Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

A fish rots from the head. Here we are at the tail.

Another day, another tiny anti-Israel protest being given breathless coverage in the Canadian news media.

In a June 27 front-page article published in The Regina Leader-Post entitled: “Demonstrators demand Regina take action as city hall protesters denounce genocide,” author Larissa Kurz reported on a group of approximately 20 anti-Israel protesters in the Saskatchewan capital of Regina.

Beyond raising questions as to how such a marginal group merited to be given a lengthy news article, Kurz’s report also repeated terminology used by the protesters, referring to their “strong anti-genocide message,” blurring the line between reporting and stenography.

8 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. And just WTH kind of action is a city government supposed to do about a war between two nations a half-world away?

    Maybe give Israel a parking ticket? Fix the potholes in Gaza?

  2. I am going to file a complaint against a ridiculous articlec CP posted two days ago, which I discussed in Readers Tips yesterday. The Canadian Press said flat out that Trudeau is “a strong defender of democracy”.

    So I suggest that someone living in Saskatchewan file a complaint like I am going to do with the CP. The organization to do this is called the National NewsMedia Council, and the complaint can be done through this link:

    The Regina Leader Post is a member of the Council. The Council wants complainants to first complain to the newspaper first, and wait for the paper’s response. If one is not satisfied with the response, the one should then complain to the Council.

    Is it worthwhile complaining? Even though the majority of complaints are rejected,mI think it is. For one thing, newspapescare a declining industry, where everybody’s job is at risk. Journalists don’t want to hear of another bad thing on top of their woes. For another, the Council publish the results of fomplaints made to them, and lthough few readers read this stuff, newspaper journalists do. Especially with a crappy article like this one, the complaint embarrasses the reporter.

  3. Local governments all over North America are weighing in on the Gaza war yet nobody seems interested in solving the homeless problem in their own jurisdiction. Or the drug problem. Or the crime problem. Or the corruption problem. Or the debt problem.

    If Israel started complaining about how the homeless are being treated in Portland, Oregon, the Internet would explode.

  4. Genociding Hamas is as righteous as genociding Natzis. May they all be United with their virgin harem.

  5. Only the historically ignorant can side with Hamas, I mean Palestinian Arabs.
    As well as Jew-haters, Jew-killers, Arabs, Egyptians, Persians and Moderate Moslems and your everyday Salafist terrorist pigs.
    In the midst of the rot, I gave to Friends of the IDF.
    I’m a coward, but my money’s not.
    (I wonder if Chrystia is gonna freeze my bank account.)
