Survey Says…

Abacus Data- What is Motivating Voting Preferences in Canada?

The top issues of concerns for Canadians remain consistent with our tracking over the past two years. The cost of living remains the largest issue facing more Canadians (71%), followed by housing affordability and accessibility (46%), healthcare (42%), the economy (33%), and immigration (27%). In total, 86% of Canadians put either the cost of living or housing as a top issue.

34 Replies to “Survey Says…”

    1. Your daughter identifies as a boy. We won’t tell you about it. It is brave of him and us to encourage his “transition”. We’re only binding his breasts at age 10, but by middle school, we’re planning to remove his breasts. You cisgendered bigots need to shut the hell up, and be prosecuted for your denial, misinformation, and HATE.

      Why should that be an issue for anyone? Celebrate diversity … or else!!!

      1. Perhaps they’re teaching “new math” but, 71+46+42+33+27 doesn’t equal 100. Even more math issues, cost of living (71%) plus housing (46%) doesn’t equate to 86% of top issues. WTF?

        1. The survey asked respondents to name 3 issues. 71% had cost of living as one of their 3 items. It’s not an either or question so the percentages will not add to 100. If they asked “what is the (single) top issue” then you could add up the percentages that way.
          What it is saying is 71% of people will tell you that cost of living is a top 3 issue. 46% will say housing is a top 3 issue, and so on. Likely there is significant overlap.
          Think of the data as answering a series of questions “is cost of living a top 3 issue?” … “Is housing a top 3 issue?” And so on.

          1. Exactly so. There will be a huge overlap among the issues with many of those surveyed having a large area of common concerns. What the survey shows to me is that Canadians well understand what are the major problems for all Canadians and who is to blame for them.

  1. “And no whisper of the QWERTY deviants.”

    Naturally, since Abacus would have been very careful *not to ask* about it…

    1. Wrong. These are the issues that those surveyed brought to the attention of Abacus. Abacus simply asked, “what issues are the most important for you.”

      The poll is pretty clear. The issue of QWERTY diviants is trivial compared to the issues of cost of living, housing, healthcare, economy, and immigration. What part of that list do you disagree with?

      1. “The poll is pretty clear. The issue of QWERTY diviants is trivial compared to the issues of cost of living, housing, healthcare, economy, and immigration. What part of that list do you disagree with?”

        No part. That was my point (which seems to have gone over your head)…Abacus simply *did not ask about it*. Asking people for their own personal “top three Issues”, rather than giving them a list to choose from, ensured that the QWERTY crap *would not be mentioned* , since the economy and healthcare are always the top two issues; the “rising cost of living” and “housing affordability” may look new, but are actually just facets of the economy. If they wanted to make an issue of any of the DEI, ‘gender identity’ or any of the other woke BS, they would simply have offered them in a premade list for respondents to choose from. They did not, and probably because they didn’t want to draw attention to how little people actually care about that crap.

      2. Really ? Well they haven’t asked many parents then.
        If your going to walk slowly by the only issue that’s going to change the direction of the country you best grasp something I’ve been pondering ” So goes the kids so goes the country.”
        Critical thinking is great but our kids are going to be lonely.
        Nah what’s rotten in this country has to be ripped out by its roots , and being afraid to use the back part of your brain isn’t the answer. That’s what got us here.

    1. wrong.
      one needs ‘go back’ oooooone step to standing in front of the voting booth
      to find the core rock bottom cause of the problems.
      liberals would not be Liberals except for enough of those Xs

  2. Has to be fraudulent! Everyone knows climate change is what keeps the world awake at night.

    1. “Has to be fraudulent! Everyone knows climate change is what keeps the world awake at night.”

      Interesting how far down the list it was, eh? And that’s just a random poll nowhere near an election. Funny thing…people will always tell pollsters how important that stuff is to them right up until election day, then they go out and cast their vote based on what their chosen political party promises to do with the economy and healthcare instead. Some things never change in Canada…

  3. Canadians are stupid. Economy and immigration is what drives cost of living and housing affordability you dumbass clowns, excluding most posters here of course. Got in trouble one time in the corporate world when I made a flippant lunch time comment that democracy doesn’t work for the stupid.

    1. Canadians are indeed stupid but anyone who reads much into these Abacus type
      polls with their loaded questions and tendentious answers is even stupider

  4. And yet the majority still support leftist parties. That is to say ndp + liberal+ green > conservative

    They will continue to vote for our destruction

    1. they vote for the freebies. narcissistic thoughts racing thru their heads, grabbing as much as they can while times are good. they are too stoooopid to connect the dots

    2. Except the latest polls show the split is almost even now. And it doesn’t really matter because it is where is the concentration and seat count. It’s like Biden saying he got x million more votes than Trump nationally. NOT RELEVANT.

