54 Replies to “They Went Full CINO”

    1. Oh stop all your sobbing! Rishi said he’s sorry. He apologized. For what, I have no idea. But he apologized. Most likely for not being woke-enough, global warming/net-zero enough, trans-enough, or anti-British enough.


      And yeah … there’s a reason I chose a “Pretenders” tune to drive the point home. Cuck-servative Pretenders.

      1. The only thing deeper than idiocracy is voting for deeper idiocracy. My family abandoned thousands of years of history to escape this stupidity… sadly, it’s now coming to Canada, our previous safe refuge.

    1. ‘Net Zero economy’

      Take it to the patent office.
      Copyright it.

      Excellent observation.

    2. If you’re Canadian you get to enjoy it too, because you voted for it too.

  1. Brits have short memories. Labour really messed up the UK in the past, I guess they now get to finish the job. The old something for nothing system fails every time.

    1. So did the Cons, which is why they got voted out. Who knows what will happen next, but it’s hard to believe it will be any worse than Sunak and company. At least Labour is honest about their intentions. The Cons where like Lucy with the football continuously head faking Charlie Brown.

  2. The conservative types who have recently taken gov’t in Europe, in Hungary (not so recent now) France, and Netherlands have all campaigned on and seem to be much more actual conservative than the UK’s conservatives. This ought to be a lesson for P.P. in Canada, and the recent polls of Trump bolster that argument.

    CINO = fail

    How long for “buyer’s remorse” to set in for the UK? higher taxes? more immigration from those with no real connection? well they voted for it, I can’t make any sense of them outside of the CINO = fail angle… and what the VOWG states as “short memories” too. how many times should an electorate have to learn the expensive lessons?

    1. The people taking power in Europe are not conservatives. They’re national socialists to replace the international socialists. They’re not into cultural suicide, but they are still into economic suicide.

  3. Conservatives that refuse to be conservatives. All they had to do was stop immigration into the grossly overpopulated UK. It took several prime ministers to get out of the EEC and the UK still took a buggering on the way out. Conservatives without balls are pitiful. They believe everything the opposition says about them.

    1. scarp
      “Conservatives without balls are pitiful.”
      Blame that on the church they attend.


      1. The Church of England? Puhleeze … they can’t even define a man or a woman. Might as well call it the church of wokeism

  4. It’s the Labour Party. You know, unions, spend more money, add more doctors, nurses, hospitals, infrastructure.

    And, no new taxes? Limit immigration? Fix the economy? It’s a combo of short memories and absolute stupidity that brought in Labour.

    Britain is having its Bob Rae moment.

      1. You must have meant to say the Conservatives drove away half their supporters.

  5. The largest disappointment of the election results is that Nigel Farage only was able to win 4 seats, all though they received 14% of the popular vote.
    Conversely, Labour won 64% of the seats(411seats), but only received 34% of the popular vote.
    CINO, 18% of seats(119seats), but received 24% of the popular vote.

  6. No doubt all our statist minions will bemoan the incumbent effect, but is it really the progressive incumbent effect, voters now aware of the proximate causes of their shared misery? Doug Ford take note?

  7. // The largest disappointment of the election results is that Nigel Farage only was able to win 4 seats, all though they received 14% of the popular vote. //
    Reform’s major accomplishment is enabling a Labour landslide, by splitting the conservative vote. A bit like our Reform party.

    1. “Reform’s major accomplishment is enabling a Labour landslide, by splitting the conservative vote. A bit like our Reform party.”

      That’s why CINOs are bad, yes.

      (and Reform was 20 years ago)

      1. A vote for the Tories is a vote for EVERY leftist policy of Labor. Same difference.

      2. NO!
        The PCs back in the day were way more ”P” than ”C”
        In ’93 the ‘PCs’ deserved to get their asses handed to them with all of the Mulroney crap that went on. Reform won 53 seats but the real farce was that the BQ was official opposition and never had a seat OR A VOTE outside of Quebec.
        That’s canada for you. What an F U!

        1. “NO!
          The PCs back in the day were way more ”P” than ”C””

          Absolutely. ‘Liberal Lite’ in all ways that mattered. Which is also what caused their demise: Canada just didn’t need two Liberal parties.

    2. Except the Cons aren’t conservative, so no loss no foul. Both labour and the cons believe in massive immigration and net zero. I just pray that we aren’t being conned by PP, I don’t expect anything to change except for maybe less visible corruption.

        1. Well there is no other plan, since I’m not planning on taking over the Conservative party myself.

  8. Lovely how the new PMs first opening speech was about how the country needs a greater reset. Klaus is no doubt very pleased.

  9. I would have settled for a healthy dollop of classic liberalism.

    But no, freedom of speech was slowly strangled under the conservatives.

