50 Replies to “July 4, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. Did you see the photo of Biden with the orange face? After looking like death warmed over in the debate, they covered him in make up at the next event. He looked like Orange Man Bad! The irony is as thick as the make up! I gotta admit I loved seeing him being exposed by CNN. Lots of irony there too.

  2. Time to stock up on popcorn the Dem Party will have to put some crazy scheme in action to deal with Kamela & Biden and everyone else that wants the job. Delegates will be pissed off. Then they have vowed to put Trump in prison even if he gets elected, etc. Crazy stuff. “Biden is immune too, so he should get Trump whacked!” “Trump is immune, he’ll bomb every Blue State and burn down MSNBC!” The insanity is off the scale.

    1. FWIW

      “Welp…A Few Uncharitable Thoughts From Me About POTATUS Being Publicly Peeled”

      “Every move they want to make – dumping Kamala, pushing POTATUS out unceremoniously, throwing the convention wide open, ad nauseum – would steamroller one or every constituency group and victimhood grifting ploy they’ve ever nurtured as gaslighting and projection against Republicans.

      The Democrats are furious they’ve got bupkiss but rocks and hard spots – so they twist, sputter, and spew.

      You hate to see it.

      And you know I’m kidding about that.”


    2. Should have picked their own damn cotton. It is the manifest destiny of the USA to be ruled by dim-witted black women, and to descend into economic collapse and political chaos. Kamala for Potus.

  3. Do not ever underestimate the treachery and the extremes to which the Democrat party will go in order to retain power. You think there was election fraud last time? Nothing compared to what they’ll try this time. If the Republicans aren’t prepared to counter their underhanded tactics, if they think the polls are showing them a guaranteed win, they’ll lose again. Sure they can win easily in a fair fight, but the Democrats never fight fair.

    Don’t count your chickens…

    I think it’s very doubtful that Biden will be the Democrat candidate, Jill (who controls his every move) will not willingly allow him to step down, but the Democrat powers-that-be will insist. Who will it be? Unknown at this time, but if it’s Michelle Obama, she will beat Trump, and that will be the end of two party rule in the US, and the end of the US as we know it.

    It remains to be seen if the US will turn to common sense and truth.

    1. “You think there was election fraud last time? ”

      Prove it. The court cases were a joke. The Maricopa fraudit was a joke. 2000 mules is beyond pathetic. On and on and on.

      1. You are a joke and very dangerous as lies and insanity are accepted by people like you.

        1. “Yes the 2020 election was stolen. That should be fairly obvious to anyone who has looked at the myriad of problems. Here is a useful starting point: https://www.frontpagemag.com/auditing-bidens-victory/

          A great link, Linda…and one that the Useful Idiots here (hi Allan!) will absolutely refuse to read.

          I would only add this:

          First that Joe Biden supposedly won more of the black vote than Barack Obama (sorry, no).

          Also that the Republicans flipped seats and gained vote percentage while still not voting for Donald Trump? Nope…it’s well known that 95% or so of people vote ‘up and down the ticket’…so they are asking us to believe that people voted for all the Republicans on the ballot but a Democrat for President? Or just left the President part blank? Please.

          And then there was that one county that contains a large military base where supposedly 93% voted for Biden: yeah, DEFINITELY not…the rank-and-file military *loved* Trump for pulling them out of war zones where the US had no business being, buying them new equipment, raising their wages and beginning to fix the problems in the VA.

          Can’t wait for Trump to take office again. The investigations (and indictments) will be a lot of fun to watch.

      2. “Prove it. The court cases were a joke. The Maricopa fraudit was a joke. 2000 mules is beyond pathetic. On and on and on.”

        You are the joke here, and we would easily have proved it if your side hadn’t spent millions of dollars to prevent any real investigation, or if you hadn’t threatened people to the point where judges were afraid to even look at the evidence. But that’s okay, Allan…enough smaller incidents of election fraud have now been proven *beyond any doubt* in several counties in different states as to make a broader investigation a certainty when Trump wins his next term. People are going to be held accountable whether you like it or not.

        1. The courts kept saying that no one had standing. If the American voter does not have standing, eliminate the courts. They are dangerous to American freedom.

          1. “The courts kept saying that no one had standing. If the American voter does not have standing, eliminate the courts. They are dangerous to American freedom.”

            That’s the most irritating thing about this, VOWG…

            I understand why judges might be too afraid to hear these cases, given the threats and apparent willingness to resort to violence that the left has shown so far (I don’t accept their cowardice, but I do understand it).

            This is even worse, though. This is like me spotting someone breaking into my neighbor’s car and calling the police, and they ask me “is it your car?”and when I tell them it’s my neighbor’s car they respond with “he has to call us himself”. Why does it matter *who* reports a crime?

