31 Replies to “Chicago’s Last Republican Mayor Left Office In 1931”

  1. What an ignorant a@#! That is the nature of liberals – never attempt to find the real root causes and always scapegoat others – the victimhood mentality. And what did the loser suggest for a solution? More basketball games?

  2. Dear Mayor racist … the core problem is the destruction of the black family. It is Lyndon Johnson who did that by making it profitable (i.e. no father/husband required) to spawn children. It is the leftist Democrat policies that have destroyed the black family. The Mayor of Simpleton … IS … a simpleton!


      1. Yes, to everything except the Jim Crow nonsense … that had negligible impact on the explosion of single mother’s of 5 and 6 children … with no means of support save the taxpayer

    1. No welfare if a man was in the house. 100 years ago black families were as moral and religious as any other. The welfare society destroyed that.

      1. 100% scar. It turns out life was far better for the black man in the … ewwwwww … 1950’s than anytime beyond.

  3. Let’s Go Brandon!

    Solving the immigration problem by making Chicago such a shithole that nobody want to come anymore

  4. Here is a somewhat annotated guide to Chicago’s ongoing murder problem, note the various trends by year, by month, look at your birthday weekend, look at your wedding anniversary date, were you going to buy a house and were concerned that perhaps a murder had taken place there? how about multiple murders? and take note, buy a T-shirt, be in the know…


  5. The most noteworthy of Chicago crime websites is saying “only” 70 were killed/kilt in June 2024, perhaps the Mayor, like all Mayors, is optimistic?

    Note in the list that it tallies only 14 shot in the butt, (last line on the list, of course) which would imply they were shot while running away.

    I have no knowledge of President Richard M. Nixon having ever visited Chicago though I imagine he did a couple of times at least while electioneering, and am amazed that no one tried to shoot him in the butt.

  6. I’m just waiting for the Democrat Convention to see how much bloodletting happens that weekend with the various GOTV factions.

    1. We’re due for a George Floyd 2.0

      My money’s on Milwaukee though, not Chicago.
      Battleground state with easy same day voter registration. They’ll win illinois no matter what.

      1. check out the dates and locations of the nominating conventions for the 2 major parties. Plan accordingly.

  7. The Band Chicago used to number their albums.
    I guess this is Chicago 100.
    What a day, in the park, I think it was the 4th of July…

    1. Yet Chicago 1 – CTA … contains the song that is still completely relevant today … esp. since the Democrat Convention is in Chicago this summer. The whole world’s watching … The whole world’s watching …


      PS … I miss Terry Kath … and his unique voice and guitar

    2. The Terry Kath led Chicago never failed to Make Me Smile … good lord … whose voice could stand up to the stabbing notes of Pankow on his trombone … except Terry Kath whose voice sounds like a blaring trombone!


      Now I’m smiling at the Mayor of Chicago who is a laughable FOOL.

  8. Hm, so Nixon,who left Office in 1974 is at fault, but none of the Democrat Prez’s, Carter, Clinton,Obama, or Biden, the group who spent 24 years in the WH since Nixon takes any share of the blame, including Obama, a black Chicago Prez. who had 8 years to clean it up?

    Seeing the world through welder’s goggles Mayor?

    1. Stupid communist clown was born 2 years after Nixon left office. We know the problem, but you won’t listen because we’re white, and if it came from a smart black man like a Thomas Sowell or a Larry Elder, you dismiss them as sell-outs and call them Uncle Toms. Don’t care anymore.

  9. You have to give the guy some credit — it takes some balls to try to pull off something like that.

    Hell, since she’s in the news lately, I’m going to go one even better and say it’s Alice Munro’s fault.

    1. I met Munro when I was a young journo and she was not as famous as she got. I told women about it for years and they were often impressed, particularly after I explained the advice i gave her. 🙂
      Yes, that’s right, I’m the real victim of this scandal.

  10. A truly delusional Democrat would have gone even further back in the Republican lineage. Back to Lincoln. If he hadn’t freed the slaves, then they wouldn’t have been able to migrate by the tens of thousands to Chicago in the first place. They had it pretty good on those Democrat plantations. But noooooooo. Good ole Honest Abe had to go and screw things up and now AAs are getting mowed down like there’s no tomorrow. Well, because there is no tomorrow if your an AA and happen to reside in a large Democrat run city.

    1. To be fair they are only a few hundred years out of the stone age.
      I thought that they would be a little leery of getting on ocean going vessels though.
