6 Replies to “Google Commemorative Logos You’ll Never See”

  1. Who could have foreseen that running an AI platform to brainwash everybody would use more electricity than just running a search engine?

  2. But, but, but … those are “essential” carbon emissions. Yours are all “non-essential”. Yeah … the government COVID fascism has spread multiple tentacles into our culture. The whole idea of our bureaucratic State determining what is “essential” and “non-essential” is a particularly malignant one.

    Just as your PM’s constant jet travel around the world is “essential” … but you need to shut up and PAY your punishing carbon taxes.

  3. Do we really understand what Kate has just revealed through this post? This is great news for energy producers:

    “Electricity demand is forecast to grow as much as 20% by 2030, with AI data centers alone expected to add about 323 terawatt hours of electricity demand in the U.S.,”

    – One TWh is enough to cool 500,000 homes and light a million for a year. Google it, please!!.
    – 1TWh can power 70,000 homes for a year.
    – 323 TWH can power 22M homes for a year. And that is just for US AI power consumption.
    – 323 TWH = 190,000,000 barrels of oil (https://www.kylesconverter.com/energy,-work,-and-heat/terawatt-hours-to-barrels-of-oil-equivalent). That’s almost double the global demand for oil per day.
    I think Google and ExxonMobil will be partners some day.

  4. A number of years ago a US coal association published a report concluding the the energy consumed by every smart phone for manufacturing, charging, data transmission, data farms (by far the most significant use) was equivalent to running a household refrigerator for a year. That was before todays data requirements. That report was poopooed by greenies and the intelligentsia. Today we see it was likely an underestimation.

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