Tinkering At The Fringes

I have a better idea: Why not shut this thing down entirely? There’s no way to make an institution premised on the idea of collective rights somehow less bad than it actually is.

The Opposition Conservatives vowed Friday that a future Pierre Poilievre-led government would remove the man the Liberals just appointed to lead the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

[Lantsman] said Dattani has a “long track record of anti-Israel statements,” including a “justification of terrorism,” and that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should demand Dattani stand down or “fire him.”

If it’s not shut down, then travesties like this one will just become commonplace.


31 Replies to “Tinkering At The Fringes”

  1. The Human “Rights” Commission appears to be modelled after the Volksgerichtshof of Nazi Germany. It too operated outside the operations of the constitutional frame of law. It needs to be disbanded. I am always amazed that somehow people believe that such matters should be in the hands of government when history has shown us that the biggest violators of rights has ALWAYS been government itself.

  2. Overkill.. The left already owns the courts, schools, media and government.. But that’s not enough when total power is the goal.. You need gestapo.. Call it what it is..

  3. Every person involved needs hanged by the neck until made good.
    These Corrupt Individuals all have volunteered to help strip us of our traditional and our legal rights,by participating in the Theatre of Hatred,their “Human Rights Tribunals” provide.

    Where Truth is not a defence,such an institute is the enemy of all free citizens.
    Where fake rights and the illusion of said rights is used as a cloak to deny your inherited rights.

    Corrupt Institutes are treason.
    Any one so debased as to volunteer to serve such an institution has no place in civilized society.
    These are the prison camp guards and they are proud of their “service”.
    Know your enemy.
    Take note when they self identify.

    The “Canadian Conservatives” conserve nothing good.
    So far they have protected every State Abuse made law.
    Why would they change?

    WEXIT,with the death of State run welfare,reversal of the tax structure,might save our children’s future.
    Hoping that the Blue Team will be anything but Uni-Party?
    Means you have not lived the Canadian Experiment.
    By their actions you must judge them.
    For,so far,their words have all been lies.
    Bankrupt Canada continues to crumble.
    Ain’t Kleptocracy Grand?

    1. Corrupt Institutes (institutions) are treason

      Yes … like the FBI and CIA and EPA and Dept. of maleducation… ad nauseam. The bureaucrats and their bureaucracies need to be dismantled.

  4. As long as “group rights” hold sway over individual rights, tyranny will reign.

    or, as long as a group of people can vote to take away your bike…

  5. A typical pandering move by Turdoo to suck for muslim and leftist votes.

  6. If you want a vision of the future, imagine an esthetician waxing a woman’s balls — forever.

    1. If you want a vision of the future, imagine an esthetician waxing a woman’s balls — forever.

      You can bet your sweet patootie that if I was said esthetician, by the time I was done w/ its balls, it would not only hit the door running, it would never ask to have them waxed again. 😉

      1. I believe F. Scott Fitzgerald had a makeup artist cousin named S. Thetician Fitzgerald.

  7. YES, it should be shut down.
    It would be difficult politically unless PP succeeds in showing the Canadian People — of whom only a tiny minority are aware of and/or have experienced its vicious persecution at no cost to the slighted, or more accurately, assumed proxies for the slighted — the damaging effect it has on society. And think of the optics: Poilievre likes HATE SPEECH. Face it, even many conservatives now use the phrase reflexively, while many of us here believe it shouldn’t even be a thing.

    1. Actually it would be quite easy to do….but you have to do it fast and never look back. There will be howling from the usual suspects but life will go on and their noise will soon be forgotten.

      1. Exactly. All it takes is balls … and not very big ones, either. But obviously out of PeePee’s league.

        1. Just about everything PP & the Cons says still reeks of “big government is the solution”.
          Big Government and the free man cannot co-exist.
          Canadians like it like that and PP is a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.

          1. Indeed. 90 percent of SDA Conservatives do their keyboard cheers for the new guys in Argentina and El Salvador, but settle for – and run cover for – some pretty cheap imitations here at home.

      2. Art:

        You have a point, there. True: the bitching would come from a tiny minority which could be successfully ignored.

        Jamie: We have nowhere near the conditions which would make radical change as being undertaken in Argentina viable. We need more than one term; your solutions, while praiseworthy, would get one term followed by another term 10 years later.

        1. The Structural problems in Canada start with it’s useless constitution, which as we have already seen is pretty much impossible to amend, and is largely ignored by governments and the courts when it comes to restrictions on their power.

          Under those conditions, it’s doubtful that even multiple terms would help.

  8. I wonder how the human rights group, and this leader in particular, would react if a complaint was made by a big diesel burning bull lesbian who was refused the stereotypical boy’s short haircut from a Muslim (and there are many) barber. The resulting pretzel twisting in determining which group is more marginalized would ensure and endless supply of suds and popcorn would be required.

    1. The terms of the resolution of Faith McGregor’s “case” will forever remain hidden from view.

      It’s reasonable to expect that the person who chose “doer of jihad” as his name would have ruled for the barber and assigned costs to McGregor

    2. Its easy to see which side would win, just answer this simple question:
      Which side does the greatest social harm? That’s the side the libs will favor.

    1. A people who are afraid of ciggie vending machines and lawn darts will choose slavery, every time.

  9. From the National Post article:
    ‘Terror is not an irrational strategy’: Incoming human rights commissioner lectured about violence
    Birju Dattani made earlier statements appearing to rationalize terrorism
    and signed a letter accusing Israel of seeking to ‘terrorize the civilian population’ of Gaza [really ??]

    Perhaps he was just channeling Betar & Irgun:

    // terrorists and other extremists helped create the modern state of Israel
    and continued to operate even after that state came into existence.
    Many modern states have similarly messy origins,
    though they try hard to conceal the more unpleasant aspects.//

    The solution to this unacceptable terror talk:
    // Every person involved needs hanged by the neck until made good. // John Robertson

  10. Lee Kuan Yew said: “In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.”

  11. You can’t reform leviathan, you can only eliminate it. The UK Conservatives are what you get when you believe in compromise and reform.

  12. Just shut down the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
    It serves no purpose for normal Canadians.
    It only serves & favours those in the “rights industry”.

  13. It’s extremely distasteful, but once you weaken the absolute right to free association this is inevitable. There’s not much daylight between “I won’t serve you because of the colour of your skin”, “I won’t serve you because you’re in a wheelchair”, and ” I won’t serve you because you think you’re a woman”. Forbid the first, and the rest will follow.

    Conservatives forever want to pretend that liberty is some kind of ideal philosophical concept, and it isn’t. If you want government to restrict these activities over here but not those activities over there, the distinction between these and those is going to be determined by some kind of religious framework. Failing to acknowledge that is playing the left’s game.
