9 Replies to “Dang!”

  1. That is very cool. In 10 years, home hobby versions will be available for small scale model builders.

  2. I figure that’ll be covered in Canada around 2150 AD.
    No, if you’ll excuse me, I have a bloodletting appointment, to be followed by a nice, relaxing leech treatment.

      1. my mother had athletes foot.
        until she stepped on a leach in the ol swimming hole somewhere south st marys ontario. early 60s
        naturally we excised the leech then and there.
        the skin infection went away.

  3. The bad news is … your Canadian Health system is BROKE and cannot afford such surgical luxuries, let alone the Doctors to operate them. If you need lifesaving medical care … best fly to your sister country – Cuba. I’m sure the Castro family will have these devices and fix you right up.

    1. An acquaintance just had a hip replaced in Lithuania at his expenses not to live in pain and minimal quality of life for the next three years. Cost him just over 15K all in.

      1. So, is he going to form a Tragically Hip tribute act called the Lithuainian Hip?
