28 Replies to “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs”

  1. “By now most observers have figured out that they only thing propping up the Canadian economy has been having nearly 3M immigrants arrive in 30 months”

    Jeez. And here I was, silly old me, thinking all along that the two crutches were massive, uncontrolled borrowing and the superchargers spooling at full tilt on our money presses.

    1. Freeland bragged that this was Canada’s economic “secret sauce”. It is not an accident, it is on purpose.

      1. “Short, fat and stupid is no way to go through life as a Finance Minister.”

  2. Immigrants are -not- propping up our economy. It is tanking because of government. Immigrants are the fall-guy they’re going to blame everything on when the crash comes.

    If you are a recent immigrant to this country, you got sold a bill of goods. Go home before the crash, would be my advice.

    I’m already home. Consider that.

    1. Welfare immigrants add nothing except more debt and a burden to “Canadian” taxpayers. Government is the problem and the people that support it created it.

  3. “Slowly,then all at once”.
    We are bankrupt.
    Our dollar is worth less and approaching worthless.
    The service cost of our national debt will soon exceed “Healthcare” spending.
    If you have identifiable wealth hide it now,for the Parasitic Overload is desperate..
    They are O.P.M addicts ,worse than crackheads.
    Already they are roaming the financial institutes moaning “OPM, need OPM” as they seek to steal whatever you have left.
    These entitled zombies are that % who vote Liberal-NDP..
    There is no cure for such stupidity.
    Remember Compound Stupidity will always become Evil..Its what those with no impulse control do.

    1. Our money has been destroyed.
      Before 1968 quarters are now worth $US 4.69 (silver content), today’s quarters are just worth $US 0.18.
      1970’s pennies are now worth $US 0.031 (copper content), today 1/100 of a dollar is worth $US 0.007.

      Without real money, government is not accountable.

  4. Ron Butler’s view of what’s to occur in the next 2-3 years of having folk’s mortgage rates double, costing them perhaps $1000-$2000 in interest charges per month, (was already posted here at SDA a few months past) makes for some eye opening reading as well.

    Perhaps the only ones still owning houses in Canada will be federal gov’t workers? I dunno, ask the PM imbecile in Ottawa.
    It’s not like we didn’t know this was the problem, nor that it’s going to get worse.

    But for those who still read the MSM news or actually watch the major news programs on Tv would have you think that the real problem is gay painted crosswalks are being vandalised and nobody cares about the dead people buried at residential schools.

    But none of that will pay your bills.

  5. Best apply for a job in the government newcomer welcoming committee … that’ll get you a job and high pay for life.

    Or … discover some Métis heritage, start wearing feathers, and get in on the Residential School, genocide, mass grave, hoax gravy train … $$$$$$

  6. Government jobs DO NOT produce taxes to pay for said government jobs. Who the hell is going to pay for the Lieberals blatant pyramid scheme?

    1. Canada’s economy seems to be about $473 billion in fedgov spending, and $281 billion in charity spending, which ultimately is just moving money around mostly without creating any increase in value, and that’s almost half the economy.

  7. I remember the early ’80’s, when mortgage interest was almost 20%. Looking for a job was difficult. Went to a headhunter. She asked if I 2anted to work for the provincial government, since we had a new NDP government and as she put it, “they always hire.”
    A properly functioning economy cannot have more than 40% of people employed by the government. We don’t have one that is properly functioning. The money presses must roll on until collapse.

  8. “A properly functioning economy cannot have more than 40% of people employed by the government”

    40 percent?
    I’d say more like 14%. Maximum.

    1. I agree, but more than 50% is impossible to function. Forty percent can at least get the bills paid. 10% (or 14%) is probably best and robust. I would say a democracy is automatically set to self destruct, based on the average person voting themselves continually more ‘perks’, which cost more in tax dollars and government employees, in the false belief that someone else can and will be paying for said perks.

  9. Anyone know why the government is spending $15 million to build a Holodomor Museum in Kyiv?

    There is also ~ $40 billion in extra borrowing taking place that doesn’t seem to be accounted for.

    1. “There is also ~ $40 billion in extra borrowing taking place that doesn’t seem to be accounted for.”

      And this surprises you?

      1. Not at all, the only thing I’m wondering about is why none of it was discussed during the budget discussions.

    2. Yep. Easy peasy lemonade squeezy


      “The holders of around 20% of these securities, the largest private creditors, formed a committee a few weeks ago to start negotiations with Kyiv. They include the world’s largest asset manager, the American company BlackRock, France’s Amundi, a subsidiary of Crédit Agricole and Europe’s leading fund with €1,900 billion in assets under management, and Pimco, the world’s leading bond fund.”

      “Initial consultations, which lasted 12 days in early June, failed to produce an agreement. Kyiv offered its creditors a discount of 60% on the value of their securities, while the latter were only willing to agree to a maximum of 20%. The Ukrainian Finance Ministry, advised by Rothschild & Co., also planned to replace the existing bonds with new ones maturing in 2040 at the latest, with interest not exceeding 1% until 2027, before gradually rising again.”

      Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

  10. This is what Freeland bragged about as Canada’s “secret sauce” for the economy, from the link …

    By now most observers have figured out that they only thing propping up the Canadian economy has been having nearly 3M immigrants arrive in 30 months

  11. Only idiots believe that immigration as practiced in Canada provides any kind of financial stimulus. Most are a net cost. Most are unskilled, and are hired only because of subsidies. All things being equal, we shouldn’t have to issue visas and provide incentives to hire people to pour coffee or bag groceries.

    I recently drove across Canada, and every town, no matter how small was discussing the sudden appearance of bewildered Punjabis in their midst, occupying nearly every unskilled job. I talked to some of these workers, asking “How did you end up here?” In every case, their employers had offered a transfer from a larger city. “I wanted to move out of Toronto because it was expensive, and they sent me here to [Brandon, Cardston, Swift Current, Cochrane…].

    It’s strange and troubling, and has made employment virtually impossible for young native citizens

  12. Wouldn’t stopping immigration stop the increase in unemployment?

  13. Could this explain the lack of productivity in Canada….like really what do government jobs produce…other than more government jobs.
    Our public service is larger and more expensive than it needs to be, salaries are mostly better than the private sector and the pensions and buy outs are substantially better than the private sector.
    It’s the reverse of what was traditional in the 60, 70s, where a government job didn’t pay as well but the pension was decent. Competion for public service jobs are getting intense and a goal of many of the present generation.
