27 Replies to “The Most Interesting Man In The World”

  1. Well after all, Hunter is the smartest man that Joe knows…..and I’m inclined to agree with him….which just shows you how stupid those surrounding Biden really are.

      1. When one realizes that the U.S. is being secretly run by a crackhead and a whore, then things make sense.

    1. “What the hell is happening?”

      That’s easy … Hunter is standing-in for Joe … as he has promised all his benefactors he would. Hunter has only 5 months to deliver for his patrons. And Hunter is convincing his mentally decrepit father to PLEASE keep running for a second term!! Hunter is running America.

      Yeah … Biden’s Cabinet better invoke the 25th Amendment … and FAST!! Then we’ll have our FIRST “black” woman President Woo Hoo!! who speaks with a slight Indian accent. Wait! What!? It’s either Hunter or Kamala running America!? OMG!! Time to move to Hungary.

  2. hunter’s only money making skill is influence peddling, dad has to have influence. Dad also has pardons, and hunter seems to need one of those.

  3. Both of them are likely taking Hydromorphone but for completely different reasons.

  4. If Joe drops out of the campaign, the graft gravy train instantly stops for the BidenKorporation and all its affiliates. Even 6 more months of that cash flow is rather a lot of money, so of course, they want it to continue as long as possible. It’s not about keeping Democrats in power, though that’s the story.

    1. Dave
      Actually they hope the RINO’s impeach him, so they don’t get blamed, and they will be rid of him. And the RINO’s are stupid enough to comply .

    2. This x1000. For more than 50 years now, Joe Biden has been the guy who makes the rain fall for everyone in the extended Biden clan and all their cronies, advisors, aides, etc. Like Hunter, most of them have no actual useful skills or qualifications other than access to Joe. They are desperate to keep the money flowing, whatever the cost to old Joe. What is good for the country, or even for the democrats as a party, does not even enter their thoughts.

      I can not even imagine the mindset of the younger ones, seeing the end coming for the grift that has defined their entire lives. Joe and Jill are seriously screwed up people, Hunter is even worse; what are the grandkids like?

  5. They have been lying for years about O’Bidet, voter fraud, Trump, climate change, and now the AZZHOLES are surprised?
    You can’t make up that level of stupidity.

  6. Are Hunter’s kickbacks going to double now that he’s working part time in the Oval Office alongside his dad?
    The gain in access has to be worth some type of upgrade.

    1. Kickbacks? What kickbacks? I do, however, suspect that he is going to sell a lot of butt pucker paintings to a list of suspiciously Chinese names.

  7. Re the debate. If you saw the debate, did you notice that the moderators didn’t bat an eye at Bidens performance, did you see his physical infirmity when Jill Biden helped him down a couple of steps from the stage, as Tapper was approaching?
    On the other hand, IF his handlers realized his status, why would they have rolled the dice?

    1. “Re the debate. If you saw the debate, did you notice that the moderators didn’t bat an eye at Bidens performance,”

      I did. Jake Tapper screwed up once, though, when he jumped in to rescue Biden immediately after the “We finally beat medicare” comment…I guess it was just a reflex action on Tapper’s part.

      ” did you see his physical infirmity when Jill Biden helped him down a couple of steps from the stage, as Tapper was approaching?”

      Oh yes. It’s just shameful that they are propping him up and using him as a front for the people really running the current US administration.

    1. As President, dear ol’ Brandon has the power to declassify ANYTHING, and to reveal classified information to ANYONE. Clearance doesn’t matter one whit.

      1. Perhaps the SC ruling was partially made with that in mind, given how scared the Dems are of retribution.

  8. I want to know how this affects the Biden pool from 2020.

    If he quits and then kicks it before the election? …

  9. going for the replacement . ala the Bush dynasty .

    they couldn’t recruit Big Mike and her pendulum skirt

  10. What the hell is happening ?

    LOL – how’s it feel numb nuts.
    Maybe the progs will collapse under the weight of their stupidity, and parasitism.
    At least maggots turn into flies.

  11. The Supreme Court said the President can’t be prosecuted for official acts. Giving state secrets (for money or otherwise) from illegally held documents probably does not constitute official acts.

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