12 Replies to “Copperhead Road”

  1. I’m waiting for some enterprising young tweaker to figure out how to strip the motors and battery packs straight out of the tesla

  2. So … the US Green New Deal … is spending $Billions for a network of EV Charging stations. So … in essence … we are spending future US tax dollars on installations that will be vandalized … so it’s just like wasting $200 Billion in Ukraine? Nice … American “leadership” keeps throwing money down the crapper. Time for an entirely new government. Everyone GONE! Clean house.

  3. This is standard behavior in a low trust society. You can’t have public infrastructure because it will be stolen and stripped for the scrap value.

  4. A friend had left his motor home parked at a local campground for a few days, managed campground, started it up to the sound of a very large exhaust leak, crawled underneath to find the catalytic converter was cut off of it.
    V10 ford, cat is $1500 to replace!
