Giggle,Tee, Hee, Hee

Blacklocks- Feds Made Up Daycare Claim

“At this time there is little to no research proving to what extent the increase in the participation rate of core-aged mothers of young children has been driven by any particular factor,” said the briefing note.

Finance Minister Freeland repeatedly justified the $30 billion program as an economic boost. “We said it would create economic opportunities for mothers all across Canada and thus greater prosperity for us all,” Freeland told the Commons in 2023. “It worked.”

The memo cited conflicting Statistics Canada Labour Force figures from 2019 to 2023. Numbers showed employment rates by all working-age women were virtually unchanged in half the country, increasing by less than one percent in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

13 Replies to “Giggle,Tee, Hee, Hee”

  1. Research will likely show that those who benefited from daycare programs were already employed and likely in upper income ranges such as government workers. Likely low Income parents didn’t benefit as spaces were taken up

  2. Any parent not on the program has to pay their own family’s daycare plus part of the program daycare through their taxes.
    So daycare costs them more with this program.

    Or it’s all funded through deficits then it’s the kids who will be paying for it as adults.

    Liberal support still around 20% because Canadian liberal voters are stupid.

  3. Gee, Twitchy the Troll pulled those numbers out of her nether regions? No resemblance to Reality(tm) at all?

    Like every single other program they’ve done since they got in?

    Wow, shockah.

    Reminder, these people can’t even sell weed. The entire weed industry, 100% creation of the #ShinyPony Regime, IS BROKE! Boom to bust in seven years!

  4. And you can bet your bippy that those tiny increases in a few provinces were more tax-sucking public sector jobs.

  5. Now where’s that tweet from those two Ottawa civil servants (the wife was an MP if I’m not mistaken…the husband a house flipper) bragging about how much they saved with Trudeau’s daycare scheme.
    They got hammered on twitter…rightfully so.
    $30B…holy shit!!!!

  6. How many day care jobs and spaces have been lost since this program started, because once again the maw of government consumes money, and then poops out the leftover spoils to not pay full costs of the programs?

  7. You Canadians are pikers. Here in the US, we spent close to $8 billion to get seven EV chargers.

    If that $30 billion covered 3,000 kids, that’s a paltry $10,000,000 per kid. I’d say that’s pretty efficient as far as goobermint programs go.

    If it covered 30,000 kids, that’s a million bucks per kid. Hmmm… I’d watch 5 or 6 rug rats for a million bucks per kid.

    1. HR – you need to look at the EV chargers program in the areas “north of 60” (NWT, Nunavut, Yukon) where they have more chargers than EVs. We’ve not been given the cost of that particular boondogle.

  8. “That is feminist economic policy.”
    And it proves that math IS hard, Barbie.

  9. 9-5 daycare for…..shift workers, waitresses, long haul truck drivers, etc.
    All the people who don’t work 9-5 get to pay for it but can’t use it.

    1. “9-5 daycare for…..shift workers, waitresses, long haul truck drivers, etc.
      All the people who don’t work 9-5 get to pay for it but can’t use it.”

      I read somewhere that in Quebec the original 7 dollar daycare was mostly given to people who could afford to pay full rate, and the people who really needed it went on waiting lists. Knowing the history of Quebec, I see no reason not to believe that.
