51 Replies to “Hamas Fried Chicken”

  1. How about the grease? Will that be Halal too? Extra greasy KFHC? H stands for HELL NO KFC!

    And why is this everywhere EXCEPT Thunder Bay and Ottawa? That’s strange, and demands the backstory, eh?

  2. At my local KFC, I can’t recall seeing anything ‘pork’ on the menu. I’m aware that the fast-food chains that have gone international have local favorites added to their menu.

    Just curious… what the heck pork item is or was on Canadian KFC menus?

    1. Real southern cooking uses lard from pigs in everything. Biscuits, gravy, grits

      I’d like to open an entirely pig based restaurant. All races and religions welcome.

    2. Personally, when I am grocery shopping, I like throwing a big package of bacon into the halal section. Great sport.

      1. uhuh. keep doing THAT on video, and youse gonna be in da news,
        den in a noose . . . . . .

    1. Strange that they should suddenly decide to be inclusive. I note they were not so inclusive when it came to Kosher food. Perhaps the nameless, faceless, anonymous apparatchik could face their customers and explain their actions. No more KFC for me.

    2. The local KFC offers an “all you can eat” buffet, One of only two franchises on the entire planet, so I here. It’s a pretty good spread. Salads, pasta, nachos, coleslaw, vegies, fries, gravy… a real smorgasbord, and gelatin for desert to boot, so it’s a decent spread, even if you don’t go for the chicken. All that, with a fountain drink with free refills, for $20.
      But unfortunately, because KFC is now terrorist-approved, I guess I’m gonna have to make the sacrifice, and give them the Bud-Light treatment.

    1. As a capitalist entity in a (ostensibly) capitalist society, KFC is free to do whatever it believes – or has been persuaded to believe – is good for business. However, those who are uncomfortable with “Sharia creep” are equally free to make their displeasure known (Canadian Jewish – among other – organizations take note, assuming you’re paying attention) so I’m REALLY curious to see what will happen here given that I expect we will be seeing many more incidents like this from our multicultural friends, who have a much greater understanding of the strategic power of The Symbolic Gesture, compared to other (conventional, trusting, complacent) Canadian “Church-of-England-lamb-to-the-slaughter” types.

      We are getting the country that we (SDA readers exempted, of course) richly deserve.

  3. How “inclusive” of them to collect the Jizya on behalf of the Halal organization, and to exclude 800,000+ Sikhs

  4. Every few years I get a craving for that stuff, usually ending in nausea. And shame.
    Now I can skip that.

    1. Ever since the colonel stopped making them use peanut oil, A&W chubby has been better. Three years ago I gave KFC a try for the first time in decades. It was far worse than I remembered. After three bites I realized that I was going to be sick if I continued so I fed it to a friendly dog. I hope he is ok.

      1. I was at a KFC branch after closing when I saw what they use to actually fry the chicken.
        The smell was incredibly barf-inducing. How that chicken comes out edible at all, is a mystery to me.

  5. howcum seeing as da joos shun pork, this wasnt done right from the start?
    why is dat Colonel Sanders?
    shall l provide the answer now? you aint gonna like it and neither are the prophet’s adherents and lots of folks in ottawa.
    go ahead, ask me.

  6. Already stopped transactions when Yum Brands were doing ads with trans-teens, it was subtle but if you looked close you could see it.
    Stopped TRANSactions. Get it?
    I’ll show my way out.

  7. Has anyone from KFC seen how animals are slaughtered so as to be considered “halal” ?
    Start with the cows being slaughtered … also, those unlicensed animal slaughter houses / garages shut down in Alberta in May/June were all halal types as well.

    It seems a strange thing for a successful company to hang their legacy on but whatever…

    1. They are using Maple Leaf Foods, to provide their ritually slaughtered chickens, which of course costs more and limits employment to those certified by the Halal Authority, which surprise surprise is typically only Muslims.

      1. Maple Leaf does halal? Thanks, I don’t buy halal. No more Maple Leaf. No more KFC. I don’t like bastards who torture animals as they kill them.

