Gag law is now the law

Brian Zinchuk: Why celebrate Canada Day, when your federal government diminished your free speech 10 days earlier?

I wasn’t aware of the impact of Bill C-59 until Saskatchewan Justice Minister Bronwyn Eyre brought it up at the oil show on June 5. I am increasingly alarmed about its consequences. She’s absolutely right, this is a gag law. And it is now the law of the land. This needs to be addressed, broadly, widely and loudly.

As I note in the column:

This is really an implementation of George Orwell’s 1984, where groupthink has been legislated into law a couple week ago by the federal government. If you say anything against the current orthodoxy of anthropogenic climate change, or even if your efforts to support it are found insufficient, you are an apostate and can be prosecuted for it.

This is not hyperbole. This has really happened.

Your freedom of speech, today, is dramatically reduced from what it was on June 19.

And we allowed it to happen.

39 Replies to “Gag law is now the law”

  1. Canadians are mice and verily deserve all the Liberal “love” they get.

    Thinking that the cons will change anything makes you a proud shortbus inhabitant.

    1. Ha. Beat me to it. Was just gonna post a sarcastic “Pollievre will fix it all.”

      I sincerely hope he proves me wrong, but I’ve been watching this game far too long to believe that a Canadian “Conservative “ is going to do something conservative.

      1. Johnboi
        You are wrong wrong wrong, CUCKservatives will pound the bible, disparage gays, whine about abortions, cry about gay marriage , bash mulims, you know, all the important schiff!


      2. have to concur with that.
        because lve been watching ottawa since the early 60s ‘Nation’s Business’ a free time telecast etc etc. and then l would watch real couette and his ‘find the missing dollar’ explanation why a one time handout to all Canaduhians is going to fix everything.

        it seems to be a natural evolutionary process whereby fundamentals are treated the same by all parties. then along come the ones with the decorations and suits to hide the sameness.

        bottom line, its like fighting gravity m’kay?

    2. oh look. another posting regarding liberalistic thought and policy, another opportunity to POINT OUT this fascist nonsense would NOT be happening except just[inTURDeau] enough citoyens of da great white nort’ aka ‘Canaduh’ WANT this, and ALWAYS vote liberal hoping to get more of it.
      and dont they deliver !!!!!!! here it is again:
      why is that? why do so many of us DEMAND to be herded in this manner??

  2. Oil & gas industry players could pocket the most money by selling out now to our national socialist government, they pay top dollar to influencers. The last person with the keys to the family farm didn’t get much when they were being Sovietized…

  3. When deceit is the universal language,of politicians,then the truth is blasphemy.
    Trudeau and his minions will be remembered as “The cause of Western Separation”.
    Can’t say “The Fathers of anything”..
    They truly are this stupid.

    Evil can be defined as compound stupidity.
    Direct observation shows this.
    Decades of “Do-Gooders and Good intentions” have destroyed Canada.
    We cannot pay the debt incurred in our names.
    And those who keep borrowing in our name, know this.

    Treason against the nations future..
    Oh right.
    We don’t have one.
    They lie,they know we know that they lie..They keep on lying.
    Compounding the deceit by banning truth.
    These Emperors are naked ugly and fat.

    All the masks came off during Dread Covid Theatre.
    Really the only question left,is:
    Once we open hunting season,will there be a bag limit?
    For such laws are proof that our Dear Leaders proudly deceive to retain power.
    Power and O.P.M,the lifeblood of our Parasitic Overload.

        1. yep. welcome to Canaduh, pay no attention to all the whining. kaybeck pioneered it, ROC is merely mimicking. thats all Canaduh can do now is mimic. mimic a business environment, mimic a stable economy. mimic control over the DDDDDEEEEEEEEBBBBBBTTTTTTTT (see how l did that? lol) etc etc

  4. Conservatives, and quite frankly, any ordinary Canadian just continue to pile up the losses. Pathetically most are completely unaware. As I’ve said before, an argument could be made that our awareness of what the government and media are doing to us could rival North Korea.
    As a Canadian it pains me somewhat to say we get what we deserve. And yeah i’ll pile on the Pollievre will fix all crowd too, i’ll believe it when I see it.
    I think we’re too far gone, if it’s not an asteroid maybe the whole “poleshift any day now” theory has some merit.

  5. They failed at persuasion, then failed with gaslighting. So now Guilbeault is angry but he’ll fail with this too. Bullies make weak cowards. Anthropogenic climate change is tax fraud.

    1. The Soviets failed for 75 years and there’s a lot of patrimony to still be wasted on the wealthy leftists in canada, so their failures don’t seem to matter much, it will continue to be good times for them but not for you for quite awhile.

  6. When you are an obedient and loyal Subject of the Crown, do not expect to be treated like a sovereign citizen. How dare you. Who do you think you are Sir?

    You will know your station in life and act accordingly.

    That is all.

