52 Replies to “July 6, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. DCH – Tell us what you really think Hunter. Great quote! Very accurate!

    1. lol. This was going to be my comment, except in regards to our (U.S.) Social Security system, which is scheduled to go bankrupt right when I’m intending on taking advantage of it. Yay me!

    1. That’s a 10+… the RNC should ask to market this song. It’ll go viral overnight.

  1. Beijing and Moscow Go From ‘No Limits’ Friendship to Frenemies in Russia’s Backyard – WSJ

    “China has seized on the Ukraine invasion to chip away at traditional Russian spheres of influence. In Central Asia, as in the Arctic, Moscow’s reliance on Beijing to sustain its war machine foces it to acquiesce to the encroachments. Across the strategically situated region, Beijing is drawing local economies into its orbit. Chinese investments are diverting the region’s young workers away from Russia. A Chinese-funded railroad promises to connect it with Europe, bypassing Russian territory.”

    So, when the war in Ukraine ends, old Poo will – at best – gain a swath of devastated, depopulated Ukrainian land and China will gain a few satellite states (more or less including Russia itself). 5D chess player my arse.

        1. Jessica unDORK Yaniv
          Ewe dew no that WSJ is a lefty schiffhole owned mostly by a saudi RITE!

          1. I’m not sure what you’re saying; are you denying that China increases its influence in Central Asia? That’s like denying that the Sun rises in the East. China is a huge industry-oriented economy that is desperate for new markets, while Ruϟϟischeschweinen Pediration is a pathetic kleptocracy incapable of producing anything valuable, whose significance is limited to selling its natural resouses and bullying its weaker enighbours. Which path do you think brings greater success?

    1. That’s a neat story. And yet I still will never support the financing of The Biden Crime Family’s meat grinder Central Europe slaughterfest so that Hunter Biden can binge smoke crack cocaine and bang hookers for the next decade plus.

      1. If the Biden family created that slaughterfest, it means they rule over Russia.

          1. “Jesus I was just starting to enjoy this site again Go away”

            It was great while it lasted.

    2. “So, when the war in Ukraine ends, old Poo will – at best – gain a swath of devastated, depopulated Ukrainian land and China will gain a few satellite states (more or less including Russia itself). 5D chess player my arse.”

      No, he will have gained exactly what he wanted. The millions of ethnic Russians in the Donbas will be protected from further ethnic cleansing and any ‘devastated, depopulated’ areas will quickly be rebuilt and filled with fresh Russian immigrants. Zelensky will be ousted and a new Ukrainian government elected…then the corruption trials begin.

      1. Oh, hi, Flinny, I was hoping you would come. How many months is it since you said “the Western aid for Ukraine will soon dry out”? And how many more months / years / decades / centuries / millenia would have to pass before you admitted you were wrong? Just curious.

        As for the rest of your post, “everything is going according to plan”, right? LMAO. Simply out of curiosity, where do you think the money to “rebuild” and the immigrants to “fill” come from and what will happen to those who have to foot the bill and the areas that needed to be “emptied” for that to happen?

      2. 95% of the Russian populated territory (small town and villages) is best described as a shitting ground. Do you think is will be easy for cache-stripped Russia to rebuild the towns ruined in the war if they cannot even rebuild most of what’s fallen apart with time?

        1. You can spew your hate-filled nonsense but the good thing is, anyone that wants to, can go on Google Street View and see what the streets of Russia actually look like. Find a population centre or rural area in Russia, similar to where you live and compare away.

          1. Surfer :This place looks better than much of rural Canada. I see several older homes, one of which has numerous pallets of bricks in the front yard, so someone is getting ready for a new build or a major reno. Roads don’t look too bad.

          2. OK, find me a rural Canadian settlement with log cabins (I presume that’s what you meant by “older homes”) and unpaved “streets” (the main road is paved, but look at the side streets joining it).

      3. The biggest threat to the Russian speaking population and Russian speaking cities in the Donbas region is Russia.

        You’re just a warmonger.

        1. [AllanS] “You’re just a warmonger.”

          You’re just a Useful Idiot.

          (but sure, why not….the people like me who want to stop the war are the ‘warmongers’, and the people like you who want to *keep it going* are on the side of peace, right?)

          [scar] “Ethnic Russians in the Donbas?? Rare animal.”

          Not quite:


          According to the 2001 census, ethnic Ukrainians form 58% of the population of Luhansk Oblast and 56.9% of Donetsk Oblast. Ethnic Russians form the largest minority, accounting for 39% and 38.2% of the two oblasts respectively.[97] In the present day, the Donbas is a predominately Russophone region. According to the 2001 census, Russian is the main language of 74.9% of residents in Donetsk Oblast and 68.8% in Luhansk Oblast.


