
Global- Greece is bringing in a 6-day work week

The pro-business government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said the changes are “growth-oriented” and are necessary given the country’s shrinking population and lack of skilled labour — a crisis Mitsotakis has described as a “ticking time bomb.”

However, the move is not finding many takers here in Canada.

BBC- Greece starts six-day working week for some industries

New legislation, which came into effect at the start of July, allows employees to work up to 48 hours in a week as opposed to 40.

It only applies to businesses which operate on a 24-hour basis and is optional for workers, who get paid an extra 40% for the overtime they do.

15 Replies to ““Barbaric””

    1. Yup…that means if people want to work they can. If they want to sit on their ass they can.

  1. The problem with overtime is the tax rate. Make a law that any work over 40 hours is taxed at a 10% flat-tax and you will have to beat the employees away from their work with a stick. Or in Canada, wake them up and ask them to go home.

    1. If someone wants that shift, will you say that they can’t have it? Why, do you own them?

  2. Steve, I can recall my employer once lamenting to me that the guys that worked in the field were lazy because they didn’t want to work weekend overtime. This after a 40-hour week. I suggested that maybe it was because it would likely put them in another tax bracket and it wasn’t worth giving up your weekend to have the extra pay mostly taxed away. He didn’t believe me, told me they were certain to have it all refunded come income tax time. That sure wasn’t my experience with my spouse come tax time.

    1. Yup. Operators aren’t dumb. One mining shovel operator I know knew how much overtime he could do before his taxes rose to 50%, and he refused to work at/beyond that level.

      Taxation is a massive dis-incentive to production that a company cannot overcome.

  3. Steve, I can recall my employer once lamenting to me that the guys that worked in the field were lazy because they didn’t want to work weekend overtime. This after a 40-hour week. I suggested that maybe it was because it would likely put them in another tax bracket and it wasn’t worth giving up your weekend to have the extra pay mostly taxed away. He didn’t believe me, told me they were certain to have it all refunded come income tax time. That sure wasn’t my experience with my spouse.

  4. Kinda sucks when Germany no longer has the capacity to bail their welfare state asses out of oblivion, doesn’t it.

  5. OT just finished the tips movie link ‘Patterns’ HOLY MAKEREL THE WHOLE EXPLANATION OF COMPETITIVE BUSINESS. l never thought or expected such a dramatic ending of a simple off shelf b&w.
    the elevator operator played a general in ‘Patton’
    Edward Biggs actor name. or was that the general? hey a senior moment at least its all spelled right.

  6. my strategy with extrq overtime. charities.
    l resigned myself to work weekends besides the place was utterly overwhelmed.
    it was so bad when l went up ther to fetch my printouts, while l was there l would be sure hand out all the printouts waiting.

    got NO CREDIT OR RECOGNITION for such just blame blame blame things took so long.
    CPU busy 99.9% busy. the 0.1% was cpu ‘overhead’. for hours days at a time.

    but my fault taking so long l was burned out.

    anyway final year newly minted boss scuttles my degree studies strategy booking time off so l walked out.

    $70,000 yr todays dollars and l walked out to an anxiety attack lol!!

    l wont bore you more details.

    so anyways, l give all to a charity govt gets ZIP 100% deductable

    1. Don’t burn yourself out. I’m sure you’re doing a job that I couldn’t.

      Helping your neighbour is noble, but take care of those who are most important (you, your family, your neighbours) first. If you ruin yourself then it’s a double loss because you’re not only not helping anymore, but you also need help.

  7. Greece is a debtor nation in the EU. Look no further than the EU Ministers for the origination of this new law.

    In a related story … the PRIMARY funding source of the EU, Germany, is rapidly dismantling their industrial economy because global warming or something … Buh bye German EU funding.

  8. Wasn’t Greece that place that had a shortage of labour, and huge debt because you could retire at 50 with a full government pension and benefits?
