Reversing The Onus

Offering up yet another example of his incredible arrogance, Volodymyr Zelenskyy demands to know how Donald Trump would end the war if he becomes President again. I’ve got a better question: how does Zelenskyy propose to win it?

“If Trump knows how to finish this war, he should tell us today,” Zelenskyy said in a Bloomberg Television interview in Kyiv on Wednesday.

“It’s not a deadlock, it’s a problematic situation,” he said. “A deadlock means there’s no way out. But a problem can be solved if one has the will and has the tools. We do have the will, and the tools – they haven’t arrived yet.”



44 Replies to “Reversing The Onus”

  1. He’s really asking how to win the war. But that question has a very uncomfortable answer.


  2. Just a note of correction. “They haven’t arrived yet is a mistranslation. It should be “They haven’t been born yet”. Ukraine is losing so many soldiers it is obscene.

  3. This man leads a nation under invasion by a fascist neighbour, independence hanging by a thread, and your advice to him is to just give up and let them take it? Would you do the same if it was your country? Anyone who says yes is a coward.

    1. You do realise that the AZOV Battalion is actually Nazi don’t you? You do remember that old Ukrainian gent that fought against the Soviets in WWII was actually a Nazi don’t you? So sad how you get suckered like that all the time. Ukraine is not some blushing virgin that we have to rush in to save. It started the war by shelling Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine somewhere around 2014. I know a young lady from Ukraine told me about how her mom lost her home in 2015. Her mom’s home was in Eastern Ukraine. Mom’s great sin? She and her household spoke Russian at home.

    2. You need to understand the meaning of fascist before you use it. Maybe you could head over to Ukraine….because you wouldn’t want to be considered a coward, would you?

      By the way, Ukraine unilaterally determined what its borders would be.

    3. He sure is doing pretty good, ol’ Zelensky for a comedian installed by the State Dept. Love that diverse video he made. What is he up to now, 3 mansions or 6? The facists are in the Ukraine by the way, not Russia. They have the patches to prove it. They pushed and pushed and finally Putin gave them their war. Now the Ukrainians are paying the price. And Zelensky is getting rich off it. He’s not a hero.

    4. “..This man leads a nation under invasion by a fascist neighbour..” ???
      Pull yer head outa yer rectum.

      The WAR is and was Started BY NATO & the Neo Cons within after they toppled the democratically elected govt in 2014. Classic CIA op…Destabalize – install Ukro NAZI puppet. And in doing so, pissing off the Russians who rightfully so Do Not want NATO up against their borders.

      Russia is doing precisely what ANYONE else would have done..
      Lets remember its the North ATLANTIC Treaty Org….Not the Central Eurasia Org here.

      F Zelensky and his Globalist supporters…

      1. Be honest with yourself, would you have made these statements about Russia in 2014? Would you be saying these things if you hadn’t joined a cult led by a Russian puppet? Guess we’ll never know.

    1. cghCOLON
      Are you really that STUPID? His successor would be worst then Putin, as Putin is showing a lot of restraint.
      Ah, yes, you are that stupid, and have done a great job proving it over time.
      Credit raters have up graded Russia’s rating, and now the world bank has also done that.
      You need to quit your leftist stupidity, and quit being a JESSICA.


      1. If Putin was assassinated, Russia — including the military — could well be thrown into chaos as competing factions vied for power.

        It’s not like this is a true democracy with well-defined rules for succession. It’s a dictatorship held through raw power, and that’s how the new leader would be decided.

        1. Just curious … do you consider Ukraine a “Democracy”? When was Ukraine’s last election?

    2. Executive Order 11905, executive order issued February 19, 1976, by U.S. President Gerald Ford, which prohibited any member of the U.S. government from engaging or conspiring to engage in any political assassination anywhere in the world. Promulgated in the wake of revelations that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had attempted to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro in the 1960s, it was the first executive order to ban assassinations. It was successively superseded by Executive Order 12036 (issued by President Jimmy Carter on January 26, 1978) and Executive Order 12333 (issued by President Ronald Reagan on December 4, 1981), both of which affirmed the ban in the same language, which differed only slightly from that of Ford’s order.

  4. How dare you.
    Have you not been listening to our State Media and the collected wisdom of this site’s tame seals?
    The victorious Ukrainian Army is sweeping westward,an unstoppable f@rce of light and freedom in this world.

    1. LMAO…Good one John..!!
      Yea, 500,000 Ukrainians Gonzo…DEAD.
      Zelensky & cabal gets another South FLA Mansion in the deal..

