Our Queen of Climate

Blacklocks- Round The World At $254,000

Records show Stewart within days of her appointment embarked on repeated round-the-world trips that cost $254,089 to date. Stewart traveled to Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Bali, Beijing, Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Copenhagen, Delhi, Florence, Geneva and Helsinki.

Stewart typically traveled by air even where passenger train service was available. The Ambassador in 2023 flew from Ottawa to Toronto to attend a climate conference “to promote Canada’s clean growth.” Expenses totaled $10,096 including airfare and $323 a night at the Sheraton Centre Hotel.

Stewart frequently flew from Ottawa to New York City rather than take the train. When in New York she stayed at the Lexington Hotel at $411 per night or Hyatt Herald Square at $440.

18 Replies to “Our Queen of Climate”

  1. I want to see the price of the orange juice or coffee in these ultra expensive hotels these people are staying at.
    If they stay there, they usually eat there, and I’m sure these liberals are all paying whatever the restaurant is charging. Guessing that orange juice is over 20 bucks now in these hotels. ??

    1. THAT was good! And unfortunately, so very true. Not just about America but globally.

  2. Can we expect anything different from any government of any ideological stripe? It’s not jus left vs, right, it’s up vs. down.

  3. You people misunderstand her job.

    Stewart is Ambassador For Climate Change.

  4. All of these conferences are held in expensive tourist locations. Odd!

    Has she heard of Zoom?

    When working in the real world, I had to provide a justification for conference attendance and to present a report after the fact to describe the benefits to the company. Does she have any restrictions.

    When the City of Toronto ran into some flak on this, it became clear that privileged employees could decide to attend a conference of their choosing once a year – clearly a taxpayer funded perk.

    1. They have to be held in a place where Greenpeace can deface another world heritage site.

    2. Oh please, the Mayor of Trawna was schtuping his Travel Director on the government dime, and thus enabled Comrade Chow to sneak in and screw things up more.

      Why shouldn’t the entitled management get a little action too?

      1. not since E. Jack U. Layton got on his bicycle and rode off away from the massage parlour

  5. Nothing spells concern for the climate like wanton air travel. You shall know them by their actions.

  6. so?

    liberals doing what liberals do. have been since at least 1968

  7. Has Turdeau appointed an Ambassador for Champagne Wishes & Caviar Dreams?

  8. Nice job if you can get it. She’ll find a new job at the IMF, IEA or UN, or somesuch secure sinecure. I feel a variant of the song Green grow the rushes oh coming on.
