Wednesday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Of Mice and Dems.  An anarchist event at a library.

Blackie’s Canada:  Only white people should be in prison.  Blackie is burning jet fuel to Washington next week.  The government wants you to correct your thinking.  Is China in charge of security at Canadian embassies?

Woke World:  Busybodies never sleep.  Paul Joseph Watson on democracy in France.

Your morning meme.  Bonus meme.  Another meme.

21 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

    1. VOWG – NATO should only allow attendance at their meetings by heads of state of countries who have lived up to their NATO commitments.

  1. Justa Shithead should show up in Redface when he goes to Washington.
    Centrist Democrats there hate him for letting Americans die for Canadian’s freedom.
    But he won’t. He has no shame.
    Even American MSM turds can’t help but note that politically he’s a dead man walking.
    It would be nice if he got hammered by a real journalist for his “two perthent ithn’t going to happen” comment.

    1. Buddy – my comment above is relevant to your excellent imitation of juth-tin.

  2. Good news for Alberta. Blackie has cancelled his trip to the Calgary Stampede. I guess the Coward Of The Cottage is afraid people will say mean things to him.

    1. He’s either quitting or really afraid. One other possibility is the Only Liberal from Alberta begged him to keep his smarmy effete ass away.

    2. In this morning’s Globe and Mail, p. A3: “PM won’t attend Calgary Stampede: sources”. Perhaps he got advance notice of the story that follows on p. A7: “Stampede kills at least 116, mostly women and children…” He would have dropped it screaming by then, although it does go on to explain that this was in India.

  3. The button got stuck on Turdholes shock collar a few days ago and he just about danced his shoes off while they were prying the button back up and now he won’t be attending the Calgary Stampede (still trying to recover). How will they ever manage in Calgary if they aren’t able to bask in his magnificence?

      1. No one will be offended. After all, he’s just doing his bit to keep Alberta rat-free.

  4. Paul J Watson – what exactly is far right about Le Pen? She wants to make France Uber Allis? Is the Quebec government far right? Hardly.
    Paul McCartney wrote a song called “Give Ireland Back to the Irish “. Marine wants to give France back to the French. Is Paul McCartney far right now?

  5. RE: ” Only white people should be in prison ”
    Extremely divisive report. Should be tossed into the dustbin of very bad ideas.
    Common sense dictates that if you do the crime, you do the time, regardless of your skin color.
    Justice must apply equally to all, or there is no justice, but something tells me that we’ve had little to no justice in Canada now for what… 9 years? …and counting?
    Canada is really vying to challenge Californicka as the bastion of woke leftism ideology — a very dangerous progression into what I see as total anarchy, and the complete breakdown of society as a whole, and I suspect that’s EXACTLY what these leftist creatures want. The only way they can have their “utopia” is to destroy the society that we have been creating since the magna-carta.

    1. “We acknowledge the limitations of working within a legal system that was not developed to serve the needs of Black people and was designed to harm us.”

      Yet another assertion without evidence.

      And they also are claiming that reducing the population of violent criminals by 30% will somehow improve society.

  6. RE: ” The government wants you to correct your thinking. ”
    The government has no moral authority to tell us what or how to think. That should go without saying, but apparently, in these insane times, people need to be reminded of that one basic fact.
    This is a signal that the current government’s priorities are totally out of whack, and not working for the interests of Canadians, but for themselves. Completely authoritarian and dictatorial.
    This alone should disqualify the current government, but after living in Ottawa for the past 28 years, I know that the city more-or-less would welcome such a policy. The city lives in it’s own bubble, completely disconnected from reality.

  7. Anita Anand proves that the civil service must be cleaned out before any positive change can happen. These are the ones writing legislation and pushing policies. Changing the politicians won’t matter as long as the senior civil servants remain in place.

    1. The civil service is the greatest threat to western democracies, individual rights and entrepreneurial freedoms.

  8. Item: Busybodies never sleep.

    Interesting. As a former regulatee in the invesment biz, that was my go-to bitch about excessive regulation: they never sleep.

    I like words: in this piece, quangocrats.
    A quango is an entity funded by gubmint but which acts as if it’s independent. A very important word!

  9. Having the government appoint a committee to explore paying black Canadians reparations for slavery and segregation […] are just some of the recommendations included in the report

    *What* slavery? This is Canada!