        1. Animals? You should see what they do to humans.
          O.K. I’m really leaving now for sure.

          1. “Animals? You should see what they do to humans.
            O.K. I’m really leaving now for sure.”

            Always dreamed of doing stand-up, did we?…:)

      2. I try not to eat anything from Maple Leaf foods. All of their products have been declining in quality for decades. They bought Schneider’s and ruined their name too.

  8. Maybe there are enough Progressives and Muslims in Canada, that this is a good business decision? Based on the Prime Minister you keep electing, I’d say it probably is.

  9. KFC —-> Yum Brands, who in turn have Vanguard and Blackrock as their heavy hitter institutional investors. Are you getting it?
    If you eat at that corporate greasy spoon…I feel sorry for you. You’re likely the same person I’d see at a Tim Hortons drive thru waiting 20 minutes for your shitty $20 dollar breakfast Timmy sausage and egg.
    Wake up. They’re selling Bullshit.

  10. KFC went to sh*t when it was bought by PepsiCo in the mid-eighties. The taste changed. We called KFC ‘dirty bird’. The best part was the kids refused to eat it because of that nickname. Saved us a ton on takeout.

        1. Darn… The way things are going, I wouldn’t be surprised if Chick-Fil-A has turned the corner. Running out of chicken options here.

  11. The last time I ate at Kentucky Fried Chicken I got sick. That was over twenty years ago. I guess their greasy food doesn’t agree with me. I haven’t eaten there since, and don’t intend to in the future, regardless.
    Though I didn’t know they served pork based products.

  12. Back in the 1960’s, KFC served a Thrift Box. On the one side was printed a song from the South. I remember the lyrics were a shocker to my little brother and I. There was one line there in black and white ” and the n#ggers are gay.”
    I know it was a different time, but….
    Or you could try Church’s Fried Chicken. They went into neighborhoods that KFC wouldn’t enter and hired the local people and they are still proud of their roots and continue that tradition.

  13. 2 of them in my town have shut down roundabouts covid or so.
    let them ALL follow suit

  14. I’m pretty much done with these fast food places from chicken to burgers to tacos to subs. I now seek out family owned businesses with staff that look like me, speak like me and have shared values and expectations with me.

    I am done with poor tasting food, undercooked food and piss poor service from screwing up the order to outright missing complete items.

    My money now goes to ‘my people’.

  15. Well I always thought free to do as you like , always cut deeper when it involved a little more than the bottom line.
    I’m not disagreeing with you really, but I do miss capitalists that have a shred of integrity at least.
    But you can’t knock them for reading the tea leaves.
    I haven’t had KFC for years anyway.
    And your right politicians only have to be as bright as the people that vote them in.

  16. I’ve had a love affair with KFC’s spice mix and coating since I was a kid but the quality has definitely declined. I find Mary Brown’s uses better quality chicken and, most important, it’s cooked completely. But I sure miss that secret blend of 7 herbs and spices.

    1. See my comment above – both Mary Brown’s and Popeyes are halal certified (Popeyes in Canada only).

  17. Was it about 8-10 years ago when environmentalists convinced Tim Horton’s to pull in-store ads for an oil company? I boycotted Tims completely for three years back then, and even now, only go perhaps 3x a year.

    I see a lifetime boycott of KFC about to start. Next door to the KFC I’ve gone to in the past is a family-owned Mediterranean restaurant, which always had much better food. If I go out for a meal, it won’t be KFC.

    1. ALL Costco Kirkland fresh chicken is Halal too. Eat pork.

  18. That is interesting – I did not know that. I don’t buy chicken anyway at Costco as it’s way to much for the two of us to eat. Can I then expect their cooked chicken to be halal as well? I haven’t bought steaks at Costco for over a dozen years since I realized they blade tenderize them (even the good strip loins and rib steaks). This creates a mushy texture and they require cooking to 145F which is ruinous medium steak.