  7. Polievre seems like a fairly dedicated conservative. It’s not that he doesn’t want to change these things, it’s that the progressives are deeply embedded throughout the entire fabric of Canadian elite society — just as in the US and Europe.

    The hard left told us what they planned to do 80 years ago: “The long march through the institutions”.

    They are filled with demonic energy and just never give up. Average conservative people just want to raise a family, do their jobs and be left alone. They lack the energy to do battle with the progressive weasels.

    I don’t know what the solutions is, but the problem goes very deep and isn’t just about Trudeau vs. Polievre.

    One possibility is that giving women the vote will inevitably destroy any culture within 100-200 years. I’m no misogynist, but mother nature isn’t fair. We would never have the likes of Trudeau if the citizens making the decisions about leaders were responsible (traditionally, land-holding) males.

    1. True about women voters.

      But today, ballots should be tied to tax returns: you pay more than you get from government? You get a ballot.

      Your income comes from government or one of its agencies? No ballot for you.

      1. and precisely WHO is going to escort such a bill in parliament other than the one who are already there because of the STATUS QUO????

        hmmm? aka ‘senate reform requires approval of the senate’. thats how democrapcy got started in Canaduh. and dont forget going WAY BACK it was the LANDOWNERS got to set up those early rules governing this budding democrapcy.

        the answer is it takes VIOLENT revolution to uproot the entrenched interests.

        Q: how bad does it have to get in Canaduh?
        A: given enough time, pretty much anything can happen.

    2. Trudeau, Macron, Newsome……
      Never a Raquel Welch or Pam Anderson……
      1920 was the beginning of the end of Western Civilization.
      Nice curtains though.

    3. Steve:

      I agree with your ADULT assessment of Poilievre and what he faces.
      He does have an excellent grasp of economics and is certainly sincere.
      I’m in despair witnessing the naivete of smart ass naysayers here who seem to believe in magic wand governance and who intend to take their marbles home in they don’t get 100% of their wish list on Day One.

  8. This is beautifully nebulous language. This can be used on anyone making a claim. Use it on clown world companies. Liberals who you plant have a monopoly on the weapons of war.

    Invest this wording and watch carefully for anyone in Canada making claims without proof of ecological improvement.

    Particular darlings of the left should be the first targets. Shopify comes to mind.

    Don’t be afraid. FIGHT.

  9. ” … when your federal government diminished your free speech 10 days earlier …

    Here, let me finish that sentence for you:

    … and, with the collusion of ALL Opposition MPs, removed all of your other rights during the Wuhan flu scheme/scam.

  10. The mass grave hoaxsters accuse you of denialism
    The global warming hoaxsters accuse you of denialism
    The “Trans” community sex-hoaxsters accuse you of denialism
    The Rainbow Season sex-fiddlers accuse you of denialism
    Your Idiot Minister of Finance accuses you of National Debt health denialism
    Your Ministers of “misinformation” accuse you of denialism
    Your Health Minister hoaxsters accuse you of COVID death denialism

    The true DENIERS are the institutional HOAXsters who MANDATE what you MUST believe.

      1. So … if the government seizes your land when they claim eminent domain … you are compensated for the market value of the land . But when Aboriginals seize your land or livelihood you get squat. Not even a wampum necklace of beads.

        Truthiness and irreconciliation

  11. Taking odds on how quickly the Cons kill this law.
    As if.

  12. “(b.1) Makes a representation to the public in the form of a statement, warranty or guarantee of a product’s benefits for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental, social and ecological causes or effects of climate change that is not based on an adequate and proper test, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation;

    “(b.2) Makes a representation to the public with respect to the benefits of a business or business activity for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental and ecological causes or effects of climate change that is not based on adequate and proper substantiation in accordance with internationally recognized methodology, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation.”

    So every time the environment minister makes a claim about Solar, or Wind, or Electric cars, we can file a complaint against him? Let’s go

  13. Who decides what is an “adequate and proper test” and by what means? Deliberately vague laws like this practically invite endless litigation, which I suppose is the whole point. Companies caught in this net have to proceed literally not knowing how or if they have broken the law until it’s too late. It was just this sort of nonsense that the Chevron ruling in the US recently turfed. My sense is that our Supreme Court will rubber stamp it if asked.

  14. It’s unconstitutional. Ignore it. Make them charge you and take it to court. It’s either that or shoot them, those are your choices.

  15. “And we allowed it to happen.”

    No, this is not the case. They just did it. Against everyone’s will, as witnessed by the Freedom Rally and the number of F- Turdeau flags flying on people’s lawns.

    If you knuckle under and follow this obscene law (if that’s even possible, ‘good morning’ seems to be illegal now) that’s allowing it to happen.

    Does anyone really do 100km on the 401? Or does EVERYONE do 120km plus and honk at the slow-asses? There you go.

  16. Vague.. Where the final word has been outsourced to the UN.. This is very bad news for Canada..
