Diversity Is Our Strength


This extortion call in Punjabi is chilling. The extortionist demands money from an Abbotsford trucking company and doesn’t flinch in threatening the man’s family, and encourages him to record the call. These people are not afraid of the law.

29 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strength”

  1. well its sure as shyt punjabi that accent.
    or is that punJABi as in ‘in goes the knife blade’

    ‘car 54 where arrre youuuuu’ lol

    1. Fraud, corruption, extortion, you name it…they don’t care. Why would they? It is all they knew before they came here and then they see liberal/ndp politicians and see it also works here. In fact, most of them never even considered that it WOULD NOT be the norm here.

      1. The Libranos must be giving out ‘How to be Corrupt in Canada” kits along with their “How to Vote’ kits and “How to get Free Government Money” kits.

  2. Almost every plastic bottle of piss you see on the off ramps has that “thank you come again” accent.

  3. As I slowly discovered through the process of legally immigrating to the US, the law is now only applied to those willing to obey it. You can call it Thomas’s Law. Watch as illegals vote in November with absolutely no consequnces. Any bets on what would happen if I did?

    1. I’m looking for help to legally immigrate to the U.S., but it seems like everywhere I turn, I run into a brick wall.
      I am literally scared to death of staying here with our decrepit and declining health care system.
      Any advice or assistance, or reference to a good immigration lawyer would be appreciated.

      1. fc (Fart Catcher?)
        Hahahahaha, go to the church you so love.
        Those criminals should be able to help for lots of $$$$$$.:-)))))


        1. GYM continues to display his ignorance. It’s so sad, really, that anyone can harbor so much hatred and vindictiveness towards anyone, but GYM takes his hatred to a whole new level by branding every and all Catholics as “criminals.”
          I have no respect for the current leadership of the “church I so love” running things from the Vatican.
          The “church I so love” is not defined by the current leadership in Rome.
          The “church I so love” is the body of Christ which is the people that go to, and faithfully attend mass at the “church that I love.”
          When GYM displays his bigotry, he fails to differentiate from the ACTUAL church I so love from the people that are running that church I so love into the ground from afar, and thereby smears and slanders over 2 Billion people who practice their faith and the love of Christ with his hatred by branding them all as criminals.
          GYM’s hatred will eventually consume him, but it isn’t too late. He can still atone for his sins. If he sincerely repents and accepts God’s grace, he would be welcomed, as any sinner would be welcomed into the “church I so love.”

        2. Actually, GYM, that’s not a bad idea.
          It turns out my best chance of immigrating is through the Catholic Church!
          Thanks for the tip!

  4. This is THEIR culture, which they have brought with them to destroy OUR culture. And nobody seems to care.

    Don’t it always seem to go
    That you don’t know what you’ve got
    Till it’s gone
    They destroyed paradise
    by inviting an incompatible culture

  5. One gathers from daily life in this place that is close to majority being India, the actions are not really something out of the ordinary in that ‘community’.
    An acquaintance went to India with an Indo guy as a buddy and the Indo guy told him that if he sees people being treated as slaves, not to be surprised, they are.
    The way the rich Indos treat recent arrivals working for them is just like medieval servitude.
    Though you can’t say that.
    What are you, some kind of racist?
    Or something?

  6. Third World garbage is,as Third World garbage does.
    And just for everybody’s knowledge, the Third World is the Third World not because of geography but, because of the people that are there.

    I see it every day because I live in Toronto, and I see it every day as the Third World people bring their Third World ways here.
    This country is going to end up in the dumpster, you mark my words

      1. We were in London today and couldn’t believe what a $#*!hole it has become. At one point, I felt like we were once again driving through Hamilton; it was that bad.

        The West is not doomed; it is mortally wounded. The Third World and Islam are not compatible with Western culture and values and four years of President Trump and Prime Minister PP won’t be enough to save North America. As a Christian, I am supposed to be hopeful and not despair. That is becoming harder every day.

  7. “These people are not afraid of the law.”

    Of course not, the law is literally never applied to them. But try that as a Whitey. Then you get the five-star GTA response.

  8. There is so much going on here that most people don’t know anything about. The North American trucking industry is in the biggest recession it has ever seen. This has caused rates to plummet and many trucking companies are not paying their drivers, lease operators, or other carriers to whom they broker loads. I’m also hearing stories of trucking companies operating without insurance, but I have no direct evidence of that. When owed money and facing bankruptcy, people will do desperate things.

    While I haven’t heard of human hostages being taken, freight hostage has become a huge problem within the industry. https://www.trucknews.com/features/todays-freight-fraudsters-are-sophisticated-brazen-and-coming-for-your-cargo/

    Things will get much worse over the next several months with thousands of trucking companies going bankrupt. Expect to see more desperate acts like this over the next year.

    1. So , covid continues to destroy. The government was is and continues to be our problem. I wonder will anyone ever wake up and catch up?

  9. Well, bikers have been a thing for a long time, so, this kind of crime is not new, it just has a new face.

  10. The new Surrey police department will very quickly morph into the Kalistani police department. When you come to Surrey, be prepared to pay a small “speeding” fine to support the movement.

  11. At least we are not racist.. Dodged that bullet :).. Beyond that, get a guard dog.. They don’t understand politics.. Only bad guys..

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