“I Wish That I Had Never Met You,”

I know the feeling.

Sun- Yet another former cabinet minister blasts Trudeau

That Trudeau doesn’t seek advice from ministers, including his foreign affairs minister, shouldn’t be shocking to anyone paying attention. While Stephen Harper had regular formal and informal meetings with ministers, that’s not Trudeau’s style.

In the early years of the Trudeau government when they leaned heavy on the idea that “Canada is back,” Trudeau met with his then foreign affairs minister Stephane Dion just once in 14 months on the job.

40 Replies to ““I Wish That I Had Never Met You,””

  1. “In that moment this is what I felt. I told him I was upset — to say the least — because I had actually believed him and what he said about doing politics differently,” Wilson-Raybould wrote.

    Of course he’s doing politics differently, no one in his cabinet is anything more than a pawn to be disposed of when they are no longer useful to the glory of Trudeau.

      1. That is perfect. It’s so simple even A liberal with a PhD in microaggressions could understand it.

        1. And an ex-space cadet at that.
          Spineless Garneau… How did he ever make to Navy Captain?

    1. “That Trudeau doesn’t seek advice from ministers,”

      A sane PM would call it “herding cats”, this is akin to a person with sever Downs Syndrome herding a school of Downs Syndrome patients.

  2. Butt covering to try keep his job. These snakes were all in on the Turd train for the last decade. Their heads can roll with the Turd’s.

    1. Bingo! If they didn’t know he was a sociopathic narcissist (narcissistic sociopath?) from the moment he put his hands on their shoulders and compelled them to stare adoringly into his eyes, then they are in the same effin’ category themselves.

      1. Exactly.
        What is that freaky weird Liberal behaviour?
        Groping each other.
        Did they think that is how normal people interact?

  3. He’d actually have to be in his office to meet with ministers instead of flying everywhere for photo ops.

    1. I’d love to see a yearly analysis of his CO2 emissions while jaunting around the planet on our dime and then roast him with the data. I bet they’re more than those of a small size city.

    2. Good point. I remember in the early days he was mostly doing photo ops. I was looking for some indication that he would want to focus on learning the job, learning about policy, getting to know his cabinet, etc. I don’t think anything has changed. So who is running things, I wonder.

  4. Lilly was once an OK journo, now he’s just another apparatchik; suggesting Canadians don’t like the Turd because he’s mean to his ministers.
    We don’t like him because he’s an authoritarian bastid who is intentionally crashing the economy, importing millions of savages while tent-cities proliferate.
    I bet there are 1000s dead so far as a direct result of his policies.

  5. I used to observe Garneau sitting, smiling, clapping & nodding in agreement with Trudeau’s inanities in the HoC during Question Period. He’s just trying to save his sorry axx.

  6. One would think that these people were very well aware that TurdHole only seeks advice from Schwab and (sometimes) Xi.

    1. Schwab may give him advice. Xi will tell him what he must do and that it doesn’t much matter if he doesn’t do what he is told because enough of his own followers will.

  7. Trudeau’s massive ego tells him that he is omniscient, no-one knows better than he. Right from the start, cabinet ministers were very aware that the wannabe dictator was running his government as much like a dictatorship as possible. Yet they went along with everything he said and did, just like the bought-and-paid-for media.

    So why are they rebelling now, after 9 years of fawning on him? Rats deserting a sinking ship. They think if he’s pushed out of the top job they might salvage their political careers.

    No such luck. Trudeau’s massive ego will keep him from stepping down. He figures if he can get enough gag laws passed, opposition opinions will be unheard and he will eke out another win.

    1. They all ruined their political careers by acting like clapping seals and fawning over the turd.
      Those spineless, opportunistic fart catchers have colluded in betraying the country.
      All, and especially those in cabinet, are beneath contempt.

    2. The problem is not just Trudeau. The problem is left wing ideology. Yes, JT thinks that he knows best. But all those lefties think they know best. They are the Elite, donchaknow. All those MP’s and cabinet ministers – they were not just bowing to JT’s ego. They were assauging their own egos at the same time. They used him to solidify their own superiority and right to rule and arrogant elitism as much as he used them.
      This is my big concern with the “dump Trudeau” rhetoric. JT is the lightening rod and figurehead, but he is only the symptom of an entire ideology that must be combated and defeated ruthlessly. I don’t want the LIV’s to think that if we get rid of Trudeau, Canada will start to right itself.
      There are so many that need to be rooted out – all liberal and NDP MP’s, cabinet ministers, political appointees to Human Rights boards, the boards themselves, many judges, so many bureaucrats in so many departments, heads of military, police all across the country, city councils, school boards…if JT were gone tomorrow, it would not make a whit of difference in the direction of the country.

