Tuesday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  A pandemic of fraudsters.  The Trump trial.  A Black jobs comment.  Who’s running the country?

Blackie’s Canada:  CBC thinks a man dressing as a woman is normal.  The Chickens For KFC.  Pro-Hamas activists block rail line.  Pension plan invests in China.  They knew millions were wasted.

Today In Islam:  Diversity is our strength in Belgium.  And diversity is our strength in Britain.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.

16 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

    1. “Don’t bother looking for story in Canadian media, it ain’t there.”

      You’re right. I checked, and only the Toronto Sun is running the story. Problem is, they had only 17 comments showing but chose to *close* the comments right while I was posting…which is not like them at all. Orders from above, maybe?

      Anyway, the usual behavior from the usual suspects. One of the girls (the one who “presents as more masculine”) objected to having her feelings hurt and instead of walking away chose to follow the group and provoke a physical confrontation. Not too bright.

  1. Re Covid fraud
    They could have been the heroes, if they had jut played it straight. The public health bureaucrats CHOSE not to.
    Look at the damage, they did and the staggering waste of resources.
    I know most people will focus on the individual personalities involved, but I wish you’d all consider the possibility that there is something counterproductive and corrosive inherent in overly powerful and overly centralized bureaucracies.

  2. Re. Who’s running the government? I can’t name names but per Megyn Kelly, Ro Kahana told the NY times, that we have a great team of people to help govern. Nevermind that executive branch by committee is not what the people voted for. What a way to dodge accountability. If the presidency has become unmanageable by one person, then we need to have that conversation publicly, rather than a sneaky soft coup.

    1. Yep, who’s deciding that more money should be spent on Ukraine? who’s deciding how strongly to support Israel? enough support Israel, but not too much for fear of antagonizing Pallies. Who’s deciding the annual debit should be over 2T, with interest payments exceeding the total defense budget?

      1. At this point, whoever it is, they enjoy the protection of anonymity.
        This is a pet peeve lots of bad actors making malicious decisions do it behind closed doors, whether it’s medical boards or CDC consultants….

  3. The Trump Trial
    Judge Merchan has delayed DJT sentencing to September due to the SCOTUS decision per NBC News

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