Speak Bitterness

James Lindsay;

In reading about Mao’s reign in China in the 1950s, I was particularly taken by a concept and phrase I hadn’t heard yet, one that the Communists used to absolutely devastate China and overthrow all resistance. They held meetings that were designed to “Speak Bitterness.”

What would happen is that the Communists would come into a region or village and immediately place cadres and set up a nightly meeting everyone had to attend on various pains if they refused. They used them at first essentially as data mining operations with the people.

They would gather extensive biographical information on virtually everyone they could, sometimes quite detailed and including various misdeeds, cheats, and intrigues. They’d also start to use this biographical data to classify people into one of a few class categories.

13 Replies to “Speak Bitterness”

  1. “…They’d also start to use this biographical data to classify people into one of a few class categories…”

    Sounds like Trudeau toward us UN-Vaxxed ” Anti -Science, Anti LGBTQS2T, Racist Misogynist Intolerables”
    But hey, no surprise, He ADMIRES their basic dictatorship…right..?

    Speak Bitterness: ha…WOKE in 2 words

  2. Now I know why I’ve NEVER had a facquebook account, Twitter feed, or anything else. I have had to hide my conservatism under a bushel or I’d never get hired or be able to socialize in the SF Bay Area. I have LIVED the Maoist oppression of wrongthink my entire life.

    Thankfully … my neighbors bitterness spewed out at me in the coming struggle sessions will be limited. And then I’ll get the hell out of this leftist hellscape.

    1. I was kicked off Twitter about 5 years ago. My crime? Criticizing a NPR tweet.

      A few months before that I replied to an FBI tweet, pointing out how they protected Larry Nassir, the creep doctor who was molesting all those USA gymnasts. They literally disappeared my comment which I thought at the time the twitter mods did, but with all the Matt Taibbi reporting after Musk bought the platform, in hindsight it was probably the FBI who deleted it.

  3. Edgar Snow wrote about this process in Red Star over China back in 1937. But being a sinophile, and an early admirer of Mao’s communism, he didn’t spend much time on the sinister purposes of these evening get-togethers.

    1. Precisely John. Or as is fashionable to say … “Speak Bitterness – on steroids”

  4. Towards the end of Lindsay’s screed, he relates DEI of today to the ‘Speak Bitterness’ of then. Not having worked in large to medium corporate for many years, my guess is that these DEI initiatives are carried out by HR. Human Resources has a bad sound to it. Lost any ‘personability’ when they changed from Personnel Department. Now they eliminated any pretense, when people became resources like steel, wood, bearings, paper, machinery or any other material.

    1. “my guess is that these DEI initiatives are carried out by HR”

      I worked for a car company for almost 20 years. The DEIB (the “B” was for “Belonging”) commissar was firmly entrenched in HR. All the DEI craziness started a few weeks after Saint George Floyd the Great (PBUH) died from that fentanyl overdose of his. Luckily I was a contractor for all those 20 years and was never subjected to any speak bitterness struggle sessions.

  5. Mao used the Hundred Flowers campaign as a ruse to convince people that they could criticize the government without fear of retribution. In reality his minions were recording all that information to create a list of targets for the coming crackdown on dissent.

  6. And we were worried about Russian interference. The posts here indicate this was all happening before Trump. This was all BHO. I remember an official visit from Chinese authorities with Kathleen Wynn. China said no reporters, interviews, cameras or recordings and Kathleen said O.K., and our media said O.K. Canada’s dead. Stop pretending.

  7. Rule by mob. It worked for the Bolsheviks. Just change its name to Speak Bitterness. And “Gain of Function” according to the guy with his hand in the fortune cookie jar wasn’t being done on a bat virus in Wuhan. And a dangerous untested gene therapy is a “Vaccine”. It’s not the words. It’s the intent. When it’s Marxists that’s usually murderous.