  8. All of these comments fail to recognise who kept him in power. It was not his ministers. Even though they supported him. No, there was no mandate in 2021 for him to continue as PM. Without the complicity of Jagmeet and his gang of socialists there would likely been a vote of non confidence in 2022. These clowns were so dumb that they did not get anything in exchange for their support. Jagmeet should have received a cabinet position instead he got a clown suit. If you are pissed at Trudeau look directly at the duplicity of the NDP.

  9. I’m not surprised to read of Marc Garneau having difficulty with the #Librano hierarchy not taking him or science seriously. The entirety of the #Libranos political acts is based upon what they want, and not what science dictates to be.

    *Richard Feynman “for nature cannot be fooled”

    Is Garneau selling a book? That goes a long ways to explaining this…

  10. Canada’s Space Cadet,is a perfect example of the rot that infests this country.
    Going along to get ahead and then accepting no accountability for the damage they enable.

    If Liberal MPs were not ethically challenged thieving parasites,none of Dear Leaders Stupid Laws would exist.
    Canada would not have record indebtedness.
    And we might have a military capable of defending our borders.
    OK last one is a bit of a stretch..

    People who sincerely believe that the State shall rule over the individual.
    That The group has rights ,but not the individual.
    Need beaten with a clue stick and then banished from civil society.

    As for Marketing Mark..
    Another book I might read,when it turns up at the local dump or in the free book exchange.

    1. “turns up at the dump” 🙂 …
      I’m going to remember & use that!!

  11. Trudeau is a piece of garbage. Garneau is a toady suck up, who once the emperor has been exposed says “see!”. Except when it counted you were nowhere. Be quiet, go away, and die.

  12. I have what Jody Wison-Raybould wished for, and it’s not nearly enough. I wish everybody had never met him.

  13. It’s not TurD’Ho , or his cabinet, it’s the voters. And the right side is no better, when the right side has a chance to do damage to their opponent, the “we are not like that” plays out every time. THANKS BIBLE POUNDERS!

  14. Optics.. Remember the 50% gender spit ?.. He doesn’t talk with any of them.. LOL..

  15. Remind the newly enlightened liberals that we told them so.
    Rub their noses in the mess that they made.
    Especially all the big brains in the Trudeau Media.
    Remind them that we dumb rednecks saw through his bullshit ten years ago.
    Trudeau hasn’t changed.
    He was always this bad.
    Same with everyone else in the Liberal Party.
    Name one Liberal cabinet minister or MP who isn’t a corrupt loser with a record of ethics violations.
    The Liberal Party has always been rotten.

  16. You think it’s all in the bag?

    There are many, very man, as in a lot of women that are still smitten by the dicktator (sic).
    Check this comment in letters to the editor at

    Calgary Herald:
    Alberta support for Trudeau
    Before you decide to dance on Justin Trudeau’s grave, be sure it isn’t just a hole filled with Athabasca tar sand. You may despise him because he has grown up vacationing in Ocho Rios, but it isn’t as if Premier Danielle Smith has a cottage on the banks of her favourite Syncrude tailings pond.
    Trudeau has proven he can keep his head when those around him have been losing theirs. (My apologies to Rudyard Kipling.)
    He has handled all the abuse and vitriol levelled against him with poise and grace — and has refrained from responding in kind.
    Whether he stays on as prime minister or leaves, is a choice for him to make. But I prefer that he chooses to stay.
    Florence Rachansky, Calgary


    There are hundreds of thousands of females like that from the east to apparently the west.

    On the subject, remember that the budget will take care of itself? This idiocy applies to everything else the dicktator (sic) sez. He has absolutely no clue whereof is he doing. Of course, there are thousands of helpers that will cover for him, not the least of them, the mass media cartel. After all he is paying them off handsomely. As long as the gravy trains is loaded and delivering, don’t expect much change.

    1. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/we-are-bound-by-our-geography/article751486/

      As we chatted, another Lloydminister memory came flooding back. I recalled the 1980 federal Liberal nomination meeting in the basement of the Canadian-Chinese-Ukrainian restaurant in Vegreville. Running for the Liberals against Don Mazankowski wasn’t an exercise in career advancement, and so it happened that a political novice named Florence Rachansky won by acclamation.

  17. “He has handled all the abuse and vitriol levelled against him with poise and grace — and has refrained from responding in kind.”

    A vaccine addict jonesing.