  5. Ukraine is a money laundromat posing as a gas station. They never should have surrendered to Victoria Nuland ten years ago. They’ve been raped by the Brandon/Barry axis of greed.

  6. Zelensky has a perfect good point. Trump says he could stop the war in 24 hours. How exactly? What is the plan?

    1. Good question. There’s one way possible. Explode a nuclear test device in the Nevada test range. Then inform Putin, “Pull out or the next one goes off over Moscow.” A variation of this worked in 1962 and 1973.

    2. Cede the territory and move on. Revise the borders just like Eastern Europe has been doing for thousands of years. It’s not that hard. And spare me the “sovereignty of nations” crap. The region speaks Russian, and want to BE Russian. Move on and stop sacrificing your citizens for a regional conflict.

      And if you don’t Zelensky … no more US tax dollars.

      1. “Cede the territory and move on. Revise the borders just like Eastern Europe has been doing for thousands of years. It’s not that hard. And spare me the “sovereignty of nations” crap. The region speaks Russian, and want to BE Russian. Move on and stop sacrificing your citizens for a regional conflict. ”


        Well said, Kenji. Everyone with a working brain knows that this is the ONLY possible way this thing ends, period. Unless you want to put NATO (read: Canadian and American) troops into Ukraine to *fight and die* for the profits of billionaire arms dealers?

        Oh NO? Not what you had in mind? Not willing to sacrifice your own sons and daughters? Then STFU and support a peace agreement. Recognize reality and SAVE SOME LIVES.

    3. Well maybe turn off the money tap and a tell Z to go back to the table like he was going to do before Boris Johnson put the kybosh on that.

      1. Turning off the “money tap” would go a long way towards putting a stop to the insanity.

  7. Zelensky sounds like the US National Men’s Soccer Team … complaining that the ball wasn’t properly inflated so that’s the reason they got humiliated in the Copa Tournament. They weren’t wearing the right kind of studs, so they kept slipping. Their shin guards were too small, so they couldn’t go hard into every tackle.

    The Ukraine resistance is futile. Period. And NATO has proven itself to be an utter JOKE

  8. Easy peasy. Live up to the promises made to Russia that NATO would not move further east than the German border and tell Zelenskyyyyyy that the tap is off. Then negotiate an end to the nonsense.

    1. At this point, since Finland has decided to join NATO, it may not make a difference.

  9. Russia has been defeated. Soon Ukraine will declare victory.

    Then can we get our billions back?

    1. Most likely this ends the same way the last few American war ended: The US declares victory and goes home. The media and US population care about it for one new cycle and move on. Our former enemies gets what’s left of the place.

  10. Ukrainians are the good guys and Russians are the bad guys. The President of the United States says so, so it has got to be true.

    It has also been confirmed by fact-checkers from Reuters, CNN, Snopes, NPR and Facebook. Any doubts?

    And the Covid vaccine is safe and effective® — also promoted by the same POTUS and confirmed by the esteemed fact-checkers.

  11. Two ways to win a war:
    a) Remove the enemies ability to wage war, and
    b) Remove the enemies desire for war.

    America under the Obama/Biden administrations have funded Ukraine’s ability to wage the war through clandestine methods. Promising to expand NATO eastward in violation of the Bucharest agreement and then funding the war effort by extorting other NATO powers to contribute to the Ukrainian war chest has kept the war going. It is evident that the Ukrainian people want no part of this war. Therefore to end the war it is only a matter for Trump to remove the American finances that have been funding this proxy war against Russia, and that can be done in two phone calls.

    1. c) Declare victory, go home, spin the event for one news cycle until US media loses interest. Seen that movie a couple of times before. Yes, the “enemy” gets to own the place.

      1. … should we leave $Billions in armaments for the enemy to seize? I’ve seen that move recently. Putin would happily take the Afghanistan/Biden/Obama treatment.

  12. Trump (as President) would have to approve the gravy train. Refuse to advance the funds and the war ends. You can’t fight a war without money.

    1. But, but, but … our obligation to NATO!? And ensuring EU peace!? Now that Germany is broke … who will fund NATO!? Ohhhhhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaaaa … someone needs to protect the Muslim States of the EU!

    2. Exactly right. Zelensky needs to keep Biden in power because when Trump takes over the cash cow stops producing.

  13. He (Zelensky) is right though.
    If Trump’s plan is to threaten Russia – stating that now may save lives.
    If is plan is to withhold committed arms – stating that now may save lives.
    Same with anything in between.
    Ukraine’s plan is the plan that Afghanistan employed to beat Russia. And with Nato country’s help – it is working. Look what happened after the arms supply resumed.
