9 Replies to “” This One Had A Full Nervous Breakdown.””

  1. Whenever I hear commentary and the narrator’s vocabulary is fraught with F bombs, the first thing that comes to mind is lack of intelligence.

    1. That’s kind of Ozzy Man’s thing. A character. Every video peppered with Australian curse words. He’s fairly mild these days. Getting old.

  2. Interesting that the only folk not stuffing their vehicles to the gills with spyware are the Chinese, the Russians and the Indians.
    That must be why they’re an axis of evil.

  3. Musk is a hero with buying twitter and all, but these cybertrucks remind me of the PT cruiser, which was cool for about 6 minutes when it was unveiled. A big swing and a miss Elon!

    1. The PT Cruiser would have been fine had it not been made of cardboard. It was a Dodge Neon with a fancy shell. People will forgive an unusual body design if the thing works.

  4. Hahahaha, what fools we have in here posting about things they are ignorant on, I once used my Datsun 4X4, and my friends Toyota to haul a Ford 4X4 out of a distress situation. When DRIVERS fail, don’t blame the TOOL!

    1. I once used a 2wd F150 to pull out a Jeep bogged to the axles. All it took was tire chains and a big enough jerk. I believe I was the big jerk.

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