  5. The cost of living and housing are really the same problem, given that the housing problem is actually the cost of housing problem.

    1. Mass, non-Western immigration should be the number one concern as it is the root of most of all the other problems.

  6. Just wait until people figure out the impact of mass immigration on inflation, job availability, access to healthcare and the cost of living: by the fall of next year this will be the main election issue, whether Poilievre wants to acknowledge it or not.
    Howe er, by then no the number of new voters parachuted into every rural riding in Canada starting early this year will make the whole issue moot. If you look at the Elections Canada rules with regard to citizenship and identification you’ll see that there’s nothing to prevent most newcomers, even those holding visas as temporary workers or students from casting a vote – except for their own conscience.

    1. No and soon we’ll all be afraid to type ” ;^/ ” because some Leftard with a hundred thousand a year Gubmint union grunt lifestyle working from her parents cottage will scare us all into hiding after they put Kate in jail.

      I base this on the fact I talk to Leftards who hate the Truckers and I also remember smuggling copies of the Buffallo News into Canada so my friends could read about the biggest rape murder case in Canada’s history.

  7. “The cost of living remains the largest issue facing more Canadians (71%)”

    ………and not a single thought among them to try and understand the WHY.

    1. Oh, but the Liberals are going to go out this summer and listen to the electorate’s “ hopes and dreams.” Far too many Canadians are simply trying to house, clothe and feed themselves and their families. Hopes and dreams – unicorn sparkle dust. There is nothing J. Trudeau and his “Canadian” band of thieves have touched that hasn’t turned to s…t.

  8. back in grade school, the question of ‘who do the candidates vote for’ the weird alien ‘teacherrrrrrr’ promoted the notion is was the ‘polite’ ‘respectful’ ‘dignified’ thing to vote for the OPPONENT and not yourself. lm like 10 years old wondering whut the FCUK???? who would be the dumbfcuk to vote for the opposition in some really bizarre expression of WHAT????? ms stevenson the miserable spinster. same one told me she would flunk me “for 2 pins”. lm thinkin hey, go ahead ONE FOR EACH EYE.

    p.s. elementary teacherrrrs are going thru a variation of HELL right now, seems Ms Karma has decided to ‘recycle’ the quantum energy *they* expended assaulting children for 150 years and is now raining down a violent horror on THEIR heads.
    boo hoo hoo and ha ha ha

  9. The thing that is often missed in housing affordability is that say in the 1970’s, the average house size was 1100 square feet or so (smaller yet if you go back to the 1940’s and 1950’s). And you had far more people living in each of those houses. (Would be interesting to see the data on square foot per person for housing over time). AND, the interest rates on the mortgages. The PRICE of a home doesn’t mean much until you know the mortgage rate. And again, you can go back to the 1970’s when a “good” rate was 9 1/2% and then in the early 1980’s when they were almost as high as the current interest rate on credit cards.

  10. None of the questions really got to what’s motivating voters.
    The diehard civic duty types will vote, and consistently vote one way until such time that they decide they cannot turn their nose up any longer and either spoil their ballot or sit out the election.
    Thats where liberal voters are right now.
    Everyone else that is going to show up on election day are determining their choice on which candidate is going to make life living hell for the ones that have been making my life a burden?
    The pollsters could do the country a service by asking the respondents if they feel the government is helping or hindering.
    Maybe then they won’t be the last to know.

  11. Inflation.. Crime, immigration, debt.. Energy mandates and concerns.. I just don’t feel any level of government has my back.. Or at the very least, is not in actively in my way.. They care not for you..

    My neighborhood went from a sleepy Toronto suburb to a halfway house migrant farm.. So many people living in a 3 bedroom home you don’t even know who your neighbors are anymore.. Then your car gets stolen for the third time and you wonder.. Who turned my community into a migrant halfway house resort community..

    Yes, all of the downsides but no beachfront for 100 miles..

  12. The biggest problem is political corruption at every level of governance…. from the top bureaucrats and political actors in the PMO and Cabinet to the massive bureaucracy in general to every Municipal and Provincial Government and bureaucrat across the country.
    Canada has a massive and insidious political corruption problem where all other problems for the Post Nation State are imposed.

  13. No mention of Canadians wanting freedom or Liberty from their government, tells you all you need to know. Most do not want freedom, they just want a gentler taskmaster. Canada never learned to fight for their rights.
