61 Replies to “July 5, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. British voters were upset with Conservative policies, so they vote in Labour who will implement more severe forms of the same policies.

        1. Simple: Human rights = communism.
          Rights to water, healthcare, food, shelter, etc.
          Human rights are the antithesis of civil liberties, but Canadians have been so dumbed down by the decades of commie propaganda that they can no longer think critically.

          1. I think that the term “Human Rights” is being used as a euphemism for slavery. Every human is entitled to human rights, and to the authoritarian regimes that have hijacked the phrase to mean what you said above, I would say “I do not think that means what you think it means.”
            They see human rights as meaning that we all must be dependent on government to “protect” those rights, which means what they believe to be human rights aren’t rights at all, but privileges to be granted (and perhaps taken away) by government.

            The most basic fundamental human rights are:
            – the right to life,
            – liberty, including freedom of speech, thought, and conscience.
            – and freedom, especially freedom from government overreach.

            And along with these human rights should come human accountability. We should all be responsible for the choices we make.

    1. Interestingly, SNPhaggots were totalled together with Conservatives, even though the former are as left as you can get, and LibDems showed best results in the last century. Apparently, the Brits think they want a centrist government… And “centrists” under Blair were the most damaging government in the UK history.

    2. You could look at it this way, they kicked out a migrant and put in a white guy. They’re not going to get what they think they’re going to get though. This is worse than not putting Churchill back at 10 Downing. The question periods should be fun though with Farage there.

    3. Reform split the vote with the Cons to let Labour win. The Cons are almost as bad as Labour, so there is no value in voting for them to delay the inevitable. Might as well bring on the total collapse early because it’s coming one way or the other.

  2. As Joe Biden hunkers down in his fuhrer bunker, the vultures are circling.

    Who will administer the coup de grace?

    1. “ As Joe Biden hunkers down in his fuhrer bunker”

      That you for supplying my first laugh of the day!

  3. Couldn’t agree more Robert. Chicago and EWF were my favorite groups growing up and I stumbled onto Leonid several years ago and was completely blown away. They are almost impossibly good. My wife and I had the good fortune of seeing them in Chattanooga when we were vacationing in Nashville a couple of years ago (the Nashville concert was sold out). Not only are they incredibly good musicians, they clearly have so much fun performing it is a joy to watch.

    1. I’ve seen Leonid and Friends 5 times now. Probably won’t be able to this year but hopefully again in 2025!

      1. “I’ve seen Leonid and Friends 5 times now.”

        Careful now, that comment automatically makes you a Pootin worshipper to a few nuts here that see these musicians as “subhuman orks”.

        Of course the fact that they personally couldn’t rhythm spoons on their knees has no bearing in their logic.

    1. It would be nice if the FBI would investigate China’s doping of Americans withe all their fentanyl they get the Mexican and Islamic cartels to smuggle in.

  4. Watching Bloomberg TV this morning, and they’re celebrating the Labour landslide victory in Britain, and explaining why Biden must think about resigning and having the young, vibrant Kamala Harris take over. Nothing new here, except that Democrat Michael Bloomberg’s crew is also pumping up tonight’s Biden interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC:

    George Stephanopoulos, to make an obvious understatement, is one Democrat sleazeball, guilty of a long list of dishonest scandals that would make Justin Trudeau blush. He served as a senior policy advisor in the Clinton administration, where he undertook dirty tricks to discredit Clinton’s many paramours. After leaving the Clinton’s office and jumping to ABC News. He spent his later life ladder climbing within ABC, all the while keeping close ties with powerful Democrats. Google Mr. S’s name and read his Wiki entry about what kind of sleazebag he rezlly is.

    I do not know where Stephanopoulos stands on Biden’s predicament. But he is in a powerful position here tonight, to make or break Biden. One could speculate that he sides with the Obama oligarghs and other big money whales to want Biden gone.

    1. Watching Bloomberg TV this morning, well, didn’t your parents warn you?

  5. Andrew Bridgen has lost his seat. Too bad. His voice was an important wake-up call for Britain and the world. I hope we hear more from him.

    1. If they haven’t woken up yet, they never will. Even if they do it’s probably too late anyway.

    1. Guess they figure on filling the pews with LGBTQ+ Hamas supporters going forward. It doesn’t seem like a good business model to me, but I’ve never run a multi-billion dollar corporation to know for certain.

      1700 years of successive growth would make Bud Light blush, but again Hope & Change apparently knows best.

  6. Watched Biden speech at Madison, Wisconsin today. It appears as if they have him back on methamphetamines. The guy seems to be pumped full of something. Not sleepy Joe. How does that old heart take it?
