33 Replies to “Farage”

  1. Populism, as in the people.. As in democracy.. Up against the globalist business plan commies.. We will reach the point where both sides will be playing the treason card and we can get on with the back end of this experiment..

    Monopolies for your friends always falls into the same hole of loyalty over substance..

      1. “Exactly…populism IS democracy.”

        I love how people like Trudeau always try to make it sound like a bad thing by tying it to Donald Trump.

        1. Oh, there’s been an attitude among the upper class and the pretenders to it that has always made a point of displaying contempt and hatred for populism, a word usually pronounced to suggest an obsession with the bursting of pimples. I can recall examples going back 40 years. You want to make it clear that what benefits the unwashed will be by definition a bad thing. The implication being that you are sitting pretty with things just the way they are.

  2. spiked author: You see this graveyard here? I’m going to walk past it, and I’m going to whistle the whole way!

  3. A “sucker punch” is delivered from behind or with no warning of a potential fight, so it’s NOT a sucker punch.
    That was more like Mike Tyson reaching over the back of his airplane seat and punching the drunk calling him out.
    Too late though, Sharia Law parties will be first place in about 3 more elections.

  4. “To see the true quake, you need to look beyond Labour’s mirage-like landslide. As is now becoming clear, Labour has not been swept to power on anything like a wave of public enthusiasm. On the contrary, it won its 412 seats on the second lowest electoral turnout since 1885, and more as a result of people’s exhaustion with the Tories than their love for Sir Keir.”

    The above matters naught. Labour are now the ruling junta and nothing’s going to change that for a good long while.

    1. And no doubt they’ll do the kind of damage to Britain in 5-years that the fraudulently selected braindead Biden has done in 4-years? Here’s an idea! Labor will open the borders and replace those 12 million Reform voters with 24 million grateful Muslim voters all set up in new Council flats, squeezing out litters of replacement Brit’s.

      Goodbye Britain. Goodbye British culture. And I don’t blame Labor … I blame the leftist Tories. The go-along to get-along Tories.

      1. In the US, the Commies steal elections; in the UK people vote in the Commies in a landslide.

        1. huh? my observation bible pounders are some of the most vehemently entrenched lobbyists any time they were around the do NOT
          ‘go along to get along’

      2. Those muslim voters won’t be grateful, they’ll believe they are entitled to more.

      3. Just as a note, Britain doesn’t have automatic birthright citizenship.

        Since 1 January 1983, at least one parent must be a British citizen or be legally “settled” in the country for a child born in the UK to automatically be a British citizen. If neither parent is British or settled, then a child born in the UK can apply for British citizenship if they have spent the first ten years of their life in the UK.

  5. Farage also got the message … from Biden … that Trump didn’t need his help. Trump has plenty in his tank to defeat mental patient Biden and a fractured Democrat Party in disarray.

    The Muslim overrun country of Britain needed Farage more desperately

  6. Populism is here to stay

    Perhaps, but populism depends on the populace. As Mark Steyn pointed out (slightly out of date regarding numbers), specifically pro-Palestine Islamic candidates effectively won as many seats as Nigel Farage’s whoopy-doo Reform Party. That’s the true story of this election; the real ground that has shaken. The new socialist government has abandoned the pretense of anti-immigration policy and more boats and planes full of Muslims are on the way.

  7. If you are 16 years old in Great Britain you cannot go into a liquor store and buy hard liquor.
    If you are 16 years old in Great Britain you cannot drive a car.
    If you are 16 years old in Great Britain you cannot go into a betting shop and place a bet.
    If you are 16 years old in Great Britain you cannot join the Army and fight for your country.
    If you are 16 years old in Great Britain you cannot get married.

    1. But if you are a 16 yo white girl in England you can get gang raped and trafficked … while the Bobbies do absolutely nothing

    2. It has been a long time (1990) but I wouldn’t be surprised if the British Army isn’t still recruiting “junior soldiers” at 16. They did longer training than the adult recruits’ basic 19 weeks, with more ” adventurous training” and sport because they couldn’t join regular units until they were age 17 and 6 months, nor deploy on operations until 18.

  8. Britain is post-democratic. Sunak’s party got immolated on the pyre of Ukraine, yet the new government has just signed on to the exact same highly unpopular embrace of Kiev. Macron’s party has been nearly wiped out, after embracing Kiev’s side in the civil war in Ukraine whole-heartedly, but you can bet whatever new government is installed in France, they will defy the people and continue to support that war.

    1. Sunak’s party got immolated on the pyre of Ukraine, yet the new government has just signed on to the exact same highly unpopular embrace of Kiev.

      Starmer was quite clear and open that if elected his government would continue to support Ukraine. He got elected with a landslide. Farage spoke out against support for Ukraine and of his admiration for Putin. He got five seats, one more than the Islamists. I think you’ll find it is your view on Ukraine that is out of step with the majority.

      1. “Starmer was quite clear and open that if elected his government would continue to support Ukraine. He got elected with a landslide. Farage spoke out against support for Ukraine and of his admiration for Putin. He got five seats, one more than the Islamists. I think you’ll find it is your view on Ukraine that is out of step with the majority.”

        Too bad that Ukraine was #7 in importance on the list of election issues, behind health care, the economy, immigration, inflation, housing and education.

        Too bad also that that Labour got 33.9% of the popular vote and won 410 seats while the Conservatives won 23.6% and got only 199 seats. Reform pulled in 14.3% of the vote but got only 5 seats. They need a new voting system.

  9. Hey, we hate the Government so we’re going to vote for exactly the same thing, but worse.

  10. Writer is a fool.
    Labor will govern like they got 80MM votes.
    By the time the next GE is held, there will be no Reform party or reform possible for 100 years.
    Barack Obama was the Barbarian at the gate.

  11. Basically, populism is the idea that (self-) defined elites should be replaced with “us” if you see yourself as a populist. A second version is just to let absolute democracy prevail, in other words, whatever a majority sanction would be state policy.

    That is probably not the case today because the state is too crafty to put any contentious issues to a direct vote, and they campaign on non-binding and vague policy suggestions which quite often are forgotten after each election anyway.

    Just like the term globalism, I don’t find the concept of populism in the abstract either good or bad, it all depends on (a) what actual globalists believe and (b) what actual populists believe. Then I can decide if I would support or oppose. At the present time, it’s a no for globalism (Davos agenda) and a yes for populism (common sense and rule of law).

    1. Populism is not the Rule of Law; it’s the Rule of the Mob. The United States is not a democracy, it’s a representative republic with democratically elected representatives. Banging the “democracy uber alles” drum is a leftist tactic, because they know full well what happens when you govern a country via democracy: you get the Tytler Cycle, and the inevitable Glorious Revolution.

      1. Goodness Daniel, you make the Rule of the Mob sound like a bad thing. I’d always imagined you having better connections with the Mob.