    1. “freedom of speech was slowly strangled under the conservatives”

      A donkey in elephant’s clothing is still a donkey.

  10. Just wondering, am I not allowed to comment?
    Second comment in two days evaporated into ether never to be seen.

    1. Same thing has been happening to me. My comments (this time) seemed innocuous enough.

      1. ” July 5, 2024 at 12:27 pm

        Just wondering, am I not allowed to comment?
        Second comment in two days evaporated into ether never to be seen.”


        ” Same thing has been happening to me. My comments (this time) seemed innocuous enough.”

        The same thing probably happened to both of you: you used a word or words containing the letters O, R and C in sequence. ‘F0rce’ is the most likely culprit…although given the subject one of you could have accidentally referred to David 0rchard.

  11. Try again….

    From Steyn’s link above:
    “Yet Labour’s share of the vote is five points lower than Jeremy Corbyn’s supposedly humiliating defeat in 2017: in fact, it is the lowest share of the vote for any majority-winning party ever – just thirty-five per cent.”

    One can interpret that as conservatives stayed at home. They are fed up with the so called ‘Conservative’ that are none such.
    Check with certain Ford, a full time socialist. Paying, giving money to the media cartel is corruption, end of story.

    Poilievre is good so far as opposition. Has strong comments on the going ons’ of the current socialist/Liberal government. Poilievre has toned down his comments, or so it seems. Criticizing out of power is the easiest thing to do, it is whole other ball of wax altogether practicing in power.
    In spite of the media cartel helping the current cabal that is running the country, the people seem to have gathered on their own, how debilitating the government is.
    Well, we will see in a year + or so.

    Smith in Alberta, is on track.
    Those that listened to the radio show, know what she said all along, she is, as the slogan goes, fiscal conservative and social liberal. Called herself libertarian.
    She is keeping track on the points that she said she would do. Pension plan, police and a few other things, well, there are those that are positively against it and, thinking, most people are sort of wait and see. As you can imagine, most people are deathly afraid of change, the unknown, the don’t fix it if it ain’t broken. Take yer pick.

    While the plebeians in many countries of Europe are, as Steyn put it, ‘Effective politicians don’t “move towards the centre”; they move the centre towards them, as Mrs Thatcher and President Reagan did.’

    Yeah, strong characters are hard to come by. Thatcher, Reagan and Wojtyła were giants meeting at the confluence toward the end of 20 century and changed the world.
    Can this be expected of today’s politicians?
    The socialist extremists are having a lot of luck lately, the conservatives are mostly missing in action. Talking politicians here.

    Politics has become a swamp, as it appears, the politicians, wherever, are looking after themselves, period.
    As contradictory as it may sound, Trump does not have to do it, by observation, he is there for others.
    There are few, very few good, decent people that will get into it in foreseeable future.

  12. Rishi Sunak: the Kim Campbell of British Politics! They even look alike!

  13. Steyn also observed that 4 of the Labour candidates who won seats ran on a pro Gaza campaign. Just great. They don’t even try to hide the antisemitism anymore.

    1. I saw somewhere that there are something like ten seats that are majority muslim, so this is what happens.

  14. Socially progressive and fiscally conservative is utter nonsense.

    I’d say she’s more of a Fibertarian, than libertarian.

    The tools of the left need to be dismantled, not borrowed.

  15. I am not an expert in UK politics.

    Reform appears to have received the 3rd largest number of votes, taking a large number of previously Conservative voters. It looks like they are posed to become a major player in the next election.

  16. Rumour has it that Sunak and his wife are already on their way to California to start his new career.

    1. A $3.5 mm penthouse flat overlooking the beach in Santa Monica. Pssst … Rishi! Santa Monica is a ‘W’ enclave in West LA … ‘W’s’ only in West LA. Just ask any white leftist actor living there.

  17. CINO’s are the worst people in the world.
    Insecure, decisively indecisive and cowardly.
    The UK – like Monty Python’s Camelot – is a silly place.

  18. The other thing? They’ll be back in the punitive arms of the E.U. within a year; Starmer won’t make the mistake of holding a referendum about it…

    I expect that television tax to double; the gay/commie/muslim beeb slavers after its reward for support.

    That imminent N.A.T.O. meeting will be really something!

  19. The Brits are left and green and will pay the price over the next four years and go for Nigel with gusto or continue into the bankrupt leftist sewer. The Conservatives deserve extinction as they have not sufficiently differentiated from Labour with the same results – widespread systemic failure.

  20. All British members of parliament submit to Islam, switching out the authoritarian liberals for the radical authoritarian liberals isn’t going to make much difference, it only speeds the timeline towards the Islamic Republik of Britain.
