17 Replies to “Stories You Will Find At The CBC”

  1. From the accompanying picture description: “ Jory Thomas and C.W. Brooks-Ip look at some of the Indigenous art in the University of Manitoba’s collection.”

    These two communists look like they were dipped in White Out and then rolled in flour. Perhaps they should begin “decolonizing” the collection by first getting rid of these two pasty white colonial descendants. Who are they to decide what stays or goes? What legitimacy do they have in their imperialist roles as honkies?

    1. Thought Criminal wrote: “These two communists look like they were dipped in White Out and then rolled in flour. Perhaps they should begin “decolonizing” the collection by first getting rid of these two pasty white colonial descendants. Who are they to decide what stays or goes? What legitimacy do they have in their imperialist roles as honkies?

      BAZINGA! Sliced and diced those virtue signalers, you did.

      “It’s all those other white people, not us. We are down wid da struggle, my brothers.”

    2. You know I once had an argument with a brainwashed far-left White woman about “Whitey” and “Indian” relations in Canada.
      By the end of the “chat” she started wailing about how it was Whitey that gave the Indians alcohol!!!
      To which I replied “well the Indians gave us Tobacco, that has killed millions and millions and millions of people all over the world and so that makes us even!”

      Should have seen her mouth drop open when she realized and understood, Tobacco bad !

      1. With all the raspberries and blueberries and crab apples and stuff that ferments naturally, no indigenous person ever figured out you can drink it until whitey brought firewater?

  2. There has been too few stories in the conservative counter-culture media about the woke takeover of museums and art galleries. Here in boony New Brunswick we have no real museums to speak of. But Fredericton does have a surprisingly good Beaverbrook Art Gallery that is still worthwhile to visit. I would steer clear of any museums and galleries in any large Canadian city. This leads one to wonder where these woke institutions will get their money from. From ditzy foundations and governments one would suppose.

    1. Museums and ‘art’ galleries were taken over a long, long time ago. The public have already noticed this. That’s why they are completely reliant on government funding for many years.

  3. why does it have to be ONLY one or the other? wtf is that?
    a nation the size of Canaduh and theres ‘no room for both’?
    because liberal . . . . . .

  4. The building itself is a product of “colonialism”.
    The university – itself a product.
    The taxpayers who foot the bill – colonialists one and all.
    These people are sickening.
    But what’s worse, how does society rid itself of these parasitic people.
    Certainly not gently.

    1. Everything the “natives” have is the result of white men’s accomplishments.

  5. As an U of M alumni I can react with my wallet. Just look at that indigenous group hug. Fine young men and women!

  6. Don’t burn it! Give it to me for free, I have a use for this “unpalatable” colonial art.

    Canada has proven itself a stupid has-been Post National State, the world will eventually carve it up into competing Balkanized regions reflecting the dominant imported cultures from whence they came.

    Canada’s First Nations will one day get a lesson in how the rest of the world treats indigenous peoples.

    1. “Canada’s First Nations will one day get a lesson in how the rest of the world treats indigenous peoples.”

      True. The first lesson will be when the rest of the world refuses to call them ‘First Nations’.

  7. Shouldn’t all First Nations Art be made using traditional tools, on traditional material?
