Anomaly Abuse

The only real anomaly in this narrative is the fact that certain political leaders do not understand the concept of evidence.

A search of the grounds of a former residential school in northern Manitoba has uncovered 187 anomalies, according to First Nation leaders.

To know for sure what the anomalies are, Monias said the sites would have to be excavated and DNA testing would be required.

To do that, he said the First Nation would need funding from the federal government.

In what universe would the discovery of a potential crime scene require federal funding prior to investigation?


26 Replies to “Anomaly Abuse”

  1. No, not a dime. We have been taxed enough for a narrative without any evidence except someone’s unverified memories. If they want more money, let them INVEST using their own wealth, not ours. Not a dime.

  2. “We’ll need federal funding…”. They’ll get a couple of million, dig up a couple of “anomalies”, then quietly let the matter drop while the Chief and Band Councillors pocket several thousand dollars each, tax free.

    How long is THIS farce going to go on?

  3. How many able bodied men belong to the Pimicikamak Cree Nation? How many of them know how to use a shovel?

    Find some actual remains first.

    1. Someone claimed that there were “denialists” coming in at night with shovels to dig up the graves, but they were chased away by “security”

      Of course, how you know they are “denialists” with shovels, when security didn’t arrest them doesn’t compute, but here we are. One might think this is another Hedy Fry seeing burning crosses.

  4. This has more to do with mourning their culture than murdered children by the Catholic Church.. Dig that up..

  5. “In what universe would the discovery of a potential crime scene require federal funding prior to investigation?”

    Hey, backhoe rentals cost money. And the Chief wants a new truck.

  6. Ask any geophysicist and they will tell you to “test the targets”. Because if you don’t you’re just blowing smoke up other people’s underwear.

  7. Meantime, Pimicikamak Cree Nation plans to hold ceremonies at each of the sites honouring those who might be buried there.
    “Each anomaly and unmarked grave represents a life and a story that was unjustly silenced

    What? You’re gonna wave feathers at GPR anomalies? Seriously? You’re not gonna wait for the supposed bodies to be exhumed? And what “story has been unjustly silenced”? If MY child was sent to a Residential school, I’d have kept close contact with my kid. There would be NO “unjustly silenced story”. Where is the parental responsibility? Ohhhhh … Indians are different … it takes a village to raise an Indian child. So the whole village should have kept in contact with the children. The whole village should have the child’s story.

    This is all such gaslighting nonsense it’s sickening.

    1. Excellent article … I am certain it is uncomfortable to face certain TRUTHS on the way to reconciliation.

      The easy response is to call you and I … deniers! And censor all we post

  8. This entire saga has ben verifiable B shit since day 1.
    Just anther avenue to scam the non indigenous out of more money…

    Zero Fks given for that entire line of “humanity”… sorry but that’s what ya get with 71 yrs of seeing this (LIBERAL), in yer Face Indian INDUSTRY Scam.
    Could care less.

  9. 10 million each to dig up real victims in Manitoba, no reserve left behind in the dig for not industry.

  10. “The discoveries underscore the tragic history of the residential school system, he said, and the urgent need for reconciliation and healing.”
    The tragic history apparently is an absolute willingness to lie for their cause.
    Or alternately a stunning inability to use critical thinking.
    Obviously the “Residential Schools” failed miserably to integrate these Wards of The State into fully functioning free citizens..
    So is our current “Public Education” using the same model?

  11. “Monias said the sites would have to be excavated and DNA testing would be required.”

    Hey Monias. You missed the part about finding a body.

  12. The school graves trope has set back race relations 50 years in Canada. Did anyone in the bands that are indulging in this mass hysteria think that they could seriously emerge from this without proof or credible testimony? Indians have no one to blame but themselves. The gig is up and our patience and compassion is gone. Nobody cares.

  13. Now that I think of it, I think I found some anomalies in MY back yard. I require Federal funding, and I gotta tell ya, I charge a lot.

  14. The Convid PCR test should give them upwards of 93% false positive. Perhaps they could hire Brent Rousillini to do the testing.

  15. How many anomalies are likely to be found in the average backyard, if there’s been drainage work, septic stuff, landscaping?

    A mass grave for every home!

  16. At least their claims/suspicions predate the Yellowstone TV show prequel “1923” in which native schoolgirls at a catholic school are tortured and killed and buried in unmarked graves on school grounds. Had this come after, I would immediately assume it was another E Jean Carrol “Trump raped me, just like in that TV episode” kind of hoax.

    But by all means, go to one of the larger anomalies and start digging. With your own shovels. I also am tired of the lazy natives playing the oppressed victim card forever and ever. Get off your drunken asses and do something for yourselves for once.

    And thank you very much Al_in_Ottowa for the link. I never knew.

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