          2. No, that was one of many defects. Not all of them were rejected due to standing. Some other issues:

            – lack of jurisdiction
            – relief unavailable to the court
            – laches doctrine
            – wrong defendants named
            – speculative
            – unlikely to succeed

            Among others. Any single one of these would’ve caused the case to be dismissed, most of them suffered from more than one of these defects.

            But you would’ve known that if you bothered to read any of the court documents rather than sticking to talking points.

      3. Democrats have a rich history of cheating in elections. Why would 2020 be any different?

        US elections are designed to facilitate cheating.

        Democrats had means, motive, and opportunity.

  4. Whoever the Democrat candidate is, the mainstream media will be effusive in their praise as the most awesome and perfect human being ever to live on the face of the earth. After covering for Biden for the past 4 years, they will be relieved to have ANYONE else with normal brain function running against Trump.

    1. Do you think that they’ll find a democrat candidate with a normal brain function?

      And wouldn’t that be more a recipe for not being found?

    1. Funny how this stuff all disappeared from the public school curriculum in the 1970’s.

  5. A puppeteer will soon be revealed to those who aren’t seeing things for what they are.
    An obvious choice and a strong candidate who checks all the boxes.
    US Srsenic (anagram)
    For those not too keen.
    Asian starch.

  6. Watched some Bloomberg TV, early this morning — airing from Europe since today is a U.S. holiday. And all the talked about was how wonderful Kamala Harris is, and that she fills all the correct boxes, and is young and dynamic, etc. The media oligarchs have chosen Kamala Harris to defeat Trump. The fix is in.

    1. The media oligarchs might have chosen Kamala, but the party brass knows better. She has less chance of beating Trump than Biden.

    1. The Canadian Press, CTV call Justin Trudeau a “staunch supporter of democracy”:

      This is the offending paragraph (midway down the above link):

      “Trudeau has rejected calls for him to step aside as his popularity plummets. A staunch supporter of democracy and the rules-based order around the world, he said he is presenting a positive vision against right-wing populism. He said that includes Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre”.

      (should be a new post).

      1. Shhhsh…let them whistle past the graveyard. If Trudeau thinks he can pull off an election win, don’t interrupt him.

  7. Make no mistake … a super-majority has already won in 2024.


    My favorite line …

    ”It’s why there is clean air and drinkable, water and airplanes that stay in the sky and drugs that don’t kill us.”

    I don’t know whether to comment on US water quality (80% polluted), airplanes that stay in the sky (Boeing) or drugs that don’t kill us (pandemic vaccinations).

    1. Too many parents wouldn’t have even noticed the kids were gone because they were drunk all of the time.

  8. Want a good laugh? Watch Lawrence Jones’ interview with some Biden sycophant named Dmitri Mehlhorn.
    Highlight – ‘Joe Biden is patriotic, honest and decent.’
    Here’s my 2 cents on who could beat Trump – Bernie.

    1. I saw that. Mehlhorn got pop-eyed with enthusiasm. And desperation.
      LJ always delivers.

    2. The next Dem. presidential candidate will promise to legalize weed, and win, just like what happened here.

  9. I came across this today. I luv the designation WOKELS
    “The Labour government that will take office tomorrow will be a disaster. Keir Starmer will make a terrible prime minister – a political weathervane, swinging wildly towards the policies he thinks will be most popular; a weak, unimaginative leader trying to keep the lid on a party seething with far-left lunatics, bitter class warriors, anti-Semitic bigots and deranged wokels.”

    – Fergus Mason

  10. This is rather interesting.
    When they played the music and the song on the radio in 1977, after nine years since I got here, my english, specially comprehension, was not the best, not that it’s all that great now.
    Listening to the songs was mostly a background noise that did not mean anything.
    One day, few years ago, I stumbled on a website that was rather naïve and romantic, there was the song.
    It has become so that I can listen to the song endlessly at 78.

  11. We can hope. I can’t vote yet but we put up a large Trump 2024 Save America sign in our yard. There are lots of Trump signs around but I’ve yet to see a Biden/Harris sign. Does this mean anything?

    1. “We can hope. I can’t vote yet but we put up a large Trump 2024 Save America sign in our yard. There are lots of Trump signs around but I’ve yet to see a Biden/Harris sign. Does this mean anything?”

      It sure does. It means that the “shy Trump voter” no longer has to fear revealing his voting preference because he is in the majority now, and the Biden voters are the ones who should be ashamed.

  12. I don’t believe any musicians or rappers that explain a deep meaning to words to a song they chose because they rhymed.
    They’re asked to explain the “meaning” because there obviously wasn’t a “meaning” or we’d understand it.
    They just can’t admit they wrote it stoned and it sounded “deep man” back then.
    I call bullshit.
    It’s meaningless poetry that sounds nice because it’s added to music and it rhymed.
