33 Replies to “CRA seeks to grab SK money to cover carbon tax”

  1. Note to Liberals in Ottawa: FOAD. Strong letter to follow. You can’t tax one part of the country while giving a tax break to others. Could it be that Nova Scotians tend to vote Liberal while Saskatchewan voters do not? Stick to your guns, Ms Eyre and Mr Moe. We’re behind you.

      1. Noddy, I think Near All Canadians would prefer Mr Trudeau: KIA

        Long overdue for Alberta & Sask to say ADIOS MOFO’s

        Republic of Buffaloe..!!

  2. I agree 100% with Minister Eyre’s statement above (well I did like it and retweeted it), and think that what the federal gov’t is doing is worth separating over. Not only a stern letter, or firm rebuttal on social media (not saying that’s all she’s doing…). Actual sovereign separation is the way forward.

    The #Libranos will be back with a vengeance in a decade or so after P.P.’s Canadian Conservatives have run their course, the same as the Labour Gov’t in the UK is today, that’s the way it goes…

  3. Saskpower is giving a weird flex saying their battery is “utility scale” at 20 MWh when the system demand right now is 2782MW,

    It has enough storage to provide 0.7% of current demand or about 25 seconds.

    1. … and the battery was free, of course, federal money created out of pixie dust.

      1. I’m actually curious as to what the maximum discharge rate is on that facility, because that will tell us how long it will last; and for some reason is never mentioned.

  4. Now you can see why Ukraine unilaterally determined that it would not be bound by the edicts of Moscow and left the Soviet Union.

  5. Minister of National Revenue Marie-Claude Bibeau: …Our commitment to fairness and equality for all Canadians is unwavering,

    Scott Moe needs to announce a referendum on the carbon tax question and ask if any other issues should be be added to the referendum.

  6. “You can’t tax one part of the country while giving a tax break to others.”

    Why ever not? – they’ve done it before. One of Johnny Cretin’s elections, the Maritimes voted solidly Conservative. Mister Cretin’s response? – “They should’ve known what to expect when they didn’t vote Liberal. I hope they’re not expecting any federal money this term…” It’s the Librano way.

    Just about time for Saskatchewan to become as addicted to the “Notwithstanding” Clause as Quebec has always been. Or WEXIT…

  7. “Free the West” …finally and get out of CON-federation.
    In the 70’s and 80’s Blakney and Lougheed won elections again and again asking for “mandates” to fight Ottawa.
    They won elections but lost the bigger wars.
    Will this time be any different ??
    History repeats itself.
    It’s a bit like professional wrestling.
    Only when they think we might get out will they do anything to keep us in.

  8. This proves that the Westminster Parliament does not work. A concentrated majority dictating to, and taking from, the colonies breeds contempt.

  9. On a technical / constitutional level, surely there is absolutely no basis for the federal government to make any kind of seizure, garnishment, or order against the treasury of a provincial government. Money that is in the possession of the government of Saskatchewan, absolutely cannot and must not be taken by the government of Canada. That would utterly destroy any concept of provincial sovereignty over their treasury, not that our Laurentian overlords give two craps about that.

    Surely a Supreme Court that cared anything about the law would rule unanimously against the federal government in such a case. But again, our Laurentian overlords care not for such things. It’s all about power, and how dare those western plebes believe they have any in this farce of a country.

    1. The supremes do not care about the law, because they already ruled that a federal tax based on enviromental concerns is legal, despite the environment being the sole remit of the provinces

    1. Because our cities are liberal and not enough of the non-city population cares or has the capacity to care.

      I’m willing to fight for it, but I don’t think it will ever happen. I hope I’m wrong.

  10. Don’t worry none, Missy Eyre. Blubber douggie’s got your back covered. Feel that sharp thing right between your shoulder blades?

  11. Alberta and Saskatchewan have had to put up with an abusive relationship with Liberal federal governments since at least the Pierre Elliott Trudeau era. This is why I am a western prairie separatist. Our two provinces will never get a fair deal in Canada, it’s a continuous cycle of financial and political abuse from the federal government, central Canada voters and Eastern Canada voters.

  12. The abuse started near the outset of Canada LC.
    The only reason Canada exists is because upper and lower Canada hated the Americans more than they hated each other.
    It is instructive to note where in Canada protest political movements emerge.
    The “Socreds”, CCF, “Progressives” and Reform all were born out of western discontent.
    The BIG mistake, and I believe intentional, was that Reform started a new “federal” party.
    Their agenda should have been to develop 4 new western Canadian provincial reform parties.
    That is the only viable path to reforming confederation lies.
    Instead we kicked the can down the road. And here we are.

    1. Both the NDP and Reform Party thought they could make positive changes for the West by being inside the halls of power – “we want in”. Unfortunately, politicians are not known for following their principles so the two parties got corrupted and sold out to the federal political system. Federal parties will inevitably become consumed by Ottawa and pursue their own personal interests. Alberta and Saskatchewan’s only way forward is through provincial politics – “we want out”.

      Keep building national type infrastructure that promotes provincial independence until we simply have no more need for Canada. Why stay loyal to an abusive country where the majority of your fellow citizens resent you and your federal government constantly attacks your people and your economy?

  13. Loser that I am living in the middle of Ottawa, I can’t believe you people put up with this shit.

    1. Middle of Ottawa. Poor bastard.
      Couldn’t you have asked for MAID?

  14. Actually Reform was corrupt right from the outset. Preston convinced his faithful followers that reform, with enough seats from the 4 Western provinces, could hold the balance of power in a divided parliament. One could only think that by denying reality.
    He knew from day one that that would never happen because no other party would form a coalition with Reform to bring about the changes that the west was pursuing.

    But he did gain a great pension.

    1. Heh,I now believe Reform was a necessary intermediate stage.
      We had to do it,to prove to the eternal optimists that Human Nature IS.
      An old growth,decadent Kleptocracy cannot be “reformed” using Roberts Rules of Committees.
      We have run that option.
      It crashed and burned.
      Separation is next,because we can no longer afford to allow the Parasitic Overload access to anything.
      Nor can we afford to continue to associate with them.
      Basic maths.

      Dread Covid Theatre,was wonderful.
      All the masks are off.
      The citizens of Canada have zero rights and freedom..
      None at all.
      When the Dear Leaders are in a state of panic.
      The natural state of fools and bandits,when the OPM runs out.

      Not a country I can support.
      But most certainly a State,The State of Thuggery,that I can help destroy.
      And when the dust settles.I did not leave Can Ahh Duh…
      It left me,under the march of the Free Stuff Army.

  15. “ An old growth,decadent Kleptocracy cannot be “reformed” using Roberts Rules of Committees.”
    I was there in 82.

    Those who may have learned a hard lesson from Reform are now past the age of impact.
    Those who should have learned didn’t then or are now paying attention to the underlying scam of CON-federation.
    And PP will be sure to keep them asleep.
