Business Is Booming

Blacklocks- Drug Injury Counts Skyrocket

Parliament in 2014 passed Bill C-17 An Act To Amend The Food & Drugs Act that expanded cabinet powers to ban the sale of prescription drugs that posed an “imminent risk of injury to health.” Regulations in 2017 mandated hospital reporting of all serious adverse drug reactions.

“Since the mid 1990s all annual adverse drug reaction reports have increased from 4,000 to more than 80,000,” said Evaluation. “Serious adverse drug reactions have increased from 1,500 to more than 60,000 per year.”

The new Evaluation report described Canada as the world’s ninth largest prescription drug market. “From 2011 to 2019 the value of total sales including non-patented, over-the-counter medicines increased by 35 percent to $29.9 billion,” it said.

5 Replies to “Business Is Booming”

  1. Step 1 Create the “solution”
    Step 2 Create the “problem”
    Step 3 Make the money

    Nothing to see….

  2. Came very close to losing a cousin to the Covid jab as said cousin went into severe anaphylactic shock within minutes of receiving the jab and had to be rushed to hospital.
    Reality is, there isn’t anything we ingest which doesn’t – under the right circumstances – have adverse side effects. Even drinking too much water (as in waaay too much) can kill one. That being said, there has to be a better risk vs benefit analysis done for a given drug. Think of all the young athletes who were suddenly dying after the “jab”.

  3. To borrow from a wise online commentator of an imagined feline persuasion: any time politician’s can decide what may be bought or sold, the first things to be bought or sold will be those politicians…(likely the same for Bureaucrats, especially if they’re able to double dip)

    To further borrow from rapper Tom MacDonald: “Big Pharma doesn’t cure you Dawg, ‘cos every patient that gets cured is a customer lost”.

    Because we have an “administered” “health” care system, a government ministry, it should fairest presumed to be a tool of extraction (Government rarely, if ever, ADDS value). While there are many great and noble people involved in healthcare, the system as whole, exists to feed itself (extraction), and your personal health outcome is largely a matter of timing, care providers, care options available, trade-offs you’re willing to make, and genetics/chance…

    This is before giving consideration to the idea, that enacted legislation rarely, if ever, achieves its “intended outcome”…

    Finally, given how the commonality of statistical manipulation that occurs today, is it really surprising that as pharmaceutical prescriptions increase, adverse effects do as well (we’ll discount all the Covid “vacine” AER’s)? While the prescribed pharma products will be different, if, on the whole, we prescribe more products, to more and more people, can we really be surprised when incidents increase as well? And, none of this adjusts for the enormous population growth we experience as a country, year over year, under our current government.

    The risk analysis tools to prevent such outcomes exist now, in a post-Covid world we should be far more skeptical of who’s interest Government has in mind, we should be aware of the potential conflicts of interest that exist within our healthcare system, and we should be very skeptical as to whether or nor Big Pharma is there to help us, or capture us…

  4. What Has Pharma EVER cured…??

    Not a goddamned thing…
    During the Bio-Weapon affair ~ mid to late 2021, I dropped Rosu-Vastatin. Been a yr now and surprisingly (well sorta), my numbers are “within range” as I’m told. Hells Bells, I honestly could give a rats (_i_) where they are – just don’t trust the prescription writers anymore.

    As far as I’m concerned, Pharma can shove their Cholesterol BS & pretty much Anything else where the sun don’t shine. I suspect that their profits have taken a serious kick in the Knuts since Covid…if twitter is any indication.

    Its ALWAYS bout profit, and symptom relief.

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