Say It Isn’t So, Joe!

Biden Plunges in Swing States in Leaked Post-Debate Poll

The memo was put together after the debate by OpenLabs, a progressive nonprofit that conducts polling and message-testing for a constellation of Democratic groups, including the 501(c)4 nonprofit associated with Future Forward, the preferred Super PAC for Biden’s reelection campaign. OpenLabs is something of a black box: Their website is mostly blank, they don’t seek publicity, and their client list is closely held. But their data-driven memos are trusted in Democratic circles, and typically passed around to a small group of clients and strategists. One of those Democrats forwarded me the OpenLabs document on Tuesday morning. […]

The poll found that Biden has dropped only slightly in the national horse race against Trump, by .08 points. That mostly squares with the public narrative from the Biden campaign in the wake of the debate, as their team has labored to calm Democratic panic over Biden’s ability to beat Trump in November. Geoff Garin, one of Biden’s top pollsters, tweeted over the weekend that the campaign’s internal polling showed that the national race was mostly unchanged. “The debate had no effect on the vote choice,” he said. “The election was extremely close and competitive before the debate, and it is still extremely close and competitive today.” Polls conducted immediately after the debate by CNN and FiveThirtyEight suggested similarly negligible gains for Trump nationally, with CNN reporting that “just 5 percent of respondents say it changed their minds about whom to vote for.”

But according to OpenLabs, that’s only part of the story. While the debate may have barely registered in national data, in their surveys of key Electoral College states where voters are paying closer attention to the campaign, Biden is doing noticeably worse. In a poll including third-party candidates, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the president has fallen by around 2 points in every single core battleground—and also in states that were not even on the 2024 map last week. In the tipping-point state of Pennsylvania, Biden now trails by 7 points, compared to 5 points before the debate. He has also dropped in Michigan, where he now trails Trump by 7. OpenLabs also found that he is now losing by roughly 10 points in Georgia and Arizona, and by almost 9 points in Nevada.

The most worrisome angle to all this is that Trump is now within striking distance in a variety of states that weren’t considered campaign battlegrounds last week. Biden is now only winning by a fraction of a point in Virginia, Maine, Minnesota, and New Mexico—and he’s now only winning Colorado by around 2 points.

The survey also found that Biden is now losing in New Hampshire, news that aligns with a Saint Anselm College poll released Monday showing Trump suddenly winning the Granite State


INSURRECTION: House Democrats Consider Demanding Biden Withdraw From Race

25 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe!”

  1. I don’t believe any polls, even secret polls.
    Negative or positive, its all purposeful propaganda.
    And who benefits?
    Who knows?

    1. l have long suspected political parties, those with any sort of agenda will use the legitimate polling system to their advantage.
      by merely commissioning poll after secret poll until the get the ‘desired’ result and only then, publish the propaganda results.

  2. The one thing we know with absolute certainty now is that ALL the mainstream news is lying. All day, every day, between now and November, they will lie. High, wide and handsome.

    It is pointless to sift the lies, hoping for a kernel of truth. All that happens is you get filthy with the scum from the lies.

    May bankruptcy and ruin claim the lot of them.

    1. heh heh. ya mean like glow ball’s stock price? 12 cents is it? PENNY STOCK ha ha ha !!!

      1. just think the true value of CBCpravda with a 1.4 billion dollar subsidy per year

    1. I love trashing the corrupt old weasel, then I realize how much I want him to stay. Good for you, Joe, you answered all the questions!

  3. Who cares about the swing states! He’s got the rock and roll states sewn up, and has an excellent shot at the conga states! If they line up right!

    1. Of course his base is in the funk states, that’s why he spends so much time there.

  4. I don’t remember who or which (Hey it was well over 5 minutes ago and the misinformation agencies, main stream media, change their stories so fast, who can remember?) pundit and nutwork said it but they accidentally let the cat out of the bag. They noted that Buck Fiden’s bad debate won’t stop his sure re-election, the only thing it will influence is the voters.

    In other words, the elephant in the room they all see but nobody mentions; it’s not the vote that counts, it’s the vote counters.

  5. I can see Biden BEGGING Trump for an August Debate now. Trump might actually agree to it if the moderators are Tucker, Jones and Kelly. Biden’s not leaving. His family’s safe at least until sometime next year if he hangs on. If not, the slobbering Dem hyena’s will rip ’em all to shreds as a show of Party renewal to appease their mob base.

    1. The entire Biden clan will be tossed away like a used tissue … discarded as useless and contaminated. I look forward to multiple Biden family “suicides”.

  6. But but …. DEMOCRACY!
    Didn’t Biden just win the primary elections to be the democratically chosen candidate?

  7. Nothing happens in DC for no reason. Polling is unsurprisingly showing that Michelle O will beat Trump. Did way back when and is right now.

    While MSM can say that the WH fooled them as to the extent of JB’s senility, that is where the naivety ends, and their compliance with the Dems MO of working with the Cabal was and will continue unabated. This debate debacle is only a negative looking predetermined glitch in their 4D manoeuvring to get MO into the WH.

    If Hunter and Jill can be in with JB on meetings….why can BO be in them with MO.

    The Dems will get back voters in buckets no matter how hard Kamala protests that she didn’t get to be the first “black” (is 1/2 east Indian) POTUS via an election.

    Or as Tim Pool already put out publicly, maybe she can get the gig to replace JB for the next few months as the first black prez but rather also a caretaker prez while MO campaigns

    1. MO and Gavin are hanging back … and very loudly proclaiming their disinterest in the top job. Yeah, of course that’s a tactic designed to FOOL the public into actually believing they both aren’t dying to become POTUS. They’re both “above” such ambition. Voter PUHleeze!?

  8. Well, it’s up to the Democrats to invoke the 25th Amendment, not Republicans. They are free to do so, and thus put Kamala in the Oval. Now who you gonna run for pres?

  9. All debate aside … Biden is so OBVIOUSLY medically compromised … which everyone can see with their naked eyes and ears … HOW is it that Biden isn’t immediately subjected to a thorough physical and mental exam. America simply cannot afford to be led by a vegetable. He needs to be medically removed from office.

    Where are THE government DOCTORS!? During COVID our Nation was FULL of Top Doctors … really TOP people … who were “experts” in public health. Expert-enough to TELL each and every of 275 million Americans how to live and to MANDATE we all take an experimental “vaccine” in order to “save ourselves … and more importantly “save our neighbors”. Doctors who determined there could NEVER be natural immunity to COVID. WHERE ARE THE government EXPERT Doctors.

    The government Doctors diagnosed our children as urgently NEEDING to take a DNA-altering “vaccine” in order to “save their lives” … yet none of these Doctors can diagnose a physically and mentally compromised POTUS!?

  10. Judge Merchan will give Trump a prison sentence in September.

    And just like with Epstein, the cameras will mysteriously turn off, and the guards will find subsequently find a “suicide”.

    1. More like ‘double-tapped’ from in front whilst allegedly trying to strangle one of his guards in an escape attempt. You know, much like he allegedly did in that vehicle!!!

      I shouldn’t give ’em ideas…

  11. Biden can not step down, he has a son to keep out of prison and a wife that loves being first lady.
