11 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

    1. With the crazy crap on the idiot box…
      You’d swear that 90 percent of the population is gay.
      Again fabrication of people to change like apparently Obama is.
      Certainly this shit started with him… and the racist crap that supposedly everyone not black is.

      Having puppet Biden as his sarragate.

      1. Yup. Everything: dating sites, on-line gaming, cars, laundry detergent, etc.

        And if there is a white guy, he’s a simpering little tit or a tubby putz.

  1. Happy Friday story in Blackie’s Canada.
    Co-workers were on a job at a federally regulated facility.
    They soon discovered sanitary products in the men’s washroom.
    One of the younger lads came home after work one day and in front of his wife, opened his lunch cooler to find it stuffed full of tampons.

  2. The Haida practiced slavery. Shouldn’t they pay reparations?

    NY Times article on Haida Gwaii at

    “Benefitting from an unusually rich land and sea, the Haida developed a prosperous society as traders, seafarers, artists, and owners of enslaved people from their wars with other indigenous groups…”

  3. Canadian history? I do hope (but I doubt it) that they remove everything related to Laurier as he was as racist, even more so, than John A. Oh wait a minute: he was a Liberal and Liberal…good; Conservative…bad.

    This with the U of M art censorship, and TO’s Marxist government? Our country is going down the toilet…fast. Amazing that this is happening in just 9 years. Diversity is our strength, don’t ya know.

    By Jack Anderson
    Dale Van Atta
    August 11, 1990

    The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait was good news for two Middle East players who may not be able to agree on anything else — Israelis and Palestinians

    Privately, according to CIA and State Department analysts, the Israelis feel they are now off the hook in the peace process because an Arab nation has once again shown its violent side. The Palestinians have no respect for the royal family of Kuwait and feel they now have one more Arab nation as an ally now that Iraq is calling the shots in Kuwait.

    Washington is notoriously a one-crisis town, and before Iraq’s Saddam Hussein changed the subject, that crisis was trying to bring the recalcitrant Israelis to the bargaining table with their Arab neighbors.

    Israeli leaders are already capitalizing on Hussein’s distraction. State Department cables show that they are once again insisting to U.S. officials that they are the only reliable U.S. ally in the Middle East. Most of the rest are either America’s enemies or are ripe for takeover by those enemies.

    For several years, Israel has been trying to sour the United States on Iraq. Israel secretly supplied weapons to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war and helped engineer the U.S. arms-for-hostages deal with Iran. As bad as the Ayatollah Khomeini was, Israel believes Saddam Hussein is worse — a ruthless, lying dictator who hates Jews.


    Saddam did not want a central bank controlled by someone other than the Iraqi government.
