24 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. Sweden is apparently running as smoothly as the rest of the world. Won’t be long now.

  2. A lot of photo opportunities for Twaddels in DC according to the “official” agenda. Sure is a good thing CO2 is not a problem.

  3. Dear entertainers. Here’s a few pennies. Now shut up and dance monkey dance.

  4. re “no single family detached homes”, looks like PM&co will actually solve it, not the normal way of course but they will boast that they did it anyway, this pb too: Gulag-comfort homes from retrofitted 18-wheel containers + MAID pushed to all the elderly who live by themselves in single occupancy.

    1. Who doesn’t want to live in a shipping container? Nothing says “home” quite like a corrugated steel box. And as a bonus! Everyone’s “home” will look EXACTLY the same! A whole new definition of Home “equity” … right?

      1. Kenji – I refer to this as living a box life.

        The major box is their home, often in a MURB (Multi Unit Residential Building), soon to be a pod in a fifteen minute gulag. Next is transportation – A large rectangular box on rails or if they’re really lucky a box with wheels parked in an attached garage – another box. Their workplace usually has a parking box, the workplace itself is another box. (And all too frequently workplaces are dysfunctional b/c of toxic corporate culture) And when travelling to and from work they’re often boxed in by traffic jams. In other words they spend most of their lives confined to a box. And upon returning to their home box they spend most of their free time mesmerized by Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.

        The real world offers experiences and interactions that are embodied and synchronous, involving one-to-one or one-to-several communications that occur in communities with a high bar for entry and exit. Whereas in the virtual world, experiences are disembodied and asynchronous, involving one-to-many communications, occurring where there is a low bar for entry and exit.

        A large proportion of todays internet communications are asynchronous, referring to text-based posts and comments (not video calls, which are synchronous). Asynchronous experiences may also distort a person’s sense of self, as they come to rely on the dopamine hit of someone liking their post. Rather than picking up on social cues in real-world live conversations, many people (especially the young) feel the need to constantly check what is being said, often mulling over how to reply. All of this, again, can contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

        In short – a stultifying existence.

      2. Little boxes? On a hillside? And they all look just the same? I’m investing heavily in ticky-tacky, I could clean up here!

    2. Brutalist Soviet architecture high rises in self contained 15 minute enclaves will do the job. No need to waste space on roads, just walkways and bike paths.

    3. I was in East Vancouver recently and was startled by the in-filling of single family house lots. They are putting up 3-storey houses on what used to be grampa’s tomato patch. The narrow streets cannot accommodate the cars or extra traffic; Vancouver is starting to worry big-time about water usage; and there are no more gardens or lawns. This is deliberate destruction of working-class and middle-class neighbourhoods and the City of Vancouver makes a tonne of money off the regulatory approval process.

    4. Townhouses and walk-up apartments, no designs for detached single family homes are welcome.

      Of course, our rulers will continue to live in mansions, ride in limos and fly in private jets.

  5. Ref no single family detached homes.

    In Ontario, this path to rat warrens was paved with bad intentions more than 20 years ago with the advent of The Provincial Policy Statement on Land Use (PPS), which stated (paraphrased) in its first paragraph, “The purpose of this Policy Statement is to discourage development in rural areas and to steer it towards urban centres.”

    What follows is about 40 pages of an extremely detailed blueprint of how this green utopia is to be achieved: identifying every tree, stone, and puddle as a natural heritage feature and outlawing any development anywhere near it.

    Since then, every level of government has been working seamlessly with NGOs and the approval of thoroughly compromised farm organizations to achieve this goal.

    It is worth noting that the PPS was developed when Mike Harris was Premier.

    1. If every Liberal shared their house with an immigrant family, the housing problem would be solved.

      And for those who believe in global warming prevention, sharing your house with immigrants would reduce natural gas demand, and also reduce electricity demand.

      How about it Liberals?

  6. I tell you, Starmer’s lot will put Trueau’s to shame. I’m sure they’ll have a love in when they first meet.

  7. Didn’t Fraulein Freeland recently say that everyone should take public transit or ride a bicycle to work?
    Come on TrueDough, you are in Washington for “work”, so suck it up and start pedaling your a** around. But I guess that the taxpayer funded luxuries aren’t the same as on your taxpayer funded private jet, if you ever ride a bike.

  8. Wow, 23 years on and a month after Saudi Arabia refuses to re-sign onto the Peto-Dollar, leaked video emerges of Saudi involvement in 9/11. No doubt a coincidence.

    Thankfully the information was leaked to the victims families lawyers by British intelligence, and the lawyers praised the head of the CIA as having “no knowledge of the video’s beforehand”. The Lawyers condemned both Biden & Trump as being complicit in withholding known information – It’s obviously a damned good thing they are both above being shamed into taking action against Saudi just before Nov election, or things could really get out of hand in the Middle East, eh?

    “9/11 families call on Biden and Trump to address new footage | LiveNOW from FOX”


    1. The only thing I buy about 9-11 is that this was 100%, an Inside Job & done so as to rejuvenate the Military Industrial Complex Machine via their supposed “War On TERROR” … and ended up being another WAR they LOST.
      Trillions spent Thousands Killed and for what.?

      As with Everything else, it ALWAYS boils down to $$$ for the Greedy Globalists – who have financed EVERY War since the beginning of time.
      It is they who should be Annihilated.

      1. @Steakman

        Aw “Common Man” you trying to say that Saudi Arabia would NOT risk Billions & Billions in trading oil & buying US weapons for ideological reasons to blow up the World Trade Centre and cut off US trade in 2001????

        Obviously many believe the Saudi Royal family would rather lose it all and live in tents eating desert goat dung than make cumulative trillions off western infidels. They apparently have religious principles you know.

        “Oil giant Saudi Aramco makes a historic $161B profit in 2022”

