14 Replies to “Today In Islam”

    1. The street justice people would necessarily be grass roots and the turd will put them in prison or have them horse stomped.

      1. true. this is NOT merely an expression of bitterness but the actual TRUTH about the TURDeau.
        and here it is agin folks, WHY WHY WHY do SOOOOOOO MANY Canaduhians *continue and continue* to VOTE for this NONSENSE???? hmmm? why?
        answer THAT Q and youve answered DOZENS others too.

        l call it ‘broken brain syndrome’.

  1. Rats procreate like crazy.
    They can have 7-8 babies per litter and they have multiple litters per year.
    They reach sexually maturity very quickly.
    You shouldn’t ignore or suffer their existence, let alone entertain a society with rats.
    They carry multiple zoonotic pathogens – a plague is a plague is a plague.

  2. “HSBC bank in Amman explains the rejection of the transfer by Jordanian authorities arguing that they were intended “to finance suspicious organizations, including Hamas, in collaboration with Benjamin Netanyahu, by means of other bank accounts.”

    MEMRI had published a first round of these documents already in December, originating in Project Raven as well, in which five documents dated to 2012 and 2018.”


    1. Did you miss this part?

      There is no evidence that Israel had received any funds from Qatar;
      More like fake news. Besides Qatar loves and supports the pals.

  3. Paul Simon had a song where he mentioned “a bomb in a baby carriage.”

    Now they murder an actual baby as part of the deal.

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