17 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. Show us the bodies/remains of the children that were supposedly killed at residential schools, no remains, no truth. Then explain to me why people who had nothing to do with that nothing, should pay anybody a single freaking dime.

    1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh mommmmaaaaaaaa … “an antidote to denialism”. Puhleeze!?

      “We’re finding, as you read the report today, that they are in mass graves, they are in common graves, they are in cemeteries, in unmarked mass graves,” she said.

      Uhhhh the only problem is that you’ve “found” no such thing. Try digging in the actual SOIL … rather than digging up photos of respectful, organized, burials and cemeteries along with aerial photos and maps depicting exactly … nothing.

      The only denialism is that coming from the perpetrators of this fraud. Esp. coming from this “Special Interlocutor” for perpetuating the mass grave, mass murder, genocide, of poor Indian children – Myth.

      1. “How long do I have to keep paying for those Bastards on CBC?”

        Only until Pierre Poilievre becomes PM and then…ummm…he will…you know…

        Strike that…the correct answer is ‘forever’. Or until you die of old age.

  2. Maybe Brett could put the photos in context , oh say like the 1918 influenza pandemic where photos like this took place in EVERY community. But that would trash his grifter genocide narrative.

  3. This residential school/cemetery stuff feels like Pokemon chase early 2000s. Probably that’s why some people entertain this myth, it relates to their childhood.

  4. The Winter War is a good analogy for Ukraine, but before you get too excited for Ukraine, look at where the border was before the war, and where it is now.

    Ukraine needs to make the same deal the Finns did, and put an end to this war to rule over ethnic Russians who live an a part of Ukraine that had been Russian for centuries before the breakup of the USSR, and let them go back to being ruled from Moscow.

  5. Did the 19 or so other deals that other Western European powers, and Britain too, made with Hitler make them de-facto allies, or is that “whataboutism.”

  6. VDH is wrong as he usually is , on the war file. The Finns are a totally different culture than the Ukes. And that the Finns produce great hockey teams and race car drivers, when only having 5.5 million citizen , is a sign of that difference. Ukes are much more passive in a general sense, than Finns are.
    I enjoy VDH commentary, but, he screws it up, on the “war” file”with his bias, every time.

    1. Don’t be silly … the Ukrainians produce top quality porn. Certainly equal to some B-League Hockey team … and a shitload more profitable.

  7. “Hunter Biden Takes Part in White House Meetings Despite China Ties”

    Despite? How about “because of”.
