16 Replies to “Bidengate”

  1. …and the more Biden engages the media the more the public realizes how inadequate he has become.

  2. It is quite amazing this farce has gone on as long as it has. Shows us just how brilliant the electorate is.

  3. I hate to tell you this, chump, but, Biden voters hate Trump more than they care about Biden’s health.

    1. Yup, Emmanuel (Trump) Goldstein and the Two Minutes Hate personified – chanting & fist shaking are obligatory.

  4. “Biden voters hate Trump more than they care about Biden’s health.”
    I’ve watched several panel discussions by Democrat activists over the Biden collapse. What jumps out at me is that most of the participants cannot carry on a conversation without dragging Trump into it. It’s been 8 years and they are still stuck on Trump, instead of their own failings. There is no effort to craft a vision of the future that would appeal to working America, one that doesn’t just benefit the governing caste and their allies. Not to mention they can’t offer a vision for the future that isn’t feudal or creepy.

    1. So very true about the people who just can NOT stop bringing Trump into every conversation. I have run into way too many people like this. Ask them about the weather, or what they think of the Yankee bullpen this season, and Trump will get brought up within the first minute. It is just sad.

      1. alll the trump this trump that for 8 years merely affirms in my mind the process, scope and effectiveness of protracted and consistent strategies of PROPAGANDA.
        the nazi Goebbels truly was the modern day pioneer so much so he openly and candidly used the term. in the nazi mind propganda was merely another educational tool.
        and he proved it all, managed to get the whole world involved in catastrophic WORST fight ever.
        because propaganda works.
        do some quick research on the TURDeau’s and liberal minions resorting to it, and again, ‘channeling nazis’.

  5. And waiting in the wings is Miss Word Salad who needs no further introduction. The Dems crapped in their own bed and they can live with it .

  6. Well, the Democrats expressed shock over the debate demonstration of Biden’s infirmities … but have decided to carry his corpse over the finish line in 5-months. They met with White House physicians who all declared “we have the technology” to keep Biden alive for 5 more months, at which time Kamala will be taking the oath of office.

    Their argument FOR Biden?

    Donald Trump is a “criminal”
    Donald Trump is just as olllllld as Biden and has tiny hands and ollllllld man balls.
    Donald Trump wants to eliminate Social Security and Medicare
    Donald Trump wants to STOP schools from secretly “transitioning” your little girls into Chaz Bono
    Donald Trump won’t allow abortions in cases of rape and incest …

    Yes, the Dem’s are doubling-down on their abject LIES about Donald Trump.

    Meanwhile … American life has become unaffordable for all but the coastal “elites”

  7. The urgency of the Democrats to find someone, anyone, to take on the obvious cresting of support for President Donald J. Trump is telling…

    It is amusing how the Biden brain trust has been pushed into the MSM since the debate and been found wanting, as if the MSM didn’t know of Biden’s standing as the dumbest Senator ever, dumbest VP ever… bottom of the class since university days, and this is all new… it’s been all new for 60 years!

    “I am running” … Joe Biden, lol…

  8. I wonder how much Biden is holding out for. I’m guessing $20 or 30 million would grease his walker on the way out. Joe, Jill, and Hunter don’t seriously think he can beat Trump. It will take wads of cash to make him go away.

    1. Old Joe won’t go – but he can be eliminated- and the following chaos will be blamed on Trump. In spite of the claimed reluctance, it will be Michelle’s duty to save the country. Who knows, they kept thousands of national gaurd protecting the Capital for months from nothing. There might not even be an election.
