25 Replies to “Sound And Effective®”

  1. Rand Paul has been going after him for around two years now. Aaaaand nothing.
    Despite all the evidence to his criminality.

  2. Obviously, the media cartel is going to tell people that what they see is not what they see.
    Unfortunately, about 30% to 50% of the population will ignorantly, willfully and religiously believe it the lies.
    After all these people went to scrool for a long time, to learn how to spin a story.

    As they often say, you can’t fix stupid.

  3. Fauci’s obsession with being a water carrier knows no bounds. The good part is that at this time almost no one will fall for his nonsense.

  4. The Doctor who has no medical degree proffers a diagnosis. If an intellectual lightweight like Biden puts you on edge during a briefing that makes you an intellectual flyweight.

  5. Old: you can’t trust these 30 second clips; they omit context.

    New: you can’t trust these 90 minute clips; they include context.

  6. MD 1966. One year after this geezer’s high school graduation. Never practiced medicine or very very briefly.

    Get this: His new book is called On Call.

  7. All debate aside … Biden is so OBVIOUSLY medically compromised … which everyone can see with their naked eyes and ears … HOW is it that Biden isn’t immediately subjected to a thorough physical and mental exam. America simply cannot afford to be led by a vegetable. He needs to be medically removed from office.

    Where are THE government DOCTORS!? During COVID our Nation was FULL of Top Doctors … really TOP people … who were “experts” in public health. Expert-enough to TELL each and every of 275 million Americans how to live and to MANDATE we all take an experimental “vaccine” in order to “save ourselves … and more importantly “save our neighbors”. Doctors who determined there could NEVER be natural immunity to COVID. WHERE ARE THE government EXPERT Doctors?

    The government Doctors diagnosed our children as urgently NEEDING to take a DNA-altering “vaccine” in order to “save their lives” … yet none of these Doctors can diagnose a physically and mentally compromised POTUS!?

  8. Well, at least give him an A+ for being consistent: He lied throughout the Covid Plandemic and now is continuing to lie, lie, lie.

  9. It seems plain to me Biden has Parkinson’s with related dementia that’s worsening. He’s got Parkinson’s gait and Parkinson’s blank stare “poker face”. He may have more lucid periods in the day, but his whole-brain judgment would be compromised. His outbursts while seemingly lucid are evidence of that. This person should have no authority in decisions like blowing up pipelines, attacking Russian early warning systems for incoming nuclear attacks and otherwise escalating into nuclear warfare. It’s degenerately irresponsible to the world, not just the USA. The U.S. political—media—corporate system has become nihilistically corrupted with the pursuit of power for its own sake.

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