Diversity Inns And Suites


Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced that he might start buying up hotels to house the surge of refugee claimants.

Miller said the move would reduce costs associated with long-term hotel bookings, which is one of the government’s current strategies.

Currently, Ottawa is funding approximately 4,000 hotel rooms for 7,300 asylum seekers, many transferred from provincial shelters and churches, as reported in the Globe and Mail.

“Despite efforts to stabilize the number of asylum claimants, these numbers aren’t going down drastically anytime soon,” Miller said.

The Immigration Minister further said the Liberals’ latest strategy to buy up hotels could include federal and provincial officials to provide services on-site.

From February 2023 to February 2024, over $100 million was spent putting up refugee claimants in Niagara Falls hotels alone.

Do not fear. He has a way to pay for it.

21 Replies to “Diversity Inns And Suites”

    1. Coming soon, to a empty bedroom just down your hall….

      No really, these daft idiots are actually discussing it. Voluntary of course, at first.

  1. Get rid of the asylum seekers. Easy solution and then we don’t have to pay. Send em home on West Jet

  2. I hope Chateau Laurier is completely booked along with every other room in Ottawa.
    If Doug Ford and Legault weren’t squishes, they’d be bussing every single one of them to Ottawa.

  3. Why is Canada paying for asylum seekers to stay in one of the most expensive tourist traps in Canada?

    Can they not find motels/hotels that offer weekly and monthly rates?

  4. “buying up hotels to house the surge of refugee claimants”

    Because having the government in business always works out well?

    1. My question is who gave him any authority to do any such thing? For all you idiot voters, the libs and dippers will destroy your country and your life.

  5. Homeowners actually seem to believe they are rich because house prices are so high, they’re loving the NDP/Liberal national socialists for this reason but seem to forget that they are also voting for the politicians who say they will make the rich pay.

    An equity tax may not be necessary to pay for refugees, in some places like Ottawa for example the local government demands information on how many bedrooms in your house or condo are occupied. Anyone who had a national socialist Liberal/NDP election sign on their lawn at the last election should be housing refugees right now.

  6. Dr. Zhivago blithely “accepted” the occupation of his Townhouse by fellow comrades … because he knew exactly what would become of his family should he object.

    It’s nice to know your Communist government is only coming for your money. For now.

  7. They’re “thinking about buying up hotels” until their friends and family can buy them and then the Gubmint will buy the hotels from their friends and family and everyone gets rich.

  8. Translation – some Liberal donors have hotels to sell.I am sure they will make a great deal.

  9. Diversity Inn and Suites or Motel Deep Six.
    Every single place they “buy” will immediately be worth nothing once one refugee enters.

  10. If they came here from a “safe country” nothing is stopping the government from putting them on the next flight back to that safe country, and making the airline that allowed them to come here suck up the cost. If there are millions of refugees coming here it’s because the government wants/allows it.

  11. And the way to speed up the wait times for cancer care is to increase the number of immigrants.


  12. What burns my ring is that there are “unhoused” people — we used to call them “vagrants” — sleeping in the streets, even in my small town, with the lefties demanding more shelters for them. There is no money (Trudeau and Freeland say) for shelters, but suddenly there is money for hotels for “refugees”. Would homeless Canadians be allowed to sleep in those hotels? NFW.
