July 3, 2024: Reader Tips

This evening we present an interesting 1956 film entitled Patterns. It was written by Twilight Zone’s Rod Serling,  With a Rotten Tomatoes’ rating of 86%/84%, you may enjoy watching it.

Your most interesting tips so far this month are appreciated.

80 Replies to “July 3, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. When my sister and I visited St. Petersburg in 2012 on our first cruise (on the Baltic Sea, visiting Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Estonia), we noted that the Russians seemed to be more capitalistic than Americans. The city was doing very well, lots of Mercedes and BMW’s cruising the streets and lots of high end shops. Of course, we were well aware that the tour would take us to the “nice” parts of the City – spent 3 hours at the Hermitage Museum in the afternoon and went to the Ballet in the evening. But we still thought that the Russians were making up for the 70 lost years under communist leadership. Just our humble personal observation.

  1. Has Jessica’s Colon Yaniv shown up yet? I have no doubt she will be along soon to tell is all exactly how the world should be organized.

      1. It’s a very good movie. But frankly, I was expecting a great deal more stitching and sewing sequences.

    1. “Queers for Palestine”. You know, we may ridicule these people, but their sheer stupidity only highlights how deranged the left is. Where can I send a donation? 😉

      1. You’ll be happy to know, in the process of hiring a moving company, and the fairly large and popular one that now features the gay palestine flag on their home page did not get a look beyond seeing that. I’ll spend my money elsewhere.

        1. my moving plan is revolutionary for me.
          no ‘closing day’ panic stress hoping the savoiur moving company doesnt jack their price up double at the last minute and hang onto everything l own.
          nope. the new path involves renting a shipping container, parking it in the driveway, and carefully methodically and very organized selecting what goes and what stays. and jeepers, oops, need such and such go fetch it back from the container etc.
          trick is, that one fills up ok boyz come park it in your storage lot, and send another l will call for it when lm in the new abode. l do NOT have a price comparison, but in certain circumstances like mine its lOOking better and better.

          1. Conssidering that plan myself, actually would be my preferred route were it not complicated by some external factors. Have a couple of months to worry about it at least.

      2. ““Queers for Palestine”. You know, we may ridicule these people, but their sheer stupidity only highlights how deranged the left is. Where can I send a donation? ”

        A good idea. I would definitely donate to a fund to buy them airline tickets to Gaza.

  2. Can better minds than mine examine the Chevron decision by SCOTUS, and am I wrong in thinking this may be a swamp draining decision. I was so excited when I saw this and perhaps the implications of it,(GreenNew Deal dead). But with my age, I may be looking at this with emotion and not commonsense. Please opine if you can.

    1. FWIW

      A lawyer looks at the recent US Supreme Court decisions –


      Conclusions –

      “The “power of the pen” might no longer be as powerful as advertised. Today the Presidential pen is looking more like a cheap Chinese knock-off.

      It is difficult to overestimate how much this Supreme Court just historically and permanently altered the landscape of federal government overreach. I’m tempted to invoke again my overused ‘2024’ canard. But actually, I believe this unimaginable improvement in our national prospects was the inevitable result of the Supreme Court observing the government’s wild and painful overreach during the pandemic.

      In other words: vaccine mandates.

      We’ve longed for a lone decision saying HHS and OSHA can’t just arbitrarily order people to take experimental medical treatments they don’t want. We didn’t get that. But what we did get is arguably and breathtakingly much, much better. The Supreme Court took the long view. They’ve changed everything —including but not only medical freedom— for the better.

      We had no right to expect this revolutionary Supreme Court session. What a great day to be alive.”

  3. Trudeau has people openly asking him to “step down”.
    Biden has people openly asking him to “step aside”.
    But the PMO and the White House staff seem to be pretty resistant.
    Joe Pooh and Justa Shithead are nasty people.
    Pooh in a crabby, bully-prick way and Shithead in a emotional teary-eyed gay way.
    Which one gets tossed first?

    1. Some Democrats are in favour of hiring, for the highest ranking job in the USA, someone completely incompetent at any human task, who would not qualify for any single job in the US, … not one.

    2. I hope Trudeau rides his jack-ass into the next election as die-hard Liberals are looking forward to getting rid of him too. This would provide a good cleanse of government.

      I hope Joe Biden gets replaced before the upcoming election as there is no suitable Democrat candidate for President. I would love to watch Harris campaign and if Gavin Newsome runs for President every state that is concerned about becoming another California will run into the arms of Trump.

      It’s fascinating watching the media try and save the left-wing governments that are falling like dead flies. The only exception seems to be Britain where the Conservatives are headed for a crushing defeat only to be replaced by the Labour Party. That should be a train wreck. If you read their platform they sound right-wing (no new taxes, no insurance increases, focused on the economy, secure borders etc.) but IT’S THE LABOUR PARTY!


      1. “antisocial behaviour”
        “knives off the streets”
        “green prosperity plan”
        “free breakfast clubs in every primary school”


    1. Now THAT’S funny!

      Presumably the message will be delivered by Sterling examples of righteousness such as turdo’s Canada and Joe Depend’s U.S.A.

    2. “Ukraine To Be Told It Is Too Corrupt To Join Nato”

      To the surprise of no one. I’ve been saying that here for over a year, as have others. That just makes the American actions that started this war look even worse….that they (and the rest of the nations making money from this) deliberately made a public call for Ukraine to join NATO while knowing full well that Ukraine did not qualify for it, just to antagonize Putin.

