Best Healthcare System In The World

Trust the experts.

Calgary Herald- Long waits for cancer treatment worsens illness, endangers lives, infuriates patients

A heartbreaking video is circulating on social media from a young Edmonton woman whose husband was diagnosed with gastric cancer on May 2, but two months later has no appointment to see an oncologist.

She says he’s developed severe related problems and has been in hospital. Gastric bleeding. Stomach perforation. A collapsed lung.

25 Replies to “Best Healthcare System In The World”

  1. Family Assistance in Dying – the logical evolution in MAID.

    So much cheaper and less icky for the death care system.

    But wait: after your friend is dead, we’ll build shiny new facilities and then draw from all over Calgary, thereby not increasing the number of providers and then go on a recruiting binge.

    And when its time for *your* appointment, the water mains will break again.

    1. Can’t kill the whole family.
      Someone has to pay those 100 year mortgages.

  2. You will notice that when Leftists defend Canada’s socialized health care “system” that they themselves never complain about the long waits.

    Could it be that when they “don’t mind the wait” it’s because at that particular moment in time they aren’t awaiting cancer treatments ?

    1. Very true. My wife had cancer and got prompt treatment and has been cancer non recurrent for 12 years. My cousin’s wife got the same kind of cancer and her treatment was delayed for a year and a half. My cousin buried his dear wife of 35 years about the same time my wife was being declared cancer free.

      1. It took more than a year for my now-late wife to be diagnosed with cancer back in 2014-2015. The delay in diagnosis allowed the cancer to develop to stage 4 which meant it was too late for the 12 weeks of chemo treatment to have a positive effect. She passed away in the fall, 57 years young.

  3. Hey, there are hotels that need renting in order to accommodate ‘asylum seekers’…where would you prefer your tax money went?

  4. Slow reaction times for cancer treatment helps fortify the validity of the MAID program.

    See how many people are asking to die now?

  5. Hospitals are hiring people to administer the MAID program. Their job is to get the numbers up. They probably lose a bonus if their hospital doesn’t do enough. Cancer patients dying in wait is a feature.

  6. Meh.
    Healthcare Canadian Style.
    A service infinitely postphoned, is different from a service denied..How”.

    Healthcare by bureaucrat is a sordid lie.
    Part of the truly big lie; “We are from the government,we are here to help you”.
    Although “help” may not mean quite what you assumed.

    Actually infinitely deferred is much more sadistic that outright denial..make what you want of that.

  7. How long before the Liberal gag law is expanded to cover anyone criticizing our shitty healthcare system?
    Just how stupid are those 21% of voters who still support the Liberal.
    Or the 19% of voters who support the NDP traitors?

    1. The average I.Q. is supposedly rated at a 100 and half the people are below that. Yet the left has at least a 63% support rate during most elections. That must be because we need to include the 4% who are sociopaths, and another 9% who are narcisisstic.

  8. The covid shots are killing people, cancer is just one of things killing people.

  9. but but but the TURDeau spends HUNDREDS OF BILLI00,000,000,000,NS on ev batteries, propping up the MEdia, illegal immigrant care, etc.
    soooooooo quitchebytching you succeeded way beyond your dreams. hes now killing others in your family, circle of friends, neighborhood, towns, cities, and the whole country
    for !!!

  10. If I had a dollar every time the proponents of Obamakkare cited the WONDERFUL Canadian Socialized medicine system as the MODEL for a wealthy, Western, capitalist, industrialized, nation … I’d be a multi-billionaire.

  11. Unfortunately the majority of Canadians believe that single payer healthcare is the only morally acceptable option. Most believe that every nation besides the United States operates under the single payer model, when in fact it is Canada that is the odd man out. Hence, most recoil in horror at any suggestion that private provision of medical care be allowed, in any form whatsoever. It’s maddening, and now it’s killing people. Yet average Joe Citizen is like the peasant in the Soviet breadline who gripes about the lack of bread but refuses to blame the system he lives under. He typically thinks it’s all the fault of a “few bad actors”. This is the mentality of a slave.

    1. “Mentality of a slave” is right on. Let’s close down health care, ramp up MAID and share the savings with the healthy. After all, sick people have only themselves to blame, right?

    2. Yes … most of the slaves in your nation believe it is the greedy Doctors who are to blame.

    3. “Most believe that every nation besides the United States operates under the single payer model, when in fact it is Canada that is the odd man out. Hence, most recoil in horror at any suggestion that private provision of medical care be allowed, in any form whatsoever. ”

      Yes, and they also seem totally unaware that all of those European health care systems that they admire so much (and that are ranked so much better than our own Canadian system) use a *mix* of public and private care…publicly funded but privately delivered, in many cases. EVERY ONE.

      There was a doctor here in Vancouver who quit the system, and opened up a clinic where he and a dozen or so other doctors would do surgeries for cash. He hired qualified people, paid them more than the public system, and did it quicker and cheaper than the public system could do it (St. Paul’s Hospital used to ‘contract out’ surgeries to him, and claimed that for every 1000 dollars in surgical costs he saved them 300 dollars) but the health care unions (yes, it’s almost always a union to sound the alarm) were just screaming about how he was “profiting” from providing medical care (yes…so what? What part of *cheaper* did you not understand?). He just lost his 14-year long legal battle to keep doing so last year.

  12. Canada was never a truly great country. Just an OK one.

    Now it is a third world sh^thole and a total f##king dumpster fire.

    1. Amen!! Canada is a country where mediocrity was invented, perfected and then abandoned because it was too hard. Most years you will see folks driving around with Canadian flags and wearing red, pining for something that never was. This year they didn’t even pretend. The only celebration this year will be Diwali.

  13. The problem with the system is…”when you walk through the door of a hospital you are viewed as a cost, not a customer.”

    That’s why my veterinarian treats me with respect and my doctor doesn’t.

    1. Exactly. He who pays, says. That’s why the govts tax us into the poor house. So only they can afford to pay and say.
