18 Replies to ““Sometimes””

  1. I sometimes forget why I went into the next room … but I am still lucid enough to do my own banking, investing, and prepare my own income taxes. Sorry Joe, it’s obvious you’re incapable of doing ANY of those things … if you ever were at all.

  2. “Sometimes” …
    I’m pleased that the Biden and his babysitter have come out swinging, stating that he’s the nominee and he’s staying. So excellent.

    “I’m the nominee of the Democratic Party. No one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving,”


    Hey! it’s election day in the U.K. and that’s my excuse for visiting BBC, as I often do for their lame F1 coverage and after they’ve lost any given World Cup match to see how they make excuses as though they were the Toronto Maple Leaves.

    1. You think they let #Brandon and #DrJill/MrHyde near that thing?

      On second thought, maybe they do. Sad to say I would not be shocked.

      I bet it keeps Putin and Xi up at night, thinking about the nursing home dweller fiddling with it. I hope so. Why should we be the only ones?

    2. Don’t be silly … Dokktor Jill is carrying the nuclear football … when Hunter isn’t taking his turn carrying the ball. We’re in good hands …

      Apocalypse Now.

  3. Its like they think we’ve all forgotten what we saw on the 27th. I must say it really irks me that people so -stupid- are in charge of the Deep State. How appalling to be oppressed by such utter fools.

    #LetsGoBrandon couldn’t manage the salad bar at an old-folks home in 2019, and he’s much worse now. At this point he couldn’t -use- the salad bar unassisted. Quite literally, he’d forget what he was doing in the middle of it and wander off. You can SEE him doing it. In two years he will be getting spoon fed. That’s how this goes.

    Now, we as people who want thew news must look at the Associated Press, who uncritically allowed this lie to go out on their service, and question every single thing they say. We -know- they’re lying about #Brandon, we -know- they’re lying about #Donald the opposite direction, we -know- they’re lying about Israel. For sure. There’s no doubt.

    Therefore one must assume they’re lying about China, Ukraine, any and all diseases, anything to do with social movements, culture, DEI, pretty much anything. This goes for the entire news business as a whole, all telling the same lies at the same time, in lock-step.

    Next question, HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN DOING THIS? Well, I’m sad to say is has probably been a very long time indeed. Barry Goldwater, anyone? How about Roosevelt? Herbert Hoover?

    I’m going to say since 1910, just as a convenient cutoff. It’s been a long time, my friends. But now, for the first time in a long time, we can watch them run their spin in real time after the horse has long left the barn. It is OVER, but here they are, trying to put those biscuit wheels back on the busted gravy train.

    BANKRUPTCY AND RUIN should be their reward.

  4. Well.. You cant redo everything, build back better.. With a dementia case as President.. It kind of reeks of a coup..
    Just saying..

  5. It’s like saying, “He often commits crimes and fouls up, but sometimes doesn’t…”!

    For accuracy I’d swap ‘often’ for ‘almost always’, and omit the second part.

  6. Joe is at his most sharp and focused when there are cute girls ages 4 to 9 in the room. In those instances, Joe knows exactly what he wants.

    But they have to be white, or maybe asian.

    When the media starts showing those videos, the knives are out.

  7. Who cares about any of this garbage written by AP? They were part of the media cabal gaslighting their readers about the condition of the President for the last four years. So naturally they are trotting out a string of lies as to how Biden is “sharp, focused but sometimes forgetful.”

    AP doesn’t need to wonder why the reading public views them and all the rest of the legacy media as having much the same value as sewage. This piece serves just fine as evidence.

  8. Dementia patients have good days and bad days, times when they’re lucid and other times when they’re confused. As the disease progresses, there are fewer and fewer good days and more and more bad ones until finally the dementia takes over completely. It never gets better; it only gets worse.

  9. People seem to think Dementia is easily defined, consistent and linear. People have bad days and less bad days, especially in the early stages.

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