    1. I regularly taught a public finance undergraduate course at university before retiring. We devoted one class day to discussing home equity income taxation. If it is taxed as a capital gain at the time of sale — as in the U.S. — then home-owners ought to be able to write off all costs of home ownership, including property taxes and mortgage interest expenses. This is how capital gains on all fixed capital is taxed everywhere.

      Another problem is whether or not the tax is to be grandfathered to people selling their houses in the future but who bought their homes years ago. I bought my bungalow in a pleasant Fredericton subdivision, on a fairly large corner lot, for $68,000 in 1985 and today it is valued at $300,000. My wife and I undertook three remodeling projects, one re-roofing repair, and installed a heat pump and a wood insert. We probably do not have the paper receipts for these. Home owners who bought houses under the old tax regime didn’t count on a new tax regime. People are not talking about this.

      1. “If it is taxed as a capital gain at the time of sale — as in the U.S.”. David, don’t Americans get to deduct interest payments on their mortgage from their taxes? It seems unfair to take the taxing part of another country’s tax system without adopting the benefit part as well.

        I’m reminded of the Canadian teachers who wanted a more “Finland-based” approach to education in Canada. Finland has one of the highest achievement rates among its students in the EU. Fair enough, smaller class sizes, less in-room teaching etc. But Finland teachers are also some of the lowest paid in the EU. Oh, you don’t want that part?

          1. correct. l learned that from my dad about 50 years ago he was making comparisons of taxes across the border.

            ps he dropped out of grade 4 but sired 6 university degrees incl computer science and law. and all 7 of us at one point independent business operators.

            never judge others before the facts.

  4. I wave been watching BNN-Bloomberg news all morning since 6 am Atlantic time. Virtually all air time has been devoted to Biden’s problems, and the dangers of Trump presidency. And this network is the supposed to be reporting business and economic news. Since Democrat Michael Bloomberg runs the network, it’s essentially Democrats interviewing Democrats.

    One tidbit from the Bloomberg Democrat on-air strategy session. Look for vice-president Kamala Harris to replace Joe Biden before the upcoming convention. One pro-Democrat Bloomberg host said that not appointing Harris president would be bad optics, since she is black and a woman. On that note, look for a media-led Harris-mania right after she replaces Biden, and throughout the election campaign. The fix is in.

    1. I love this article by Paul Krugman. He fails to mention illegal immigration in Europe being responsible for the change in voting patterns and focuses only on the pension issue.


      But then Krugman pivots to racism with these 2 paragraphs.

      “In case you’re wondering: No, the [pension] numbers don’t work. But setting math aside, the RN has, in effect, staked out a position in favor of big government and generous social benefits, but essentially only for people with the right ethnic background.

      The contrast with Trumpism should be obvious.”

      Yes Trump is a racist (like the French right) but he’s also an oligarch worshipper.

    2. I cut this sad excuse of a broadcaster from my TV sub 8 years ago, when it was clear that:
      1- It was maniacal about marijuana coverage, despite the industry being a loser.
      2- It was a CTV clone.
      3- The hosts were awful and unknowledgeable, despite their hype and teleprompter skills.
      Its no surprise that today it continues to be a leftwing mouthpiece, it isnt a ‘business network’ and never was. Its morphed from its origins as Rogers Business News, which was somewhat informative. But that was a LONG time ago.

    1. YouTube has a 4 hour video up of the House Judiciary Committee’s inquiry into the COVID response. Health Canada still has a pop-up to get more information on COVID. That’s where we are.

  5. There is a Viking Cruises commercial on – “no children and no casinos”. Ha, in that order.

  6. In today’s Calgary Herald, there are full pages of propaganda on the media cartel extracting millions of dollars from the plebeians and give the money to the cartel.
    It is quite unbelievable.
    And they call it ‘journalism’, yeah, sounds like an ideology.
    They have the mouthpiece and are gonna use it.
    The plebeians can comment on blogs, nobody is listening.
    It is obvious to anyone that is interested in the affairs of men, that the plebeians are not buying the propaganda, so the ‘journalists’ get their mouths stuck to the teat of the state to suck on it.
    Or else!

  7. thank you for those posts Reader. you remind us despite decades and generations and multiple fronts, the enemies of Israel STILL fail in their main objective and in fact many times their efforts backfire.
    see above.

    1. There has been a huge infiltration of political parties, the nonprofit sector, government, media and the education system by those who support the Islamist agenda.

      As for those who don’t feel it will affect them, they need to be educated.

  8. Michael Obama is voters’ choice to beat Trump as Biden loses support after debate debacle: poll

    And let’s not forget this tearjerker of a photograph from when Barack and Michelle first started going out!

  9. I know Canada has promised to take in some Venezuelan refugees and have promised $180 million to help those who have left Venezuela.

    Cops nab founder of notorious Venezuelan gang linked to Laken Riley murder, NYC gun smuggling

    Disturbing video shows group of Venezuelan migrants beat Chicago straphanger

  10. University of Sydney stabbing: Psychology scholar, 22, allegedly knifed by boy in suspected terror stabbing on campus ‘doing fine’ as his family break silence

    Boy accused of stabbing Sydney student faced previous charges, officials say

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