want, are conflicted.
    On the one hand, they invest real canadian pension money in a communist industry. After they promised billions and billions, as Sagan would say, to make the same product in Canada.
    On the other hand, they are going to block the very products that the communist industry is making, at least that’s what they pretend.
    No doubt that the bureaucracy went to school for a long time to learn how to justify the nonsense.

  4. In the meantime the EU announces higher tariffs for Chinese EVs of up to 38% to take effect in July though China/EU talks are scheduled. Who knows what the DEI consultants and government economists will recommend to the Biden administration on Chinese tariffs (which until recently have been racist). Freeland on June 24 said the Chinese sector is predatory and announced a review of Canadian tariffs in the electric auto market. Clearly, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing but not to worry, it’s just (your) money.
    BTW, how do Chinese factories meet DEI requirements the leftists love?

  5. I’ll bet a nickel that the CPP board members bonuses have not been affected.
    Two possible responses : trade our ‘investments’ in Chinese companies for Chinese investments in Canada or Assign these ‘investments’ to the politician pension plan. Unfortunately both of these responses require a PM that doesn’t actually work for the Chinese.

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