Appeasing Your Enemies

Does not make them your friends.

National Post- Corporate Canada betrayed capitalism. Now it has been betrayed

Progressive statism has never been about the climate, or transgenderism, or whatever the cause du jour. The target has always been Western values and principles. Free enterprise is anathema to its aspirations, and as it turns out, so is prosperity itself. Canadian companies have betrayed the economic principles of their own society. How does government change one side of a bargain? When there is no other side.

The Canadian business community still does not understand the point of the revolution. There can be no survivors.

14 Replies to “Appeasing Your Enemies”

  1. Man, we have so many words for stuff. Too bad reality isn’t one of those words.

  2. And when your government betters have driven the last ewwwwww … corporation out of business and there is no revenue and no productivity … no GDP … you’ll all become slaves to The State and WILL OBEY the Chief Bureaucrats … or you won’t get your full portion of bug protein … or you’ll be sent to the MAID Chamber. And you’ll live in the dirt like the heathen tribes scattered across the Canadian territory before the evil white capitalists arrived. And you’ll all be speaking French … or Secwepemctsín

      1. And we sit here, watching it, seemingly powerless to stop them.
        Oh, and pretty soon we won’t be able to bitch about it, what with the new censorship bill.
        And, no, I didn’t vote for it, but I still feel disenfranchised in this post national purgatory.

      2. The Post National State:

        Where groomers walk Naked on the Streets with their Junk in full view.
        Where Gender Surgery on Children is near mandated
        Where Islamics openly & Violently attack JEWS, Gays etc. with the PMO’s nod n a wink.
        Where you might have yer Bank account frozen – just because
        Where the Govt rapes your Treasury
        Where Police do SFA if its some Drag Queen or Palestinian POS does something – but instantly incarcerate the Normies.
        Where housing is beyond the reach of most…self included.
        Where you are entreated to eat insects and Faux meat
        Where you are Told we are in a perpetual Climate emergency
        Where we are told that Food is the root of all Climate EVIL
        Where you are told that if you refuse the latest Bio-Weapon, you are therefor instantly branded as Racist-Misogynist – Anti Science and therefore should not be Tolerated.
        Where the Prime Minister of the country is a Gay Pedophilic GROOMER & one who demonstrably HATES Women.
        Where illegal migrants are invited in and paid $2540/ mo. for raising cain, yet legitimate Immigrants can wait up to 2+ yrs to get approved and receive SFA.

        Canada in a nut shell.

  3. Yeah, but running ads with 20-year-old Southeast Asians pretending they remember 1970’s Tim Horton’s “dutchies” is totally truthful.

  4. Government says, do this thing we want, that is for the “greater good” and we’ll give you benefits, in the form of subsidies, and praise, and if you don’t do it we will punish you. Idiotic companies jump up and say “Yes Government”, and they do all the stupid things that government demands.

    Our current political “leaders” believe in “‘All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.'” as the first step to the glorious techocratic socialist future.

  5. Does the legislation provide remedy for politicians who make false claims that a carbon tax or something else will save humanity? Just curious

  6. I know a businessman who is doing everything he can to stay on the environment gravy train, and generally spends more money than he takes in while doing so. He is a huge booster of whatever green energy boondoggle gets placed within his grasp, and justifies it by claiming that since we can’t stop this trend, we might as well profit from it.

    The fact that he’s not profiting from it aside, if the state mandates that we all jump off a cliff, why would someone think that it’s not so bad if they can reap a fast buck on the way to the cliff?

    1. This business person reminds me of an owner of a health supplements store many years ago. She consistently price-matched Walmart believing that her customers would eventually see the value in paying full price. I tried to explain that customers like this would erode her already weak bottom line and put her out of business. She disagreed and continued with the practice. Less than a year later she closed her doors.
      You just can’t help stupid people.

  7. PET broke corporate Canada to the government’s will back in the 70’s. Between the Elder Turd getting them dependent on public handouts to Mulroney and Chretien getting them hooked on a ridiculously (and artificially) low dollar, the Canadian business world simply cannot exist without government largesse.

  8. The cost of compliance far exceeded any reward for time and effort decades ago.
    Work is a true 4 letter word.
    Income is a sin,which is why we are taxed on income at rates similar to alcohol and tobacco..
    Ain’t Kleptocracy grand?
    The parasitic overload is enormous.
    Only a famine can shrink it.
    Stop working,you only encourage the parasites.
