10 Replies to “Burning Jet Fuel To Save The Planet”

  1. The unprecedented challenges are how to keep the scam going so as to continue to travel first class all over the world telling the little people to cut back. Yep that is a challenge.

  2. Kinda blows the old Chinese proverb that – clime doesn’t pay – right out of the water.

  3. As I and others, including Kate, have pointed out: it’s not hypocrisy, it’s hierarchy. Citing examples of hypocrisy on the left is trite — an utterly pointless exercise. And they’re laughing all the way to the brink.

  4. Liberals are thieves and liars.
    Trudope was going to so transparent.
    Nothing could be father from the truth.
    Check out the name Larry Brock.
    We’ve never had such a corrupt government as Trudopes.
    Shinny poney nothing, more like a fallen rock.
    He has destroyed Canada.

  5. “She holds a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University and a Master of Arts in Public Administration from Carleton University.”

    Clearly equipped to deal with the science!

  6. Justin Trudeau could save a lot of time and energy by wearing short sleeve shirts.

  7. Well she is entitled to her entitlements of being a true believer of “Mann-Made Climate change (of a single tree in Siberia)

  8. I would like to see every flight catering ,food and beverage bill exposed as they happen.

  9. Is any of this shit a surprise? The current elitist leftist class is going to live high on the hog and get every luxury and everything they can while the going is good. Not unlike their predecessors in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Eventually, and hopefully, they will be Ceausescu’ed.