      4. Ethnic Russians in the Donbas?? Rare animal. There are lots of ethnic Ukrainians who were Russified in the Donbas but very few ethnic Russians. My ancestors were Russified but they homesteaded in Kansas instead.

      5. “Ethnic Russian” is a concept similar to “real American” or “true Scotsman”. Nobody know what it really is, not even “ethnic Russians” themselves (and certainly not Flinny from 20000 BC). It can only be definied as “someone who is (for whatever reason) accepted as an ethnic Russian”. The only genetic trait Russians, ethnic or not, have in common is predisposition to alcoholism.

          1. “Alcohol consumption per capita” is no indication of anything because a) a lot of alcohol in Russia is sold illegally and b) Russia has a sizable Muslim population who consume very little of it. What you have to look at is the number of cases of diagnosed alcoholism.

        1. Aye, Russia has no identity. That’s why we can identify them, predict their stereotyped behaviour, and hate them unto death, all with infallible accuracy and justice! Just try doing that with people with a real identity, I dare you.

    1. I believe the City of Ottawa just bought a convent for $12 million to house migrants.

      1. Steve – that makes sense, The number of migrants is exploding and the number of nuns is imploding. However the number of Canadian women with the fertility rate of nuns is probably growing.

    2. They had better be prepared- if Trump somehow does become president -there will be a stampede into Canada. Will they hire more officers to carry luggage over the border?

  2. “majorities of adults (54%) and likely voters (52%) disapprove of the way Gavin Newsom is handling his job as governor, while fewer approve (44% adults and 47% likely voters).”

    “Majorities of residents across regions disapprove of Newsom as do majorities across demographic groups—with the exception of African Americans and college graduates.”

    But Newsom doesn’t care because he knows Californians will vote for him anyways.

    You have to scroll way down…


  3. Our state media now bringing in garbage hack Chris Cillizza to give Canadians updates on what’s happening in US politics. Garbage media paid for by you. You don’t hate them enough.

  4. Climate-Skeptic Reform Party Takes A Third Of The Tory Vote In The UK Election

    “After 14 years of net-zero nonsense from the Conservative Party, Nigel Farage’s climate-skeptic Reform Party has taken away a third of the Conservative vote. As a result of the Conservatives’ relentless exclusion of the free-market, small-government, low-tax, pro-family, anti-net-zero center-Right over the past 14 years, the Labor party – which, like all totalitarian parties, takes a radically climate-extremist view”


    1. “The New York Times has published an article on war crimes being committed by the Ukrainian military:

      So now Colon/Surfer/Jessica will be accusing the NYT of being Putin sympathizers.

      (oh, I’m sorry…I forgot to childishly call him ‘Pootin’ or ‘old Poo’. My bad…)

      1. Only in the eyes of someone on the intellectual level of Flintstone from 20000 BC, someone who writes “New York Times has published” and gives a link to a post on Telegram could possibly have any credibility.

        1. NYT is behind a paywall but the Telegram post gives a summary of the article. If you are so smart Big Guy maybe you can find us a full copy of the NYT article.

      2. Also, where’s that “Jessica” you schweinie-lovers are constantly ranting about? I don’t remember ever seeing a single post under that name (though I’m not often here).

  5. Here’s a riff on an old joke.

    Justin Trudeau, Harjit Sajjan, and Ahmed Hussen are travelling between Ottawa and Toronto. For reasons known only to themselves they decide to travel together in a single car. They set out in the morning for the 4 1/2 trip and by nightfall are still travelling and are now throughly lost. In desperation they turn into the first farmhouse they see and ask the farmer if they can stay the night. Now the farmer is not impressed with the trio who showed up on his doorstep but, being a decent fellow, decides to let them stay the night. “only one problem,” says the farmer, “I only have two extra beds. One of you will have to sleep in the barn. Don’t worry though, the barn is warm and dry. You’ll sleep comfortably enough.” Justin quickly appoints Harjit Minister of Barn Sleeping and sends him off to the barn. About 10 minutes later, they hear a knock at the door. They open it up and it’s Harjit. “I can’t sleep in there,” he says. “There is a cow in the barn. Cows hold a special place in my culture.” Justin, not wanting to look unwoke, lets Harjit in and sends Ahmed out to the barn. About 10 minutes later, they hear another knock at the door. They open the door and Ahmed is standing there. “There is a pig in the barn,” says Ahmed. “I am a muslim, I can not sleep with a pig!” Justin, not wanting to appear islamophobic, graciously offers to sleep in the barn. About 10 minutes later they hear yet another knock at the door. They open the door and the cow and the pig are standing there…

    1. “About 10 minutes later they hear yet another knock at the door. They open the door and the cow and the pig are standing there…”

      Somehow I did not see that one coming… 🙂
